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Welcome to the BRYC NEWS 2024

Sunday 8/9/2024 Heron Trophy round 1 for IOM

Dear All.

Please find the att. results from yesterday's racing.

5 members arrived at Filby to find a light Northerly breeze

(It seems that the relatively low turnout may have been partly a result of the Norwich 6 Metre Open on Saturday. Exhaustion after a long full day's racing with a single fleet ?)

John C did not sail so he acted as RO John H set a basically sausage course with gates at the windward and l'ward ends.

10 races were completed and there were plenty of shifts and holes to catch you out. John dominated with 7 wins and a 2nd after discards. Eric was 2nd with 15 points and Mark 3rd with 22 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to John for setting the course and mark laying / recovery

Also thanks to John C for acting as RO.

If you are still considering entering the IOM Norfolk Trophy event, next Sunday 15/9/2024, please get you entry in.

Thanks, Geoff  

Wednesday 4/9/2024 Vick Buck Trophy round 3 for IOM

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

8 members arrived at Filby to find a very pleasant morning with a light North / NW breeze.

Before the start of racing we held a minutes silence to reflect on our memories of Mel.

It was good to see Matthew having time to join the racing. John H took the win with 8 points followed by Mark and Matthew with 10 and 16 points. The mid fleet racing was very close with a single point between between each place...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks, Geoff  

Sunday 1/9/2024 Little Audrey Trophy round 4 for 6M

A fantastic eleven boats and fifteen sailors were met with brilliant sunshine and less than brilliant very changeable breeze which was supposed to be Easterly but tended to be from all directions and very variable strengths.

Vinnie laid a double gate Windward/Leeward course and, with 47 in the hands of Mark, I took on RO duties, assisted by Robbie.

Two races were sailed before the break as everyone did their best to try and stay in the available breeze. Mark took the first Race, Derek the second and this provided an indication of how the day would continue. After the break Duncan, sailing Graham's Romanza took two wins but then retired to the safety of the shore. Mark, Derek and Stuart took honours in the following four races. Lester, Vinnie, Raymond and Eric all had top three places during the morning. At the end Mark took the Day with Derek Second and Lester Third, closely followed by Eric and Stuart..................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS


Wednesday 28/8/2024 Autumn Series round 2 for 6M 

Seven skippers gathered this morning keen to bask in the brilliant sunshine and battle the light Filby breeze.

Sadly Vinnie had brought his IOM but he valiantly stayed on to lay course, provide rescue duties and run the event as RO.

The breeze was intermittent, with light Easterly moments and occasional Southerly episodes. A Windward/Leeward course with Gates at both ends was laid and this proved to be very successful. I'm not sure anyone mastered the windward end where the breeze swirled just before the gate.

Eight races were sailed three skippers battled their way to a top spot and over half the fleet gained a top three place. I took the day, followed by Lester and Eric.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Sunday is again R6M............ John  

Sunday 25/8/2024 Lady Jane Trophy round 2 for RM

Seven Sailors and Five boats arrived on a beautifully sunny morning with a variable SW breeze.

Vinnie laid a Windward/Leeward course and decisions on rig were made, those with longer fins opting for A and those with short going for B.

Michael made a slow start due to radio issues and suffered a broken winch loop bringing his morning to an early close.

Vinnie suffered rudder and later radio issues.

Racing was close in the tricky breeze which varied from nose diving runs to windless drifts. Eight races were sailed with only three boats surviving the day.

Derek and Myself on B rigs tied on points with Derek taking the day by winning the last race. Trevor came third with his A.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS


Wednesday 21/8/2024 Vic Buck Trophy round 2 for IOM

Ten Sailors and Nine boats arrived to enjoy the glorious sunshine and fresh Westerly Breeze with Moderate gusts.

Unfortunately Geoff's boat refused to turn on and he decided to return home.

Mark was car and boatless so volunteered for RO duties.

Vinnie kindly laid a windward / Leeward course which was completed twice then a beat to finish. With the moderate gusts the question on everyone's mind was which rig. Vinnie, Robbie and John C went with No2 and the rest stuck with No 1.

Ten races were sailed and, as can be seen, No 1 was mostly the best choice. I managed 6 wins, Trevor Two, with Vinnie and Eric gaining one each. Raymond took three seconds which together with three thirds placed him second overall. Eric pipped Trevor to overall third by a single point........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

A great morning's sailing and good to see possible new member David tempted onto the water with Trevors back up boat.

Thanks to all for getting all the kit out and in.

Sunday is RM................ John

Sunday 18/8/2024 Jubilee Plate round 7 for IOM  

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from Sunday's racing.

This was the last event in the Jubilee Plate Series.Final Series results to follow.

The near perfect sailing weather resulted in a great turnout of 11 members arriving at Filby for an enjoyable morning's sailing. With the westerly breeze John H set a course with the windward mark to the west and a leeward gate which worked well. The rotating RO system was used which also worked well.

11 races were completed with 4 different race winners. Mark took the win with15.4 points and 4 race wins. John H was second with 18.4 points followed by Derek in 3rd with 29 points.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who helped with the "chores"

Cheers, Geoff  

Wednesday 14/08/2024 Autumn Series round 1

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

6 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in quite a fresh, generally Northerly, breeze which held up well all morning.

John H set a triangle sausage course with a beat to the North. The strength of the wind generated some discussion regarding choice of a suitable rig. We completed 8 races with 2 before the coffee break.

Eric took the win sailing John's Renaissance which was going well in the breeze. Eric had 4 wins and 2 seconds giving 8 points. John H was second with 9 points. Mike was 3rd with 20 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS


At the break John C presented John H with the Summer Wed Series trophy which he retains from last year. Cheers.............. Geoff  

Sunday 11/8/2024 Little Audrey Trophy round 3 for 6M

Eight R6M gathered in glorious sunshine for round 3 of the Little Audrey Trophy.

Robbie kindly volunteered to be RO and a Triangle/Sausage course was laid in the Light Northerly breeze.

Two races were sailed before tea with close racing but many having difficulty at the windward marks. During the break the windward marks moved closer and changed colour (spooky) which seemed better for most. A further six races were sailed but the breeze slowly swung towards the east and created light swirling patches across the course.

Mark showed his mastery of these with two wins and it might have been three, if he hadn't moored in the reeds at the start. Three quarters of the fleet managed a top three position and a very enjoyable morning was had by all.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Wednesday is again R6M.

Wednesday 7/8/2024 Vic Buck Trophy round 1 for IOM

Nine boats arrived to compete for the first event in the Vic Buck Trophy Series.

Vinnie kindly laid a windward Leeward course which proved challenging in the unexpectedly variable SW breeze. At least the dry part of the forecast proved correct and nine races were enjoyed in the very pleasant summer sunshine.

Racing was close throughout the fleet, I got off to a grand start then, refreshed by Tea, Mark took over. Luckily after two more races the effect wore off and Eric then myself took over at the front.................................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Conditions meant most had good and bad races, everyone managed top half of the fleet at some stage.

Thanks to John Carment for once again taking on RO duties.

Sunday is R6M......................... John

Sunday 4/8/2024 Jubillee Plate round 6 for IOM

A fine fleet of 7 IOM gathered in the warm Westerly breeze for round 6 of the Jubilee Plate series.

A Triangle Sausage course was laid but had to be adjusted before the start as the wind moved more Southerly.

Eight races were sailed in conditions which were increasingly challenging as the breeze dropped across various parts of the course.

Mark was most successful but racing was close and everyone had their moments...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John C for taking up RO duties again.
IOM again on Wednesday. 

Wednesday 31/7/2024 Wednesday Summer Series round 7 for 6M

Sunday 28/7/2024 Lady Jane Trophy round 1 for RM

Wednesday 24/7/2024 Old Codgers for IOM .......?

Sunday 21/7/2024 Jubilee Plate round 5 for IOM

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from Sunday's sailing.

Sunday was a very enjoyable sailing day with an excellent turn out of 11 entrants.

The wind was from the NE but varied in strength from very light to quite strong. Plenty of holes and shifts to catch you out as well ! John H set a triangle /sausage course which worked well. John H took 1st place followed by Mel and myself...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing up. Following John's holiday note I am also away until 7th August. Thanks, Geoff

PS If someone attending racing can send me photo of results sheet I can process on Afleet with correct averages and put on Facebook and Website....Eric  

Wednesday 17/7/2024 Summer Series round 6 for 6M

12 members were greeted by a warm slightly overcast morning with a breeze which varied from nothing to light and direction from West to East via North.

Vinnie laid a course to the early direction and with slight variation a magnificent 10 boats managed to sail six slow and challenging races.

John C carried out RO duties, assisted by Mark who later took over 19 from Mel for the last four races. Thanks in part to the kind loan of 95 for race 2, I scraped the win with Lester a close second. Half the fleet managed at least a top three place and it was great to see Eric dipping his feet into the 6M waters..CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Sunday is IOM...... John  


Sunday 14/7/2024 Little Audrey round 2 for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from today's racing.

Today we sailed the 2nd event in the Little Audrey Trophy Series for 6Ms We arrived at Filby to find a good westerly breeze which varied in strength during the morning, but held up quite well enabling the completion of 8 races.

There was an excellent entry of 11 boats.

John H laid the initial triangle sausage course, but with 11 boats things became "challenging" at the windward mark.  Vinnie suggested a double gate course, which was tried for the latter races with some improvement.

John H took the win with 7 points followed by Lester with 14 points and Mark with 15 points.
Hopefully, an enjoyable mornings sailing for all...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and clearing up.



Wednesday 10/7/2024 Old Codgers Trophy, round 7, for IOM
On this mildly, muggy morning nine intrepid sailors started the post weed series of races.

The fickle SW breeze and the lack of weed both contributed significantly to a very enjoyable morning.

Thanks to whoever put the marks out. Vinnie set a classic triangle and sausage course ( even though the triangle had four sides ) which was perfect for the SW breeze.

The two races before coffee were, surprisingly, not dominated by Mark, but, after coffee he warmed up and only dropped 2 points in the remaining eight races. Mark winning 6/10, John 2/10 and Eric 2/10. Unfortunately John had to leave early otherwise the days racing may have been closer..CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to all who put stuff away especially Neil, Trevor, Mark and Robbie
Sunday 14/7 is Little Audrey Trophy for 6M.......Eric

PS Great to see IOM sailing again. Course is weed free, some green murk in front of the control area which is easily avoided.
Hope it can stay dry again on Sunday.


Rumor has it that the WEEEEEEEEED has suffered the same fate as the Martians in War of the Worlds OR The Trifids................ It's gone ( or going).

HENCE tommorrow ...Wednesday 10th July we attempt to resume our Programme. Round 7 of the Old Codgers Trophy for IOM .

Hope to see you there....ERIC


Wednesday 22/5/2024 Summer Series, round 2 for 6M

Five surprised sailors were greeting by a dry, mostly sunny morning.

Breeze was nothing like my forecast and was mainly light SW increasing towards lunch time.

I laid a Triangle/ Sausage course which included a detour round the outer distance Mark to try and improve the windward leg. Mark kindly offered to be RO and provide moral support.

It was clear after one race when we paused for Tea/Coffee that the day would be decided by who could avoid the large quantities of weed. Neil took the first race and Lester, who seemed to be particularly fond of the weed, the second. The remaining races went my way as I seemed to find a relatively clear route. I took the day with Neil second and Lester third on tie break from Barry...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

I think weed season has firmly arrived, there seems little hope of competitive sailing with any class, if there is enough breeze to drag through the undergrowth perhaps 6M could give it a go for fun.............. John  

Sunday 19/5/2024 Whitbread Trophy, round 5 for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from today's racing.

9 members started the racing today. I think John H set the course. I was trying to sort my boat out !

The breeze was a fresh Northerly and the course was a triangle / sausage. 8 races were completed, but Vinnie and myself packed up after 1 or 2 races with boat problems.

John took 1st place with 5 wins and 8 points followed by Lester and Barry with 13 and 19 points.........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

A very pleasant morning's sailing, but the weed is getting to be a problem.

Thanks to John C and Robbie who acted as ROs and all who helped with the packing up etc...... Geoff

Wednesday 15/5/2024 Old Codgers Trophy for IOM, CANCELLED due to weather.


Sunday 12/5/2024 Shearwater Trophy for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the attached results and shots from Shearwater Open.

The Shearwater 6M Open event attracted an excellent, very competitive entry of 15 boats who arrived at Filby to find a an extremely pleasant Summer day with a light Easterly breeze.

Vinnie (RO) set a sausage / triangle course with both windward and leeward gates on the first lap. This worked well considering we were sailing in one fleet.

14 races were completed with some close battles thro' the fleet. As you will see from the results, Graham Bantock, John Hanton and Stephen Wheeler were consistent and established a lead group from the main fleet.

Click.... (5) Facebook...... for video and photos.

Congratulations to Graham, with 17 points, who retains the Trophy as he also won it last year. John Hanton was second with 24 points followed by Stephen Wheeler in third place with 32 points.

Stephen's self built boat design is based on a old, full size, 6 metre with a long keel and no bulb. He also made the sails. Obviously very well sailed and it showed remarkable boat speed in the conditions...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way with running the day.

Thanks Geoff  


Wednesday 8/5/2024 Wed Summer Series, round 1 for 6M 

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

10 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing with a very light, generally Northerly breeze.

Vinnie set a typical triangle / sausage course which always provides a challenge with the wind from the north. The wind shifted slightly to the west during the morning, so a slight change to the course was made.

The morning was quite eventful which explains the variation in the number of boats in each race. Bernie arrived to start the 3rd race. Trevor made a valiant attempt to take over my sinking reputation. His boat took on a lot of water, but he made it back to the shore. The hull seemed have some cracks. Raymond's rudder linkage failed so he only completed 2 races.

John H took first place with 5 points followed by Mel and Mark with 8 & 9 points.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Mark was sailing Vinnies boat preparing for the Shearwater Trophy at the weekend. At the coffee break Mark was presented with some gloves by John C as winner of the Frozen Fingers series.

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and acting as RO and everyone who helped with the general set up and packing up. Thanks........................... Geoff  

Sunday 5/5/2024 Porter Cup , round 5 for RM 

Five sailors gathered on the 5th day of the 5th month for round 5 of the RM Porter Cup.

Vinnie kindly laid a windward/Leeward course in the light SW breeze and one race was sailed before coffee with Robbie as RO, assisted by John C.

During the break the breeze became fed up with SW and decided a bit more South and some East would add to the fun. Five further races were sailed and positions frequently changed in the difficult conditions. Three managed a first place and everyone a second. At the end only three points separated the top three, I recovered from a shaky start to take the day with Vinnie pipping Andrew for second...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Looks like the weed is steadily increasing and will impact sailing in the next few weeks.




2024 Barry Gailler Series for IOM

Dear All,

Please find the att. results for the 2024 Barry Gailler Trophy series.

As you will see, we completed all the scheduled 6 events in the series.

There were 18 members who took part in at least one event, but Mark and John H took all the wins between them.

There were some good close results in the mid fleet. Congratulations to Mark who takes the trophy with 7 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Lets hope with some good weather and lack of weed we can have a record IOM turnout later in the year.

Cheers.............. Geoff  


Wednesday 01/05/24 Old Codgers Trophy, round 2 for I0M

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

A very good turnout of 10 members arrived at Filby on a beautiful, warm May morning with a light E/NE breeze.

Vinnie set a triangle / sausage course with a leeward mark well to the west. The breeze was quite variable with plenty of shifts to challenge the fleet.

Mark took the win with 8 points followed by Vinnie and Mel with 11 & 14 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing up.

If you plan to sail in the Shearwater Trophy Open the Sunday after next, please get your entry in.

Alternatively, if you are available to observe / assist etc. please let us know.

Thanks................ Geoff


Sunday 28/04/2024 Barry Gailer Trophy,round 6 for IOM 

Dear All,

Eight members arrived at Filby to be greeted by some not very Spring like weather.

There was a fresh Southerly breeze with the odd heavy rain shower. Derek and myself opted for the No. 2 rig and everyone else went for the No.1 rig. Although there were strong gusts, the No 1 rig turned out to be the best choice.

We decided to try a course with a short fetch into the ramp corner followed by a broad reach / run to a northerly leeward mark with minor differences between laps This provided some good close racing which was enjoyable considering the weather. ..CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to John C for acting as RO. Series results to follow.

Cheers............ Geoff  


Wednesday 04/04/2024 Spring Series, round 7 for 6M....CANCELLED ....Weather


Sunday 21/04/2024 Barry Gailer Trophy, round 5 for IOM 

Six keen sailors were greeted with a Moderate Cold Northerly breeze, Bright sunshine and Waves!

I laid a Triangle/ Sausage course which later changed to two different triangles due to drifting buoys.

Robbie unfortunately didn't feel well and returned home, Mark decided to be RO and Neil immediately had winch issues which couldn't be resolved.

Two races were sailed before coffee with people quickly finding out waves can be an issue when trying to tack.

After coffee Mark joined the fleet with Trevor retiring at the start as his jib pivot failed. No2 rigs were chosen by all and this was correct as emphasised when Trevor returned on his No3. After eight races everyone decided that was enough and we called it a day........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

An interesting day but disappointing to see fins starting to attract weed.............. John  

Wednesday 17/04/2024 Old Codgers Trophy, round 1 for IOM 

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

Another good entry of 9 members for the first of the IOM Old Codgers Series. It would have been 10, but unfortunately Raymond forgot his transmitter. He kindly offered to be R.O. for the day, so we did not need the R.O. rotation system.

The breeze was a fresh (cold) westerly which held up thro' the morning. Vinnie set a triangle / sausage course with a leeward gate on the second lap. 8 races were completed with Mark taking the win with 6 first places to count. Impressive consistency. John h was second with 12 points and Mel 3rd with 15 points.......................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Raymond for the R.O. cover, Vinnie for setting the course and Neil for easing my embarrassment when he just caught my boat before it sank after a patch came off. Worryingly, my boat is usually pretty dry, but it was taking water today and I thought I had checked the patches ! The good news is the RMG winch, SAVOX servo and the RX all work fine. I worked it for 10 mins or so to get it warm.

Thanks, Geoff  

Sunday 14/4/2024 Whitbread Trophy, round 4 for 6M

An amazing 13 boats were on the water to enjoy the R6M Whitbread Cup 4th round.

The morning was sunny with a pleasant WSW breeze.

Vinnie kindly laid a Triangle Sausage course, Mark Holt volunteered as RO assisted by Robbie with Trevor as official photographer.

It was great to welcome new member Lester Gilbert with his beautiful wooden Ravenna and to see the return of Bernie.

Eight races were held , eight close races, four different winners and another four with 2nd or 3rd places. We'll done to Lester who pipped me by a point and Derek in third....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Trevor for sending me the result sheet and all who cleared up................ John  


Wednesday 10/04/2024 Spring Series, round 6 for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from today's racing.

10 members arrived at Filby to find a very pleasant Spring morning with a lighter than forecast, generally westerly breeze. Vinnie put the marks out, but then left as he had no fin/ballast !! He managed to return at the end of the first race.

I acted as R.O. and Mark provided tuning tips etc. The course was a triangle / sausage. and the light breeze was variable in strength and direction with plenty of shifts. Unfortunately John C, Neil and Vinnie all had gear problems. We completed 7 races in very pleasant conditions. Thus only 1 discard. John H was the clear winner with 6 wins to count. Vinnie and Mike were 2nd and 3rd with 21 and 22 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to everyone who helped with the set up and packing up.

Cheers, Geoff  

Sunday 7/4/2024 Porter Cup, round 4 for RM 

Four fearless souls braved the forecast strong gusty winds for round 4 of the RM Porter Cup.

Vinnie laid a course in the tricky swirling breeze while others made rig choices. Vinnie and Stuart went for C3, Neil C2 and myself C1, that being the smallest I have. It soon became apparent that despite the occasional strong gusts the sailing area was sheltered and at tea Vinnie swapped to C2. Whilst myself and Vinnie hogged the top spots everyone managed a second and all survived 8 difficult races with no breakages....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Mark, Andrew and John C for keeping us in order and great to see Michael and Bernie.

... John  

Frozen Fingers Final Series Results

Dear All,

Please find the att. IOM 2024 Frozen Fingers Series Results.

As you will see Mark was the winner followed by John H and Mel........CLICK HERE FOR FINAL SERIES RESULTS

Congratulations to Mark.  


Wednesday 03/04/24 Frozen Fingers, round 6 for IOM 

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

This was the 6th and last event in the Frozen Fingers Trophy series. Series results to follow.

We had another great turnout of 11 members.

We arrived to find a gentle Southerly breeze, so Vinnie set a running start to a Northerly gate followed by a beat and then a reach to a Westerly wing mark. It was 2 1/2 laps finishing on the start line. We introduced the rotating R.O. system which seemed to work well. The R.O. duty race gets average points from all races i.e. including discards.

John H took first place with 15.7 points followed by Mark and Derek with 17.2 and 19.8 points............................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

The weather was kind as the rain set in as we left.

Please note the new tea and coffee prices are £2.60 and £2.70 respectively.

A very pleasant morning's sailing. Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing up.

Cheers............. Geoff  

Sunday 31/03/24 Barry Gailler Trophy, round 4 for IOM

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

Today we had a splendid turnout of 12 boats for the Barry Gailler IOM series.

We arrived to find a good light breeze from the East. The course setting was always going to be a challenge with the short beat into the wind shadow from the trees. The windward mark and spreader was followed by a northerly wing mark then back to the westerly leeward mark. This combination provided some congestion with 12 boats !

Unfortunately John C had radio problems and dropped out after 3 races.

We modified the course slightly after coffee which was an improvement, but still challenging. 8 races were completed with Mark the clear winner with 5 wins and 7 points. Matthew and Derek were 2nd and 3rd with 16 and 23 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULT

Thanks to Andy and John C for some R.O. cover and everyone who helped with the setting up etc.

There was talk of an increase in the tea/coffee prices which we need to clarify.

I think I also heard that there was a large surplus in the money left which has gone into a kitty !

Hopefully an enjoyable morning's sailing for all.  

Wednesday 27/0324 Spring Series, round 5 for 6M 

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing. 9 members arrived at Filby to find another Southerly breeze which has been the norm for the last few weeks.

Vinnie set a 2 lap course with a running start down to a leeward gate followed by a beat back to the start, then a triangle to the wing mark / leeward mark and a beat to the finish. The breeze held up well with some strong gusts.

9 races were completed John C and myself dropped out after a couple of races. John had radio problems and I could not reduce the excessive mainsail twist due to lack of adjustment. John H dominated the day with 7 wins to count followed by Barry and Paul with 19 and 22 points respectively......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and Mark for acting as RO.

Cheers............ Geoff  


Sunday 24/3/2024 Whitbread Trophy, round 3, for 6M

Nine brave souls ventured to the broad and were greeted by a cold strong breeze with the added bonus of vicious gusts.

I laid a course and Mark volunteered to be RO assisted by Andrew who also provided rescue services. John C sensibly decided not to sail and despite having a practice race first Neil didn't make the water until after coffee.

Paul was first casualty with a ripped jib, closely followed by Trevor with a broken jib pivot.

We managed four races where the main priority was to make it round the course after which Vinnie and Derek decided enough was enough so with only two left on the water we abandoned racing before more breakages occurred.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS


Wednesday 20/03/24 Frozen Fingers , round 5, for IOM 

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

We arrived at Filby to find a damp day with a light Southerly breeze. We seemed to have a good turnout, but Barry forgot his Tx, John C and Paul C were convinced that we were all in for a good soaking at left before the racing started. So we were 7 at the start of racing.

Vinnie set a running start to a leeward gate with a beat back to a windward gate. The rain held off and we managed 10 races. Mark was the clear winner with 10 points followed by Mel with 25 pints and John H with 26.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course, Barry for acting as RO and Neil for the mark recovery.  

Sunday 17/03/2024 Barry Gailer trophy, round 3 for IOM

Dear All.

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

We had an excellent turnout of 10 boats for today's event.

The forecast was for heavy rain all morning, so we were fortunate. It rained, but was quite light and we still sat outside for coffee. The breeze was from the south so it made the course setting tricky. Vinnie set a course with a running start to a leeward gate followed by a beat to a windward gate.

This gave some interesting and close racing thro' the fleet. There were 6 different race winners. Mark took first place by one point from John H. Mel was in 3rd place.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for the course setting, John C for acting as R.O. and John H for the mark recovery.

I think Andrew recovered the yellow mark which drifted into the distance............... Thanks, Geoff  

Wednesday 13/03/2023 Spring Series, round 4 for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

9 members arrived at Filby today to find a generally Easterly breeze which was variable in strength and direction. You could be broaching one minute and the struggling to find any breeze the next. Vinnie set a windward - leeward course with a gate at the leeward end.

We had a couple of races, before coffee, but unfortunately, Derek's wench packed up so we were down to eight after the first race. A wing mark to the north was introduced after coffee and we completed 7 races races. Vinnie took 1st place with 7 points followed by Mel and Paul with 13 and 16 points..CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course, Mark for acting as RO and everyone who helped with he general packing away................... Cheers, Geoff  


Sunday 10/03/2023 Porter Cup, round 3 for RM's

Five super keen Marblehead sailors arrived on a grey and damp morning to be greeted by nothing like the promised breeze.

Vinnie kindly laid a windward/Leeward course with gates at both ends but unfortunately couldn't avoid the windless hollow which firmly remained in the centre.

Things didn't look good for the one of us who hadn't foreseen the need for an A rig.

Mark had hired Vinnies boat for the morning and after a good start promptly ran on of battery at the first gate. Andrew unfortunately had to leave early so only managed five races.

We managed 10 difficult races where, even with a magnificent lead, it was easily possible to lose out at a windless bouy or on the finishing leg. At the count up my B rig, assisted by a short fin took the day from Mark then Trevor....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS ........John  

Wednesday 6/3/2024 Frozen Finger, round 4 for IOM 

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from today's racing.

We had another great entry today of 12 IOMs !

Unfortunately, the breeze was extremely light, generally from the south, which resulted in running starts. Even with a leeward gate there was a lot of bunching and rounding problems. The conditions stayed about the same thro' the morning and we decided to call it a day at 6 races.

Mark was the clear winner taking 5 first places. Eric and John H both had 11 points, but Eric takes 2nd place as he had a win in the last race...............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course, John C for acting as RO and Andrew for recovering the marks. Thanks also to everyone who mucked in with the general clearing up. Cheers................ Geoff  

Sunday 3/3/24 Whitbread Trophy, round 2 for 6M

Dear All,

Please find the attached results from today's racing.

We had another great turnout of 11 6Ms. When we arrived at Filby the breeze was very light from the north. It looked as if it would be a challenge to complete many races. Fortunately, the breeze increased slightly after the break and swung to the NW requiring a course adjustment. 6 races were completed. John H took first place with 7 points followed by Mel and Derek with 13 and 16 points. Stuart and Mel each had one win..........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course, Mark for acting as RO and John H for the mark recovery. Cheers, Geoff  

Wednesday 28/02/2023 Spring Series, round 3 

An amazing 11 enthusiastic 6M sailors arrived this morning for round 3 of the spring Wednesday series and were greeted by some early morning mist and a less than enthusiastic breeze.

Vinnie kindly laid a course for the expected breeze of a running start and two triangles.

Unfortunately due to Geoff forgetting his foresail and Vinnies winch problems only 10 boats made the water at the same time. Six races were completed in the difficult conditions where wind strength and direction varied around the course. Derek had two wins, Barry one win and myself three having robbed Raymond with a final dash to the line in race 4. Everyone gained good positions during the morning, the difficult bit was holding them to the line. At the close I took the day with Derek second and Barry third. ....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to Mark for being RO and Michael for moral support. John  

Sunday 25/02/24 Barry Gailer Trophy, round 2 for IOM

Dear All.

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

There was a splendid turnout of 13 boats. We arrived at Filby today to find lingering fog and little wind. Fortunately the sun soon cleared the fog and a gentle breeze set in from a SW direction This increased slightly as the morning progressed and we were able to complete 9 races.

At the start there were 13 boats sailing. I know Raymond had a strange radio fault, but I did not pick up what happened to Barry and Andrew. The racing was close thro' the fleet. John H took the win with 10 points followed by Mark and Mel with 12 and 19 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to John H for mark laying. recovery and setting the course. Also thanks to John C for acting as RO with help from Raymond and Andrew.

Cheers, Geoff  

Wednesday 21/02/2024 Frozen Fingers Trophy, round 3....cancelled

Dear All,

Neil, Trevor and myself were the only members at Filby today so there was no racing. Initially the Southerly breeze was OK to sail, but we went for a coffee. When we left at around 1120 the wind was increasing, as forecast, and the heavy rain arrived. Cheers, Geoff  

Sunday 17/02/2024 Old Codgers Trophy , round 1....cancelled

As many of you already know today's 6M event was cancelled do to very heavy rain. The rain was very heavy at 0900 and had not eased when we left at 1115. There was hardly any wind, so sailing would have been pointless. Six of us had a coffee and a chat. Cheers, Geoff  

Wednesday 14/02/2024 Wednesday Spring Series, round 2

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing. I acted as R.O. as I am still trying to set up my new groovy mast.

10 members arrived at Filby on a very mild winter's day to find a light, generally westerly, breeze. Vinnie set the course and we managed to complete 8 races. The conditions were quite challenging with plenty of shifts and holes !.

With 9 boats and a relatively short line the starts were especially difficult if you wanted to keep out of trouble. Liz via Trevor, donated a jar of homemade jar of marmalade for the winner. Thanks Liz.

John H took the win with 7 points followed by Paul C and Mel with 15 and 16 points respectively. Paul was showing good boat speed and had 4 seconds and a third....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

I had to leave early but thanks to all who put the equipment away. Cheers, Geoff  

Sunday 11/02/2024 Porter Cup, round 2  

Five regular RM sailors were joined by Neil Howie to make a splendid fleet of six boats.

The weather was kind, with no rain, some sunshine and best of all a light and steady Westerly breeze. Vinnie kindly set a windward/Leeward course and everyone chose A swing rigs, the only odd one out being me with a short fin.

Mark and John C ran 12 races with some close battles throughout the fleet. Vinnie unfortunately suffered endless rudder issues and called it a day after attempting five races. I managed to take the day from Derek, with Trevor taking third....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

A great mornings sailing with thanks to Neil for packing away the buoys and boat equipment. John  


Wednesday 07/02/24 IOM Frozen Fingers Trophy , round 2  

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

We had a very good turnout of 11 members who arrived at Filby to find a light generally westerly breeze.

Vinnie set a very interesting course, with a gate at both the windward and leeward ends. This provided some good close racing in the conditions.

There were 4 different race winners with Raymond and Trevor taking one each. Overall Mark took first place with 11 points followed by John H and Mel equal with 15 points. John takes second place with 2 wins..................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Thanks to John C for acting as R.O. Vinnie for setting the course and John H for mark recovery etc.

Andy Start arrived during the morning and presented John H with a 6M trophy for the 2023 series.  

Well done John .................Cheers, Geoff 

Best Newbie

Finally caught up with Stuart to present him with the Fred Armes Trophy

for highest placed new member, well done Stuart. 


Sunday 14/01/24 Barry Gailer Trophy, round 1for IOM

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

We had a good turnout of 10 members today for the last event before the restaurant winter break.

The breeze was generally westerly and Vinnie set a simple windward / leeward course with a gate. The breeze held up well and by Filby standards was fairly steady. John H took first place with 8 points followed by Mark and Mel with 18 and 20 points...............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

An enjoyable mornings sailing if a little chilly !

Robbie's new "Alternative" looked great and showed great potential.......a beautiful boat!

Thanks to John C for acting as RO,

Please note that the next event is on Wed 7th Feb................. Cheers, Geoff  


Wednesday 10/01/24 : Wednesday Spring Series, round 1 for 6M 

Dear All.

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

7 members arrived at Filby on a very chilly but bright winter's day to find a good NW breeze. John C had electrical problems so unfortunately dropped out. With the wind coming over the trees, it was very disturbed, giving challenging conditions up the beat to the northerly windward mark.

8 races were completed and John H took first place with 5 wins and 7 points. Vinnie was in second place with 14 points. There was a points tie for third place with Mel and Paul both on 16 points, but Mel takes it with 2 wins. Paul was showing good boat speed and consistent results....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

We opted for an inside coffee break to warm up and the restaurant treated us to minces pies !

Thanks to John H for laying the course and mark recovery.............. Cheers, Geoff  

Sunday 07/01/2024 Porter Cup for RM... cancelled


Wednesday 03/01/24 Frozen Fingers round 1

Dear All,

Please find the att. results from today's racing.

7 members started the 2024 sailing season with the IOM Frozen Fingers event. The weather was quite good with a light Westerly breeze which held up quite well thro' the morning and the rain held off until we completed 9 races. Vinnie set the course with 2 windward marks and 2 wing marks. Mark took first place with 6 wins and a 2nd to count. John was 2nd with 14 points and Mel 3rd with 18 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

Cheers, Geoff  

Happy New Year to all our members and friends

See the Programme page for next years events


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