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5/12/2021 Heron Trophy Round 6 ..............IOM's
Presentations for
the Barry Gailer Trophy went to Eric
for the Jubillee Plate went to John
and for the Heron Trophy went to Vinnie
Congratulations one and all !!
Photos care of Goeff Josey.....thanks Geoff
1/12/2021 Two Winds Trophy ( was MWD) ............IOM's
28/11/2021 Little Audrey Trophy.....6M's
Hi Skippers,
I have a lot to write about today so will try and keep it as short as possible. Firstly I will start with todays racing, despite what Storm Arwen had been promising all week this proved to be a false promise as we arrived at the club for a chilly start with winds from the NWN at about 12 mph. As the morning progressed the wind appeared to drop but with quite a few hail/sleet showers coming in at various times. In all we managed to sail 8 races before your R/O for the day (Nigel) took pity on the 4 skippers still on the water ( Bernie having already retired after the first race following a collision which caused all his lines to come of his drum) and called a halt to the proceedings. Once the scores were added up we had a tie for first place between John and Vinnie both on 8 points which threw up a problem as which scoring system we were using that by using the club app, John took line honours but if we used HMS the honours would go to Vinnie...................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
On returning home I did some background research and checked with the MYA race management guide to confirm that the App scoring system we used was correct thus John came out on top, with Vinnie 2nd and Derek 3rd.
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course once again and for John for collection of the marks at the end. After racing it was time to do this year R6M presentation and at which point the skies opened up with a heavy hail/sleet shower.
The top 3 places for each trophy are as follows:
Whitbread Trophy; first Sunday series 1st John Hanton 2nd Vinnie Zammit 3rd Mel Catchpole
Little Audrey Trophy: second Sunday series 1st John Hanton 2nd Vinnie Zammit 3rd Michael Howard
C & S Buxton Shield; Overall taking into account both the 2 series 1st John Hanton 2nd Vinnie Zammit 3rd Michael Howard.
Congratulations go to John on the clean sweep but also to the other 10 skippers who took part in both series and one point or another.
Sailing this coming week is as follows: Wednesday : IOM's in round 8 for the Two Winds Trophy Sunday : once again IOM's in round six and final round in the Heron Trophy. Your R/O for the day will be Derek Jones and he was overheard practicing his lines this morning for next week "Over The Line Number !!!!"
Regards............................ Nigel
24/11/2021 RE-named TWO WINDS TROPHY (was MWD)...IOM's
Hi Skippers,
Not much to report on yesterday's sailing. What little wind we had came from who knows where at times but true to form the usual suspects tended to find it before the rest of us. First time for a long time since I think I have seen the fleet so spread out in each race.
In all nine skippers came to the start line and we managed a grand total of just 3 races. At the end of racing Vinnie was on top with John second and Mel third................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for course setting and Bernie for mark collecting.
Due to a very poor forecast for tomorrow (Friday 26th) the planned work party has been cancelled. The various jobs outstanding will be done by a couple of teams as and when the weather permits.
This Sundays sailing (28th) sees the final racing for this year for the R6M in round 4 of the Little Audrey Trophy. After sailing we will then hold this years presentations for the various trophies for the R6M class and as it stands at present with the Whitbread Trophy all ready done and dusted I can say that in the Little Audrey Trophy we still have 5 skippers in with a chance of lifting the trophy.
All to play for. Regards.............................. Nigel
Sailing Schedule for December 2021
Please find attached a slightly revised sailing schedule for the forthcoming month. I have added one extra round for the MWD Trophy which from now is renamed The Two Winds Trophy which will be presented on the 15th.
Sailing on the 19th & 22nd is casual racing and I am sure that I can find a small prize lying around for each day.
I have not scheduled any sailing on Wednesday the 29th or Sunday the 2nd January but if there is enough interest I am sure we can put something on, Let me know if you are up for it.
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
1st |
Wednesday |
Two Winds Trophy Round 8 |
5th |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 6 Presentation’s After Racing |
Derek Jones |
8th |
Wednesday |
Two Winds Trophy Round 9 |
12th |
Sunday |
RM |
Lady Jane Trophy Round 5 Presentation’s After Racing |
15th |
Wednesday |
Two Winds Trophy Round 10 Presentation’s After Racing |
19th |
Sunday |
Christmas Cracker |
22nd |
Wednesday |
Mince Pies & Coffee |
Any R/O who is unavailable for their scheduled date please advise the sailing secretary at least 2 weeks beforehand, if at all possible, thus allowing time to find a replacement.
For those of you doing R/O you will be awarded average points for that series for that day.
Our 2022 sailing calendar will commence on Wednesday 5th January with Round 1 for the Frozen Fingers Trophy for one meter’s. Please note start time will be 11am.
21/11/2021 Heron Trophy Round 5 , IOM's
One meter Round 5 of The Heron Trophy: wind from a northly direction a good 12mph gusting 18 to 20 mph with a temperature of 6 degrees but feeling much cooler in the breeze and also a few rain showers during the course of the morning.
4 hearty club boats were joined on the water by Ian Norton from Snettisham Beach Sailing Club taking the number of starters up to five. Those racing decided that the choice of rigs for the day should be the No 2 rigs which considering the wind strength was a good choice.
With Raymond as our race officer for the day, he along with John set a course with a start just off the control area which gave us a good beat to the first mark, followed by a reach to the wing mark then back to the start mark. This was then followed by a sausage with the finish about half way up the third beat.
In all we managed to complete 12 races but unfortunately Geoff had to call it a day after race 3 due to a snapped mainsheet thus leaving just 4 boats to fight it out. As you can guess in that sort of wind strength the racing was fast and furious and at times a bit hairy ( maybe rig 3 weather). Once the scores were totalled up at the end, John came out on top, Nigel second and Ian (our guest for the day) third..................CLICK HERE FROR RESULTS
My thanks go to Raymond for doing the OOD, John for setting the course and retrieving the marks at the end and those other help as well.
Sailing for next week: Wednesday 24th. Round 5 for The Two Winds Trophy for IOM's Sunday 28th, 4th and final round of The Little Audrey Trophy for 6M followed by this years presentations for the 6M class........................ Nigel
PS ..note from John H...Leak appears to be the Mast tube, just shows just much water gets down there when it's breezy! Hope some epoxy down the tube will sort it, the deck holes are a bit narrow for access.... John.
PS I've always felt that some epoxy down the tube solves a multitude of sins...or was it gins ?????????
17/11/2021 Mid-Week Dabblers Round 6
10 Skippers made an appearance on a bright sunny morning today for round 6 of the MWD Trophy. With the wind coming from a westerly direction at about 10 mph which allowed Vinnie to set the course almost parallel to the control area giving us a triangle plus sausage course (Olympic Course in old money).
3 races were held before the break for coffee with Vinnie winning one and Mel two. Unfortyntly during race two, Derek broke a spreader but returned to the water after coffee for race four be it on the number 2 rig. which unfortunately for him the wind never quite made it to the strength that he hoped for to benefit his rig. We manged to fit in a further 7 races after coffee and with the racing at the top of the fleet being very tight between, Mel, John and Vinnie and it all came down to the last race of the day to decide who would take overall honours on the day. Unfortunately with Mel ruled over the line at the start and having to go back and restart the race was now between Vinnie & John unless Mel could fight his way back to the front of the fleet, for that top spot. With Vinnie taking line honours in the final race with John in third having been pipped by Raymond who with his best race of the day in second and Mel down in sixth place the final placings for the top three on the day were as follows : Vinnie in first with a total of 13 point and 4 wins, John in 2hd with 14 point and 3 wins with Mel in third with a total of 16 points and also 3 wins.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
All in all a good days sailing, good winds, good sailing and also good company. I must not forget to mention Gareth ( he will never forgive me) who had one of his best days on the water and even managed to pick up a forth place in race nine, go little brother.
Thanks go to Vinnie for course setting, John for collecting the marks and those others that helped both set up the racing and clear up afterwards. My thanks also go to Derek who has already put in a shift prior to Geoff's work day on Friday 26th by clearing the front of the control area.
This Sunday the 21st sees the IOM's take to the water for round 5 of the Heron Trophy and your R/O for the day will be Raymond (as I write this Raymond the forecast is for it to be dry).
Can I also please remind those of you that have not as yet paid your club and MYA fees for next year that they are due by the end of the month. Regards.......................... Nigel
14/11/2021 Lady Jane Trophy Round 4
Thanks to both John and Vinnie I can now post the scores on the doors from this mornings racing. Thanks also go to Vinnie for setting the course and John for collecting the marks at close of play and also standing in as race officer after electrical problems. but apart from that I have nothing else to report. ..CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
10/11/2021........Mid-week Dabblers for IOM's
This morning the 9 skippers who turned up were greeted with a temperature of 11 degrees, misty & damp start and wind from a westerly direction between 0 -4 mph.
After one race in verl light winds the decision was made to take an early coffee break in the hope that the wind may increase. As it was we were in luck and managed to fit in 4 more races before the wind vanished once again. A further halt was called with the hope that the wind may return in some form or another. After a short break we decided to try again but only managed to fit in one more race before the lack of wind got the better of us and called a halt to the days racing after only being able to sail 6 races. It was a bit like watching paint dry at times out on the race track. So when the scores were totaled up, as per norm, the cream rose to the top with Vinnie in first place, Matthew runner up and Mel in third......................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course and Matthew for collecting the buoys at the end.
This Sunday sees the turn of the Marbelheads for round 4 of the Lady Jane Trophy followed by round 6 of the MWD for IOM's on Wednesday.
Also for those of you that do Facebook we do now have a club page and can be found by searching under "Broads Radio Yacht Club" OR Click here to go to our facebook page. Do take a look........................... Nigel
7/11/2021.........Heron Trophy for IOM's
This morning's sailing saw 8 skippers take to the water under the watchful eye of today's R/O Mel. The skippers arrived on a breezy chilly morning with the breeze coming from a westerly direction. With the forecast for winds of 16 mph plus the first thing the gathering skippers had to decide was which set of sails would be the order of the day. Once Vinnie had laid the course, Mel got proceedings under way with 3 brave soles using the top set whilst the other 5 using next size down. Who had made the right choice only time would tell.
At first it looked like John H sailing with the top rig had made the right choice by winning the first race but tables were turned in race 2 with the wind steadily building, Vinnie won race number 2 using the smaller set of sails. At this stage, Mel called an early coffee break to allow those on top rig to join the rest of us with the number 2 rig. After coffee a further 6 races were completed giving us a total of eight for the day. Once the scores were calculated, Vinnie won on the day with a score of 9 points and 4 race wins, John H just one point behind on 20 points with 3 race wins and yours truly managed to sneak in in third with 16 points and one race win. All in all a good morning's racing which at times was very competitive even with the wind holes out on the track taking into consideration............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course, John H for collecting the marks and to Mel keeping us all on the straight and narrow even if most of his time was taking up by spotting me missing the large orange marks,( memo to self: give myself more room when rounding said marks).
Sailing schedule for the forthcoming week is as follows: Wednesday 10th: Round 5 of the MWD for IOM's Sunday 14th: Round 4 of The Lady Jane Trophy for RM's Please find attached not only the results for today but also the series total after 4 rounds.................................. Nigel
3/11/2021...Mid-Week Dabblers Trophy for IOM's
Good to see both Matthew and Richard back on the water after their summer break.
Nine boats on the start line for the days racing with quite a few of the regulars missing. Maybe 10 plus next Wednesday. When the results were calculated by my stand-in scorer Raymond for which I thank him, Matthew showed no signs of rustyness by coming out on top ( must be all that sneaky practice put in from the house) with Vinnie runner up and Mel third. Also one of the highlights for me was that we had five different race winners from the eight races sailed which shows that we have an improving fleet of skippers. Keep it up chaps. Also if I am not mistaken Richard also picked up his first race win at the club also....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
This Sunday sees the IOM fleet back on the water for round 4 of The Heron Trophy with Mel doing the honours of race officer.................................. Nigel
John, Michael and Graham up front in a National event !
Stop Press ..FINAL RESULTS OF 6M Nationals at Whitlingham
Hi Skippers,
After a wet and windy 6 M Nationals at Norwich over this last weekend I have pleasure in reporting back that the 3 club members who represented our club at the championship, John, Bernie and Michael finished 5th, 6th and 10th respectively, fantastic in a national event!
With also John and Bernie each picking up a race win on day 2 of the meet.
John winning a race in 6M NATIONALS
You all did our club proud.
Well done BRYC!
As for the week ahead this coming Wednesday the 3rd sees round 4 of the Mid Week Dabblers Trophy for the IOM class followed on Sunday 7th round 4 of The Heron Trophy once again for IOM's. Your race officer for the day will be Mel.
Just a reminder that your club subs and MYA fees for 2022 are due by the end of the month. We will be sending out details on how payment can be made in the next week or so but just a reminder that club fee will be £40 this year and the MYS fee £14, so in total £54 will be due. Not bad for a planned sailing schedule of over 100 race days during 2022. This equates to approx. 50p per race day of if you include your refreshments £2.70p a day. Were else can you get so much fun for so little money !!!!!!
Also as I have had a very poor response to a proposed presentation evening with a meal, this event is now cancelled and I will now look at some other option as regards to prize giving.
Regards......................... Nigel
6M Nationals at Whitlingham this weekend.....30-31 October 2021.
Go and support our sister club and our sailors
Sailing Schedule for November 2021
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
3/11 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 4 |
7/11 |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 4 |
Mel Catchpole |
10/11 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 5 |
14/11 |
Sunday |
RM |
Lady Jane Trophy Round 4 |
17/11 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 6 |
21/11 |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 5 |
Raymond Crisp |
24/11 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 7 |
28/11 |
Sunday |
6M |
Little Audrey Trophy Round 3 |
1/12 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 8 |
Any R/O who is unavailable for their scheduled date please advise the sailing secretary at least 2 weeks beforehand, if at all possible, thus allowing time to find a replacement.
For those of you doing R/O you will be awarded average points for that series for that day.
27/10/2021..........Little Audrey Trophy for 6M's
Proceeding this mornings sailing the 5 club boats going to the nationals were measured to save time for the host club this weekend.
Once this was out of the way 5 boats took to the water in a strong southerly breeze. Unfortunately I was not feeling 100 percent and left at this stage but thanks to Raymond I am able to give you the scores on the doors at the end of sailing. In first place was Bernie, 2nd John Hatton and third Michael....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for not only setting the course but also doing the R/O duties and Raymond for doing the scoring.
My thanks also goes to who ever collect the marks at the end, sorry I do not know who it was.
This weekend there is no sailing on club waters therefore the next club racing will be on Wednesday 3rd November when it will be the return to the water for the IOM's for round 4 of the MWD.
It is rumoured that now the holiday season has come to an end that 2 extra boats will be returning to the water having had a summer break. Will we get 10 plus boats out on the water?........................... Nigel
24/10/2021 .............The BROADLAND TROPHY for RM's
This morning's sailing saw the Marbleheads racing for "The Broadland Trophy".
The 4 club skippers were joined by 2 skippers from Norwich and 3 Nomads. Contrary to the forecast we were greeted by a very light breeze from a southwestery direction which allowed Vinnie to set a good windward leeward track to the left of the control area.
We managed to sail two races before the coffee break which saw Vinnie and Duncan fighting out for line honours in both races with Duncan managing to get the better of Vinnie in both.
After coffee the wind increased a tad with at times some interesting gusts. Race 3 saw Vinnie turning the tables on Duncan to take his first race win of the day The next 4 races all went the way of Duncan with Vinnie picking up his 2nd win of the day in the final race of the day.
I shall mention no names but one of our guests took a tour of the Broad in the rescue boat whilst trying to recover his boat. Interesting how quick a Marblehead can go when out of control much to the amusement of the skippers on shore. In the end Duncan came out on top to pick up "The Broadland Trophy '' with Vinnie runner up with Bernie in third. Apart from first and second who were clear ahead of the rest of the field ,between Bernie in third and Mike in 7th place, only 4 points covered these next five places.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
It was a fine sight to see 9 Marbleheads on the water at one time.
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course, Bernie for collecting the marks at the end of the racing and also to the various other people who helped to make it a good day on the water for all. Also I would like to thank our guests for joining us and hope they enjoyed their day.
This coming Wednesday (27th) sees the six meters not only take to the water for round 2 of the Little Audrey Trophy but also for those racing at Norwich next weekend, in the 6M nationals at Whitlingham, a chance to get their boats measured prior to the weekend.
So for those of you doing the nationals please remember to bring your boat certificate etc on Wednesday.
Regards.................................. Nigel
Wednesday 20/10/2021 IOM's..........MWD Round 3
After very heavy rain first thing this morning, five skippers arrived at the Broad to find that the rain had passed through and with it the wind also. What little wind there was coming from the South Westerly direction, allowed Vinnie to set the normal old fashioned olympic course just off the control area.
The 5 skippers were soon reduced to 4 when one Plonker discovered he had left his radio at home, so he proceeded to take on the duties of R/O. Before the start he decided with what wind we had that the course to be sailed should be changed to just be a windward leeward course thus missing part of the broad that had no wind. At this point of time it was noticed that Geoff had rigged with the no 2 set of sails due to the weather forecast he had seen the night before. Did he know something the rest did not, time will tell.
THe first race saw John & Vinnie nip and tuck all the way through with John just managing to get his bow across the line before Vinnie. At this point in proceedings the R/O called an early coffee break with the hope the wind would pick up. As it happened the call was right and by the time we started the second race of the day the wind had increased in strength to allow us to go back to the original course that was set. The second race took the same path as the first with Vinnie & John tip and tuck once again but this time round Vinnie just managed to get his bow in front on the finish line. At this stage the wind started to build even more (so much so Geoff looked like he had made the right choice on rig) and the rain started to fall once again. Three more races were completed before time was called on the day's proceedings with John picking up a further three first places to give him top honours on the day.
Vinnie pushed him hard in all races but unfortunately parking on a buoy in one race and a port and starboard in another he was unable to get the better of John. Geoff was also able to pick up a second place in race 3 with his small rig to finish third and Simon finished fourth..........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Racing this Sunday is for the "Broadland Trophy" for Marbleheads and will be sailed with guests from Norwich. First start 10am.
Sunday 17/10/2021 IOM's..............Heron Trophy Round 3
Afternoon ....Gentlemen ?,
This morning racing saw a disappointing number of just 6 skippers making it to the water along with our race team of Mr & Mrs Geoff. We had a very light breeze from a south westerly direction, which just about allowed Vinnie to set a course with a short windward leg to start with followed by a triangle then a sausage to the finish.
Race one started on time with just 2 skippers on the water, 3 still rigging and myself sitting out with RX/TX problems. Race 2 started with 5 skippers on the water.
Coffee was called after the end of race 3 to allow not only coffee to be taken but also for a club committee meeting to discuss the format for the 2022 sailing season. Also over coffee Vinie was able to get Nigels boat sorted so sailing started once again but this time with 6 boats racing.
A further 5 races were managed after the break, Vinnie winging the first 3 to go with the 3 first places before coffee. Race 7 saw Vinnie get tangled up on one of the marks which forced him to retire from the race despite him getting his boat to somehow jump out of the water to try and untangle himself. He also retired from the final race as well which allowed Bernie to win race 7 and Michael race 8. At the end of play Vinnie was the overall winner, with Bernie second and Michael 3rd......CLUCK HERE FOR RESULTS...Quack ..(what noise does a Heron make???????.....) Answers to Eric on Facebook page (7) Broads Radio Yacht Club | Facebook
My thanks got to Vinnie for setting the course, Mr & Mrs Geoff for doing the race team for the day and Geoff for collecting the buoys at the end.
Next week's sailing schedule is as follows: Wednesday 20th - IOM round 3 for the MYD Trophy Sunday 24th = The Broadland Trophy for the RM class...................................... Nigel
Wednesday 13/10/2021 IOM's .........Mid Week Dablers Round2
Eight Skippers arrived with the intention of competing on a most beautiful Autumnal Morning with the wind in a Westerly direction and a steady breeze 4 to 5 knots. Vinnie set a course near to the southerly shore which provided close racing, our thanks once again for providing his services. It became apparent that before the commencement of Race 1 that unfortunately Geoff would not be taking part being unable to bind transmitter too the receiver. Two races were completed before taking coffee which were won by Vinnie. During the break Mike put in an appearance raising our numbers to seven. In the course of the morning nine races were completed culminating in three separate winners. Vinnie with 5 wins, John 3 and Mel 1., which finally proved the order of placings......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Our thanks go to John for collecting the buoys and the co-operation of others for storing the equipment.
Raymond C...............THANKS RAYMONDO
Sunday 10/10/2021 IOM's............Heron Trophy Round 1
As for this morning John Carment, our race officer for the day wecomed 8 skippers to the start line. With very little wind coming from a westerly direction and low lying mist Vinnie set a course just off the race control area. Rain started to fall during the 2nd race ( none forecast at all) a coffee break was called at the end of this race. As we sat and chatted the rain steadily got heavery and the wind started to build and change direction towards the north. Before we got race 3 underway Vinnie adjusted the course to allow for the change of direction of the wind. By the time we got into race 4 the rain had passed over but the wind steadily increased in strength and by the time a halt was called to the mornings racing after 8 heats it was at the top end for the number 1 rig. So today's racing was sailed across the full range of wind strengths from a drifter to hang on to your hats.
Once the scores were added up both Mel and Derek finished with 17 points a piece, with Mel getting the nod on countback for 3rd place overall, John Hanton finished runner up with Vinnie king of the castle once again. Also it was good to see new member Simon out on the water for his second outing and at times starting to get to grips with the hobby................... CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to John C for doing the race officer job today, Vinnie for setting the course, John H for collecting the marks and also to everyone else for putting all the kit away.
This coming Wednesday the 13th sees the IOM's back on the water for round 2 of the MWD followed on Sunday once again by IOM's in round 3 Heron Trophy.
Your committee intends to hold a committee meeting during the coffee break next Sunday 17th to discuss the sailing schedule for 2022, so if anyone has anything they have something to say please advise me by Friday next week. Best to do by email and any comments will be in strict confidence between myself and the writer.
Also I was asked to look into a date for our presentation evening and having talked with the restaurant the only date they have available during the run into Christmas is Wednesday 15th December. I have provisional books that date for us. Also they have agreed that we do not have to eat from their set Christmas meal but will be able to book items from their normal day to day menu be it slightly reduced. Once I have more details of the menu available I will let you know but it would be good if you could at this stage give me some indication if the 15th is good for you along with numbers.
Also I am sorry to say that I will not be with you again this Wednesday but look forward to being back on the water next Sunday. Regards, ..............................Nigel
Wednesday 6/10/2021 IOM's.....Mid Week Dabblers Round 1
Sunday 3/10/2021 6M's....Little Audrey Trophy Round 2
Wednesday 29/09/2021 IOM's.......Vic Buck Trophy 8th and final Round
Hi Skippers, Will keep this one short as I have to write up the minutes from today's AGM as well this afternoon before I forget what was said and decided.
This was the last day's sailing that would count towards The Vick Buck Trophy for 2021. The 10 skippers who took to the water sailed around a super course set by Vinnie in a strong breeze coming from the west with all sailing on their No 2 rig. Before we sat down for the AGM over coffee we managed 3 races with you know who won all three.
After the AGM we then managed to squeeze in another 5 races to make it 8 in total for the day. Vinnie went on to win another 3 races before sitting out the last 2. Of the remaining 3 races sailed after the coffee/AGM break, John H managed to pick up 2 firsts with Eric winning the last race of the day. The top 3 positions once the scores on the doors were done, Vinnie came out on top, with John H second and Eric 3rd. For the series overall it was a win for Vinnie, but for the next 5 places up for grabs it was tight with only 5 points separating them. In the end Eric managed 2nd,John H 3rd, Derek 4th both tied on 23pts, and myself 5th. In total we had 12 skippers come to the start line over the whole series............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for course setting, Michael for doing both the scoring on the day and collecting marks at the end.
This coming Sunday the 3rd of October sees the six meters take to the water for Round 1 of The Lady Audrey Trophy followed on Wednesday 6th by the IOM's for round one in The Mid-Week Dabblers ( which from now on will be known as MWD).
Also I am not about now till Sunday 10th now having managed to acquire some fuel at lunchtime, I will be heading oop north taking the dogs walking for a few days break........................ Nigel
Sailing Schedule for October 2021
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
29/9. |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 8 |
3/10 |
Sunday |
6M |
Lady Jane Trophy Round 3 |
6/10 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 1 |
10/10 |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 2 |
John Carment |
13/10 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 2 |
17/10 |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 3 |
Geoff Josey |
20/10 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 3 |
24/10 |
Sunday |
RM |
Broadland Trophy |
27/10 |
Wednesday |
R6M |
Little Audrey Trophy Round 2 |
30 & 31/10 |
Saturday & Sunday |
R6M |
R6M Nationals @Norwich No Club Sailing Sunday 31st. |
3/11 |
Wednesday |
Mid-Week Dabblers Round 4 |
Please note due to annual leave I will not be attending sailing on both Sunday 3rd and Wednesday 6th of October. Please who ever does the scoring on those 2 days please leave the score sheets in the shed and I will collect on my return.
Any R/O who is unavailable for their scheduled date please advise the sailing secretary at least 2 weeks beforehand, if at all possible, thus allowing time to find a replacement.
For those of you doing R/O you will be awarded average points for that series for that day.
Sunday 26/09/2021 IOM's ...........Heron Trophy Round 1
Hi All,
The six skippers who gathered waterside this morning were also joined by Simon ( a solo sailor from Rollesby SC) as a spectator, who with a fair wind will be joining us in the next couple of weeks. Welcome Simon.
With a light breeze coming from the south,Vinnie set about setting a triangle sausage course just off to the left of the control area which enabled us to get a short beat to the first leg, before heading off on a starboard rounding track. We managed 3 races before coffee was taken with guess who picked up 3 bullets. During the break we had a slight change in wind direction which meant a slight course alteration needed before the start of the 4 race. After coffee guess who carried on from where he had left off until race six when yours truly was able to break his winning streak. The last 2 races saw return to normality with another 2 wins from Vinnie giving him 7 bullets from the 8 races sailed thus putting him at the top of the leaderboard at close of play. 2nd overall went to Nigel with Derek picking up the final podium position.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course, Derek for retrieving the marks at the end of sailing.
This Wednesday not only sees the final round of the Vick Buck Trophy but more important that during the mornings coffee break the clubs AGM. Please try and attend if at all possible as we have a lot to discuss about the way forward into 2022 for the club after a very difficult last 18 months or so due to the restrictions caused by Covid-19
See above your sailing schedule for the month of October. See you all Wednesday....................... Nigel
Wednesday 22/09/2021 IOM's............Vic Buck Trophy
Hi All,
This morning the sailors were greeted with a cool start to the proceedings with a light wind from the south west. Vinnie laid a course just off the control area which gave us a windward/ leeward course.
3 races were sailed before the morning coffee with Vinie winning each of them. Pleased to say that with the coffee break the wind also increased and the sun came out. We sailed a further 8 races after coffee giving us a total of 11 races for the day. Vinnie carried on after the break winning the next 7 races until Geoff managed to break his monopoly on first places by picking up a win in the final race of the day. When the scores were added up surprise surprise Vinnie came out on top with 9 points, Mel runner up on 24 pts and Derek third 26 points. All in all an enjoyable morning sail.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Derek for setting up shoreside first thing, Geoff for collecting the marks and the rest of the crew helping to put all the bits and bobs away at the end.
We were also joined today by 2 prospective new members who both managed to get some time sailing boats during the course of the morning. With this in mind "BOATS WANTED" : if you have or know of a IOM for sale in the price bracket of £500 to £1000 please let me have some details and I will pass on.
Sunday 26th sees round 1 of The Heron Trophy" for IOM's followed on Wednesday 29th not only sailing once again for IOM's but with the Clubs AGM taking place during the morning coffee break.................... Nigel
Sunday 19/09/2021 RM's .....Lady Jane Trophy Round 3
Hi All,
Six skippers made it to the Broad this morning for what was going to be a brain testing morning's sailing. On arrival we found a very light wind coming mainly from the east with a bit of south in it at times.
Vinnie laid the course which was decided it would be a triangle plus a double sausage leg with a windward finish half way up the first beat, for which some skippers had a problem counting up to 2 when it came to sailing the sausage legs. Three races were sailed before the morning coffee break was taken and a further five after. Unfortunately John C had to retire after the first race to take no further part in the day's proceedings on the water but took on the job of scorer for the rest of the day.During the course of the mornings racing If my memory serves me rightly all of the five remaining skippers lead a race at some part of a race only to find one of the many holes on the race course. As they say "when the going gets tough the tough get going" so when a halt was called to the racing Vinnie took first place overall with 6 race wins, with John H second with 2 wins under his belt with Nigel coming third just piping Derek by just the one point. It was all in all a very testing morning's sailing with a lot of snakes and ladders played out on the race course and very taxing on the old grey matter but as they saying goes " the cream seems to always rise to the top"................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks got to Vinnie for course setting, John C for doing the scoring and last but not least John H for collecting the marks at the end of the day's proceedings.
This coming Wednesday, the 22nd, sees Round 7 of the Vick Buck Trophy for the IOM class. At present the forecast is for a dry day but cool with a wind of 10 mph from the south west so we should be in for some good sailing. ..................Nigel
Wednesday 15/09/2021 IOM's......Vic Buck Trophy Round 6
Gentlemen, At long last we got back into double figures on the water with 11 skippers attending this morning's racing. If I am not mistaken that is the first time we have achieved this figure since the first bout of Covid 19 hit last year.
Those who made it to the start line had a huge decision to make even before getting their boat wet. With the wind coming from a NNW direction and up at over 10 mph, was it to be the no 2 rig or no 1. Intitaly 3 skippers opted for the no 2 rig with the rest on the big set. With 3 races before coffee all won by different skippers and who were all on top set of sails. Unfortunately Barry had to retire in the 4th race which left 10 boats on the water With Derek winning race number 4 sailing with the smaller rig a couple of other skippers decided the time had come to changs down to a smaller rig leaving the fleet split fifty fifty on rig size. In total 10 races were completed with Vinnie taking top spot with 5 wins out of the last 6 races, Eric finished runner up with John Hanton taking 3 rd place just one point behind Eric. John also picked up a race win in heat 9 justifying his decision to change down half way through the morning.
I would like to thank Derek for both setting this morning's course and also collecting the marks at the end of sailing and also Barry for doing the scoring after he had retired. As regards the series, with just 2 heats still to be sailed, Vinnie looks like he has secured first place but the race is on for the next 4 places with as it stands at present,four skippers are separated by just 4 points. All to play for..........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
This Sunday sees the RM return to the water for Round 3 of the Lady Jane Trophy. PLease find attached both todays and overall results for the Vick Buck Trophy............ Nigel
Sunday 12/09/2021 IOM's .....Jubilee Plate AND "The Norfolk Trophy"
Eight skippers gathered at the Broad side this morning for not only round 5 of the Jubilee Plate but also with the chance to lift "The Norfolk Trophy".
Today's race office team Neil & Mandy Cousins had arrived early and by the time most of the other skippers appeared things were well in hand and that enabled us to get the racing off sharp to time. With a light breeze coming from a Northwesterly direction, Neil set a smallish size course just off the control area which was not only going to give us some close racing all morning but allowed the crowd (which by the time the days racing drew to a close outnumbered the skippers left out on the water) a good view of what was happening on the water. A slight course change was made during the mornings coffee break due to a slight change in wind direction but this only helped to make the racing more enjoyable for all.
John & Nigel battled it out all morning for the lead position taking 9 race wins out of the 12 races sailed between them. It was good to see that by the end of sailing despite John & Nigel picking up so many race wins between them 3 other skippers, Geoff, Derek and Raymond also managed to win a race a piece.
As we came into the 12th and last race of the day the result was still in the balance between the both of them and as it stood if Nigel could put 2 boats between him and John it would see Nigel taking the honours for the day. Unfortunately for Nigel, even though John finished last of the 5 starters for the last race NIgel could only manage third just being pipped for 2nd by Derek on the line thus giving John top spot on the podium this week, with Nigel runner up and Derek picking up 3rd place overall thus also giving John the honour of winning "The Norfolk Trophy" (if can ever be found) for 2021
All in all a good morning sailing once again with five different race winners showing that all skippers in the club can pick up race wins at times which makes for some very competitive racing....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to the race team of Neil & Mandy for laying and collection of the marks and also doing the scoring.
This Wednesday sees round 6 of "The Vick Buck Trophy" for IOM's followed on Sunday by RM in round 3 of "The Lady Jane Trophy".
Can I also remind you if you want to add anything to the agenda for the forthcoming AGM please let me have details by close of play tomorrow (Monday). Please find attached the result sheet for todays racing along with overall scores to date after 5 rounds of the "Jubilee Plate".................. Nigel
PS Hi All, Following on from yesterday, Michael was right! A boat overlapped on the inside of one entitled to Mark Room is also entitled to room so long as the overlap exists when the leading boat enters the zone....its all so Complex!!! Best wishes,.... John
Wednesday 8/09/2021 IOM's.................Vic Buck Trophy
This morning saw eight lucky skippers gather waterside for what was to be a good morning's racing for one and all. We were greeted by warm sunshine and a very light breeze of 5mph from an easterly direction.
With Vinnie away overseas the marks were left to the brains trust of Derek and Barry to lay and for NIgel to call a windward / leward to start the order of play, completely ignoring 2 of the marks that had been set. After 2 races we had a wind shift so early coffee was called to allow a slight course change down by John which then brought the marks that had not been used coming into play for the rest of the day's sailing. Mel came out of the blocks all guns blazing and won 4 of the first 5 races but as the day went by John who had also started managed to close the gap on Mel and by the end of the days racing just got his bow ahead to take first place on the day, filled with Mel in second with myself in third. I must have suffered a meltdown in the heat midday and when checking back over the results found a couple of errors made by myself but once adjusted these did not alter the final positions just some of the points totals for the day. .......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks go to all who helped with mark laying, course adjustments and mark collecting plus the other jobs that we all do each day and without all this effort by all make the days racing go smoothly.
This Sunday see the IOM's once again hit the water for a double header this weekend, not only in round 5 for the Jubilee Plate but the winner on the day will also take home ( well if it could be found) The Norfolk Trophy but I am sure I can find something suitable to replace it from the wine cellar. Your race officer for the day is going to be Neil Cousins.
Also can I remind you that if you have any points that you want to raise at the forthcoming AGM please let me know details by close of play on Monday the 13th. Please find attached copy of both today's results and series to date after 5 rounds................... Nigel
Sunday 5/09/2021 6M's....................Whitbread trophy Round 4
I awoke this morning to a forecast of wind from a south easterly direction at about 5 mph and temp. of 18 degrees increasing as the day progressed and arriving at the Broad it looked like they had got it spot on.
Vinnie once again set the course, keen to get us underway sharp to time before leaving us early to jet off to Malta for a week. Have a good trip Vinnie and safe home.
Seven skippers took to the water this morning and despite the light winds we manage to get in 3 races before a halt was called for the traditional coffee/tea break. Bernie, showing no signs of rustiness after a long lay off from the water, managed to win the first 2 races of the day and filled up after the break with a further 3 to take the top spot on the day pushed hard by Mel in 2nd just 2 points behind with my self picking up 3rd. In all we managed to fit in ten races in total. ...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
All in all a good morning sailing with 5 different race winners on the day and as a bonus summer seems to have returned. Time will tell. My thanks go once again to Vinnie for setting the course, Bernie for collecting the marks and Raymond for doing the scores for most of the morning.
Wednesday see's the IOM's back on the water for round 5 for the Vick Buck Trophy............................. Nigel
Wednesday 1/09/2021 IOM's..................Vic Buck Trophy
Start of a new month and nothing changes, wind still coming from the north at about 10 mph and chilly. Vinnie once again set a very similar course to Sunday but this time with an extra buoy at the windward end just in case the wind shifted a tad which would allow us to change the course if needs be. This proved to be a good move as part way through the mornings proceedings we had a slight wind shift which then allowed us to use the other mark. Seven skippers started the morning's racing but by the end of race 3 this number was reduced to just 5. Geoff with a boat taking on water, not just a drop but almost to the stage of sinking and Barry once again with winch problems. Just after the coffee break the fleet was joined by Bernie taking the numbers on the water now up to 6. I am not sure what Vinnie had in his mid morning tea but in race 4 and 5 he missed out the spreader each time whilst leading thus pushing him down the fleet whilst he corrected his mistake. After that he made us all suffer by then winning five of the next seven races to take overall honours on the day, with Eric in 2nd place and Derek in third.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for laying the course and also to Raymond for recovering the marks at the close of play.Also for Barry doing the scoring.
This Sunday (5th) sees the R6M take to the water for round 4 of the Whitbread Trophy followed on Wednesday (8th) by IOM's in round 5 of The Vick Trophy.
Also on Wednesday I will have in the car a selection of used masts and booms that need new homes. Proceeds from the sales will go into club funds. Regards................................., Nigel
Sunday 29/08/2021 IOM's...................Jubilee Cup Round 4
Hi Skippers,
On leaving home first thing I was wondering if we would get any sailing in this morning but I need not have worried that on reaching the Broad I was greeted by winds towards the top of "A" rig even maybe "B" coming once again from the north.
As Race Officer for the day I asked Vinnie to lay a race track of a Triangle and a sausage with a windward finish about half way back up the beat. 7 skippers made ready for the start 4 on "a" 3 on "b" but unfortunately Barrie had boat problems even before he reached the water so we were reduced to just 6 starters for the day. The first 2 races both sets of sails had there plus points with the top rig just coming out on top. With 2 DNF in the first 2 races Vinnie changed down to "B" rig also . Coffee was taken after 4 races and sail changes where the order of the day for the fleet that was left on the "A" as the wind had steadily increased by that time to a good 12mph with strong gusts at times apart from Eric being Eric decided to change up from his "B" to "A". A further 7 races sailed after coffee giving 11 in total. During the 2nd half with Eric hanging in there with his top set except in race 8 when the wind decreased slightly allowing him to lead the fleet home. All in all a good morning racing with 4 different skippers picking up at least one race win, with John H taking overall first place, with Vinnie 2nd and Eric managing to hang onto 3rd overall........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course for me and for John for retrieving the marks at the end of the day after a failed attempt by yours truly to get away from the quayside.
This Wednesday sees round 4 of the Vick Buck Trophy for IOM's .......................Nigel
Wednesday 25/8/2021 RM's............... Porter Cup Round 3
Hi Skippers,
Five skippers gathered waterside this morning for round 3 of the Porter Cup. Welcome back Bernie after about an 18 month lay off. With the wind coming from a Northerly direction Vinnie once again set a Triangle/ Sausage course with the finish downwind. Wind strength was at about 10mph which is about top of the A rig for the Marbleheads. 4 skippers elected to sail with the top set but Mike went down a size not only because of the wind strength but also he had a small keel on. Just after we started racing, the first of the many rain showers that would fall on the skippers during the course of the day's sailing making it very difficult at times for most skippers to see up the course. In the end we managed 10 races in total with a battle for the front of the fleet between Derek and Vinnie and between Bernie & Mike for the middle. Once the scores on the doors were done, Vinnie was in first place with Derek second and Bernie third with Mike just one point further behind in 4th with yours truly bringing up the rear.......................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course once again and Bernie for collecting the marks at close of play.
This Sunday sees the return of the IOM fleet to the water for round 4 for the Jubilee Plate with Geoff Josey being our race officer for the day.
See below our sailing schedule for the month of September for your reference.
Sailing Schedule for September 2021.
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
1/9 |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 4 |
5/9 |
Sunday |
R6M |
Whitbread Trophy Round 4 |
8/9 |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 5 |
12/9 |
Sunday |
Norfolk Trophy & Jubilee Plate Round 5 |
Neil Cousins |
15/9 |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 6 |
19/9 |
Sunday |
RM |
Lady Jane Trophy Round 3 |
22/9 |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 7 |
26/9 |
Sunday |
Heron Trophy Round 1 |
Michael Howard |
29/9 |
Wednesday |
Vick Buck Trophy Round 8 |
3/10 |
Sunday |
R6M |
Little Audrey Trophy Round 1 |
Any R/O who is unavailable for their scheduled date please advise the sailing secretary at least 2 weeks beforehand, if at all possible, thus allowing time to find a replacement.
For those of you doing R/O you will be awarded average points for that series for that day.
Forthcoming club AGM
CLICK HERE FOR notice for the forthcoming clubs AGM which is to be held on Wednesday 29th September at The Filby Bridge Restaurant at 10.30am. The AGM will be held during the morning coffee break during the days sailing. A final agenda will be sent out approx. 2 weeks before the AGM. If you have any matters that you wish to raise at the AGM please advise me in writing so that I can include such items on the agrena by close of play on Monday 13th September. Regards,..... Nigel ................Club Secretary.
Sunday 22/8/2012, IOM's..............Jubilee Plate Round 3
With a few of the regulars away and Vinnie doing the honours of being race officer of the day six skippers took to the water on a damp morning and initially very little wind which was coming from a South Easterly direction.
Two races where sailed before coffee was taken with both Geoff and Raymond picking up the 2 firsts places. After coffee the wind did pick up a tad and a further 8 races where completed. In these eight Nigel picked up 5 first and Derek the other 3. Once the scores had been calculated, Nigel took top spot on the podium with a total of 12 points, Derek was runner up on 14 pts with Raymond 3rd.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
I would like to thank Vinnie for setting the course and doing the R/O duties for the day and Derek for buoy collection at the end of racing.
Prior to sailing a short meeting was held as a precursor to the forthcoming AGM to enable me to put together the minutes. All in all a very worthwhile meeting. It was also nice to see Bernie make an appearance and I am sure you will join me in wishing Liz all the best.
This Wednesday sees the return to the water of the Marblehead class for round 3 of The Porter Cup followed on Sunday the 29th for round 4 of the Jubilee Plate for IOM's
Last but not least, Alan Bright has a R6M for sale. It is a Petrel design and was first measured in December 92. Alan has put up for sale with us first before he puts it on the R6M web site in a weeks time. If you want any further information drop me a line and I will forward a copy of Alan's email to you which also has a couple of pictures. Nigel
Wednesday 18/8/2012, IOM's .........Vic Buck Trophy Round 3
Once again this morning the wind gods were again in our favour with a good breeze of about 10 mph, again from basically a south westerly direction that allowed Vinnie to set a windward-sausage course just off the control area. Nine skippers came to the start line today be it one after the first 2 races had been completed. Unfortunately Geoff after a good first race in which he finished 2nd then had gear failure in race 3 which brought his days sailing to a premature end, thus leaving 8 skippers to fight out.
At the end of the day's proceedings after eight races, Vinnie back from his walkabout last weekend took top spot on the podium with John H 2nd and Eric third...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
This Sunday sees the running of Round 3 in the Jubilee PLate for IOM with Vinnie your RC for the morning.
Proceeding Sunday's sailing,starting at 9.15 will be a brief meeting for members to have a wee chat on the way forward for the club. Please make it if you can.
Regards,........................ Nigel
Sunday 15/8/2021, RM's.............Lady Jane Trophy
With Vinnie away at The Marblehead Nationals at Manor Park in deepest Staffordshire, five skippers arrived at the Broad this week eager to take top spot on the podium at the end of the day's proceedings.
With the wind from a southwesterly direction John H set a course with the windward leg parallel to the control box. With the wind blowing at about 12mph the skippers agreed that the "B" rig was the order of the day which to many meant a complete re rig of their boats as many had not ever sailed with this rig in the past thus leading to a delayed start to the mornings racing. Finally with all boats on the water some 15 mins late all agreed that a triangle sausage course should be sailed. This was the start of the problems for 2 of the skippers in particular, Nigel with electrical problems and John C with boat problems in general, with Nigel only managed to complete one race and John C none. It was decided to end the days racing at the end of race 7 due to Derek joining the other 2 skippers with boat problems when his rigged failed leaving only 2 boats out on the race track. At the end of the day John H topped the podium with 6 race wins and 6 pts, Michael 2nd and Derek third..........................................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS........................
My thanks go to John H for both setting the course and recovering the marks at the end of the day's racing.
The sailing schedule for the week ahead is as follows;
Wednesday 18th: IOM Vick Buck Trophy Round 3
Sunday 22nd: IOM Jubilee Plate Round 3
Please also remember that there will be a brief members meeting prior to sailing on Sunday 22nd to get the member's feeling on the way the club should move forward. Regards................................ Nigel
Wednesday 11/8/2021, IOM's..............Vic Buck Trophy Round 2
Hi Skippers,
Summer is back with us for the time being and what a great mornings sailing it was. Temperature up at 20 plus centrigrade, wind from a southwest direction between 6 to 8 mph. Once Vinnie had laid the course the seven skippers took to the water to sail a triangle and a sausage being the course of the day.
2 races were completed before coffee with Vinnie winning one and Derek picking up the other. On returning to the water after coffee one of the marks being used for the finishing line had moved so instead of resetting it was agreed the finishing line would be between a transit on the shore plus the remailing make. A further 6 races were completed after coffee with Vinnie picking up another five first's and Geoff the other. At the conclusion of a fine morning's sailing, Vinnie was in first place with 6 points, next was Derek on 12 and third was Geoff on 13..............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course, Derek for mark retrieval at the end and for those others that helped to put the equipment away at the end of the session.
Sunday this week ( 15th) sees the return of the Marbleheads to the water with Round 2 of The Lady Jane Trophy and for a change Vinnie will not be top of the pile this weekend as he will be away sailing in the Marblehead Nationals over the weekend. We wish him well on his travels. Following on from Sunday the IOM's will be back on the water on both Wednesday 18th and Sunday 22nd.
Note Change of Date for your Diary: Please note that the Marblehead ranking event scheduled for the 27th November at Norwich has been brought forward by a week to Saturday 20th November. Nigel
Sunday 8/8/2021.........Jubilee Plate Round 2
Hi Skippers,
First of all this week thanks to the hard work of mainly Derek and Vinnie, with help from Mick and myself we were able to put our replacement club rescue boat in the water.
Vinnie liked the boat so much he was last seen motoring up the broad.
As for the sailing the 8 skippers took to the water in winds that were at times maybe a tad too strong for the No. 1 rig we were all using but also had some big holes in as well. Wind direction was from a south westerly direction most of the time so the course that was sent enabled a long beat to be sailed. In the end nine races were completed with Vinnie coming out on top with 4 race wins and a total of 10 points, second was John H with 3 wins and twelve points and then Derek third with 2 wins and sixteen points... CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Tony Garner for his R/O duties, Vinnie for setting the course before coming in for more buoys so he could lay some more ( think he was enjoying the new boat really) and finally fro John H for sweeping up all the marks at the end of racing.
Wednesday sees the sailing of Round 2 for the Vick Buck Trophy for IOM's, hopefully if the weather man is to be belived the summer will have returned with telp up at 24 plus a wind of about 8 mph from the south west. Regards, Nigel
Wednesday 4/8/2021..............Porter Cup Round 2
Hi Skippers,
This morning only 4 skippers made it to the start line for round 2 in the Porter Cup.
The sailors were greeted by a light easterly breeze for which Vinnie set the course just off the main control area. No sooner had we set the course the wind started to swing to the north so after just one race early coffee was taken to allow Vinnie to reset the course.
The four racing skippers were joined by 2 spectorors (Tony & Phil) for coffee at which one and all said how much they had enjoyed watching the sailor in Japan. Vinnie had turned up with his long keel on and suffered in the first 2 races before resetting his rig and normal service was resumed.
With the wind shifting along with the longer keel that either the 6M and IOM's weed was to play a part in the day's racing. Eight races were sailed in total with all 4 skippers picking up at least one win a piece. At the end of the day Vinnie topped the pole with 4 wins and 8 points, the next 3 positions were separated by just 4 points with Derek 2nd, Mike 3rs and Nigel 4th. ..............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Derek for sweeping the control area, Vinnie for course setting and Michael for mark collecting at the end of the day.
THis Sunday the 8th sees round 2 of The Jubilee Plate for the IOM's and your race officer for the day will be Tony Garner.
Also if you or anybody you know is looking for a newish IOM please let me know as one boat in the club may well be coming available. More details to follow.
Regards............................, Nigel
Sunday 1/8/2021........Jubillee Plate Round 1
The competitors were greeted this morning by strongish winds from a Northerly direction and heavy rain which I must add was not forecasted until much later in the day. With the wind towards the top end of the No 1 rig 5 skippers rigged up with their no 1 whilst 2 decided on the no 2 rig. Whilst our R/O for the day John Hatton set the course Eric who had initially chosen to go with no 2's decided to change up to no 1, leaving Mike the only skipper to start on the No 2 rig.
Racing got underway with both the wind and the rain at its worst,so much so that Raymond decided that he would sit out the worst of the weather in the dry. By the time the coffee break came the rain had passed over Raymond and joined the fray and the wind was decreasing all the time.
Over the coffee break Mike changed up to his top set so all skippers were now sailing on equal rigs. In total eleven races were sailed, with 5 different race winners during the course of the morning and more interestingly the same number picking up a last place as well. Even our race day winner who picked up 5 first places even had a last place. So at the end of the day our winner was Vinnie on 14pts, Derek was second on 22pts and Eric was third Eric on 25. .................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Many thanks go to John for doing not only the R/O duties on the day but for also setting the course and collecting the marks at the end of sailing.
This Wednesday sees the return of the Marbleheads to the water for round 2 of the Porter Cup followed on Sunday the 8th round 2 of the Jubilee Plate for IOM......................... Nigel
Wednesday 28/7/2021.............IOM Vick Buck Trophy Round 1
With the IOM returning to home waters for the first time since the end of May it was good to see so many skippers make it to the start line. Also we welcomed back Geoff Josey who has not sailed for the last 18 months or so, welcome back Geoff.
With the wind blowing generally from a westerly direction at about 12 mph Derek set the course which gave us both a windward start and also a windward leg to the finish.
A coffee break was called after just 2 races to enable a couple of boats to be received following a coming together which resulted in them both sailing off together hand in hand. After the coffee break, Eric not feeling 100% called it a day and Geoff having boat problems decided that he would not finish the series after race 6. Thus leaving 6 skippers to battle it out, be it only for the minor placings as Vinnie sailed off into the sunset with wins in 5 of the races, John picking up 2 wins and Mel picking up one. At close of play, Vinnie came first with 7 points, John 2nd with 11 and Mel third with 18......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Derek for not only setting the course but also for recovering the marks at the end of proceedings. This Sunday the 1st August once again sees the IOM's take to the water for round 1 in The Jubilee Plate. Our R/O for the day is going to be John H followed on Wed 4th RM in Round 2 of the Porter Cup. Big question, will we manage 10 boats on the water for Sunday, time will tell............ Regards, Nigel
Sunday 25/7/2021............6M Whitbread Trophy Round 3
Skippers where greeted to a misty start to the morning and very little wind.
Vinnie decided that before sailing he would put a third coat of paint on the new rescue boat and right of que the wind started to pick up slightly. After finishing the painting Vinnie then set about setting a race track for us to race on.

Three races were sailed before the coffee break and all won by John H. The forth race was sailed in the best wind of the day which was won by Derek. Up to this stage the wind had been from a northerly direction but the time of the start of race five the wind had moved southlearly and had decreased to almost nothing. A halt to the days racing was called at the end of the seventh race. Winner on the days was John H first, Mel second and Vinnie third. .................................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks go through Vinnie for setting the course and John H for collecting the marks at the end of the racing.
Now for the good news, with very little weed in everdeince we will have the IOM's back on the water this coming Wednesday. Nigel
Hi Skippers,
Please find the latest sailing schedule for the rest of this year. Hopefully the last one (fingers crossed).
The weed situation is getting better by the day, so this Sunday will once again see the 6M's take to the water then IOM 's on Wednesday 28th July and hopefully by then the weed will not present a major issue. Famous last words.
You will see that I have cancelled our open meetings for both the IOM & RM classes for this year but will be inviting our friends across from Norwich to race on those dates for the relevant Trophies, be it that the IOM Norfolk Trophy seems to have gone missing prior to me taken over the role of Sailing Sec. Anybody got it tucked away somewhere, it would be good to get it back. Also, the weekend of the 30th & 31st October sees the 6M Nationals being run by Norwich therefore I have not scheduled any racing for Sunday the 31st. . If you are not sailing at the Nationals and are available, I am sure Vinnie would love to hear from you if you can help in anyway or form, even if it is just for a few hours sometime over the weekend.
Work on the new rescue boat is progressing well and hopefully she should be ready for the water early August. See the attached pictures re progress to date. Look forward to seeing many of you back on the water a week today if not Sunday for round 3 of the Whitbread Trophy for 6M. Regards, Nigel
Please find attached pictures taken at this morning's work part. Just in case you were wondering, yes I was there as well but someone had to take the pictures. WELL DONE TO ALL WHO HELPED!

Sunday 18/7/2021 ..............Whitbread Trophy Round 2
The six skippers arrived to a northerly breeze of about 5 mph and a temp of 21. By the time arrived Vinnie had already set about laying the course which allowed a little bit of flexibility should the win shift This proved to be useful as during the day's coffee break the wind did shift and I was able to alter the course accordingly. In the end we did manage to sail eight races which did result in 4 different race winners, with John Carment picking up a race win in race 3.
All I can say from the R/O point of view today, skippers were well behaved at the start and also taking turns where appropriate. Another part of today's sailing was the amount of bouy kissing going on ( mentioning no names Vinnie/ Mel) but all turns down without question.
At the end of sailing the top step on the podium was John H , 2nd Vinnie with Mel third.
My thanks go to Vinnie for course setting, John H for collecting the buoys in and to all the others for helping to put the kit away.
Now the question you have all been waiting to hear is what about the weed. Well it was still about inshore which made putting the boats on the water without collecting weed a little difficult but once out on the track it seemed to be fairly clear.
What next you ask, well we will start a full sailing program as of Wednesday 28th July. Revised schedule will follow in the middle of next week. In the meantime we will continue to work on the boat as follows: Monday 18th @ 9.30 Wednesday 20th again 9.30 another 2 days after this should see it yet for the water.
My thanks go to those who have helped so far (they no who they are) but maybe a little more help could be forthcoming. Please contact Vinnie for further details.
Sailing during the next 7 days will once again be based around the 6Ms as follows: Tuesday 19th 9.30 at Norwich Sunday 25th round 3 of Whitbread Trophy at Filby. First Race;10am start. Think that covers all for now, enjoy the sun while we have it. ..........................Nigel
Hi Skippers,
Following on from a work party by five members this morning on preparing the new rescue boat for the water we took the opportunity to also do a weed check. The good news is since last Sunday the weed has receded a fair amount and a decision was made by those present that we should have an informal day's sailing this coming Sunday (11th) once again for 6M. Planned start will be 10am as per norm.
The second stage "work party" on "Project Rescue" will take place on both Monday and Wednesday next week again at 10am. This week saw all the old gunnels removed ready for stage 2 which will be the sanding down of both the outside and inside of the hull in preparation for painting and antifouling.
So, if you have any spare time on either morning and have a sander please make an effort to attend and give a helping hand. Remember many hands make light work. Stage 3 & 4 will be the painting of the hull and fixing new woodwork to the gunnels, transom and seats. Not sure what order Vinnie intends to do these jobs but we will keep you posted. Also, when it comes to fixing the gunnels (wood already soaking to make it more flexible ) we will need a selection of "g" clamps. So, if you have any that we could borrow please let Vinnie know.
Also Wednesday, as well as the work party, if one so wishes free sailing will be available and maybe a chance to test the water as regards to weed for the IOM's. Please remember for those of you who do come along on the Monday coffee will not be available on site so either bring your own or you can pop down to the local shop who sell take away coffee............... Regards, Nigel
Sunday 4/7/2021..............6M, Whitbread Trophy Round 1
Eight skippers and five spectators made it to the lake today.
Good to see Geoff who now has had his eye op and looking forward to getting back on the water again.
Unfortunately once again Nigel did not make the start line leaving it to the seven remaining skippers to combat the elements.
What little wind we had came mainly from the south but it soon became apparent that weed was going to be the major problem.
In the end we did manage to get six races in before calling it a day.
So once the scores were done,Vinnie was on top spot, with John H runner up with Mel in third.
(I'm sure the excellent photos from Geoff clearly show Vinnie over the line in most races!! Although not always at the start ?)
Following a discussion during coffee and after sailing the decision was made that due to the level of weed sailing will be suspended once again. We will aim to get back on the water once again on Sunday 18th July once again with the 6M class.
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course and for Mike in collecting the marks at the end of racing.
A small working party will be held this coming Wednesday (the 7th) when we will begin preparation on the refurbishment of our replacement rescue boat starting at 10 am.
Regards, Nigel
"Sailing Returns To Filby Sunday the 4th July"
This coming Sunday the 4th July sees the return to home waters after a break caused by excessive weed with sailing for "The Whitbread Trophy" round 1 for the six meters.
First start 10am.
Cheers, Nigel
PS The 4th of July is a national holiday in the United States of America. Also known as Independence Day, the 4th of July commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which solidified the American colonies’ resolution to fight for their independence from Britain.
So Sail for Independence !.......?????????????????
Wednesday 23/6/2021.............IOM at Oulton Broad
The eight skippers arrived to a warmish sunny morning with the wind from generally a northern direction with a wind speed of 6 mph. Unfortunately Nigel had to withdraw just before the start of the first race due to rudder problems once again leaving it to the seven skippers to battle it out on the water.
12 races where completed with a break after 4 so that we could a ) have coffee b) deal with the call of nature and finally more importantly have a slight change of course. The first 4 races set the trend for the rest of the mornings sailing with both Eric and Mel taking 2 wins each. This continued throughout the rest on the morning except for race 7 when Alan returning to the water for the first time in over 18 months (welcome back both Alan and Beryl) taking line honours.
By the time it came to call a halt to the days proceedings Eric had picked up 5 race wins and Mel 6. It was going to be tight at the top of the leader board so in the end both Mel and Eric where equal or 15 points apiece but on count back Mel took first place with Eric 2nd and in 3rd place our hosts for the last 2 weeks Richard.
23/6/2021 Suffolk Punch 2 | |||||||||||||||||
Sail | Sailor | Club | Design | Rank | Tot | R 1 | R 2 | R 3 | R 4 | R 5 | R 6 | R 7 | R 8 | R 9 | R 10 | R 11 | R 12 |
2 | Mel Catchpole | Broads | Evo | 1 | 15 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 |
89 | Eric Curtis | Norwich /Broads | Vision | 2 | 15 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
8 | Richard Dell | Broads | MX 16 | 3 | 36 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 6 |
29 | Raymond Crisp | Broads | Britpop/V9 | 4 | 37 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 3 |
10 | Alan Bright | Norwich | Ellipsis | 5 | 50 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
88 | Gareth Featherstone | Broads | CORBIE | 6 | 51 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 4 |
31 | Michael Howard | Broads | 7 | 52 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | |
Sail Scoring made easy: |
My thanks go to Beryl for doing the scoring and also to Richard and also WOBYC for putting up with us for the last 2 weeks.
What a wonderful place to sail.............. Nigel
Wednesday 16/6/2021.............IOM at Oulton Broad
After a couple of weeks of no sailing at Filby due to weed, it was decided that we would look a tad further afield to find some water to sail on.
With the help of Richard we where able to use the water in front of the WOBYC on Oulton Broad and what a great morning we had. Good wind, good water, good company and great sailing. What more could one ask for O yes no weed.
12 races that where sailed resulted in 4 different boats winning at least one race a piece and at the end of the day the top four places where separated by just 5 points.
And the winner on the day without a first place to his name was Mr Consistant Raymond with 8 2nd places in his score. 2nd came Nigel with Richard 3rd and Mike fourth........
16/6/21 Suffolk Punch | |||||||||||||||||
Sail | Sailor | Club | Design | Rank | Tot | R 1 | R 2 | R 3 | R 4 | R 5 | R 6 | R 7 | R 8 | R 9 | R 10 | R 11 | R 12 |
29 | Raymond Crisp | Broads | Britpop/V9 | 1 | 23 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 4 |
53 | Nigel Featherstone | Broads | In Transition | 2 | 24 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
8 | Richard Dell | Broads | MX 16 | 3 | 25 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
31 | Mike Howard | Broads | Italiko | 4 | 27 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
61 | Flora Dell | Arrival | 5 | 43 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 2 | |
88 | Gareth Featherstone | Broads | CORBIE | 6 | 48 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 1 |
Sail Scoring made easy: |
Such a grand time was had by all it was decided by those present we would return next Wednesday the 23rd once again for a 10 am start. So if you fancy a weed free sail do join us next week. Once again my thanks go to Richard for arranging the day, his daughter for rescuing my boat and WOBYC member Andy for his support, just maybe a new convert from RC Laser to IOM'S.
Nigel PS weed still bad at Filby a further water inspection will be a week Sunday 26th.
****************************************************All club sailing at Filby has been cancelled until at least Wednesday 30th June due to the current weed situation. I will do a further pitch inspection over the weekend of the 26th and 27th and report back. In the meantime the IOM's will be sailing next Wednesday the 23rd of June at WOBYC on Oulton Broad starting at 10am. Please make it if you can, plenty of open water to sail on and best of all no weed to contend with. Nigel
Wednesday 9/6/2021....................RM, Porter Cup Round 3
Sunday 6/6/2021................IOM, Barry Gailer Trophy round 7
Wednesday 2/6/2021........IOM, Old Codgers Trophy round 7
CANCELLED DUE TO WEED***************************************************
Sunday 30/5/2021..................IOM, Barry Gailer Trophy
Six skippers took to the water in a light breeze from a northerly direction. During the course of the days sailing the wind could not make its mind up which direction it wanted to come from and continually shifted between the northeast to north-west which made for some interesting sailing conditions for the skippers. We also encounter the weed problem but that thanks to Micheal's carefully course setting managed to keep us out of the worst of it but a weed check was still needed at the end of race. In the end eight races where sailed, we had 3 different race winners on the day but once the scores had been calculated Derek with 3 wins came first, John 2nd with 2 wins and Nigel 3rd also picking up 2 first places...... CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Micheal for his duties to day as well as mark laying and recovery.
This Wednesday sees the last chance for the IOM skippers to take to the water for a few weeks due to the weed in round 7 of The Old Codgers Trophy. I will be sending out the June edition of Mainsheet early next week which will outline our sailing programe for June........ Nigel
Wednesday 26/5/2021...............RM, Porter Cup..
Cancelled due to lack of support
Sunday 23/5/2021...........6M, Shearwater Cup
Wednesday 19/5/2021......IOM, Old Codgers Trophy
Well what can I say, we had a small amount of wind at times and at other times none at all. As for the wind direction I think at some point or another we had it from about ever direction possible. To say a frustrating mornings sailing to say the least. On the plus side it was warm and stayed dry despite the rumble of thunder going on all around us.
Don't know how but with the aid of eight marks( and at some time or other during the course of the mornings sailing we used them all) Vinnie managed to lay a course that for most of the time gave us a good track to sail on. 7 skippers took to the water, coffee break was called after just 2 races in the hope that the wind might settle down a bit which unfortunately it did not play ball.
At this point in the proceedings John H called it a day, Nigel had battery problems during race 3 so this left just five boats on the water for the rest of the morning. In the end 5 races where completed, with Derek taking the top spot, Vinnie taking 2nd and Richard finishing in third, his first podiumn place since joining us at the start of the year. .................................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Their will be no sailing at Filby this Sunday but the clubs 6M fleet will be racing for The Shearwater Trophy over at Norwich.
Next Wednesday sees the turn of the RM'S in round 2 of the Porter Cup.
Also today we started to see weed appearing for the first time this year. A decision will be made following next Wednesday racing as to bringing forward the Whitbread Trophy. More on this next week. Also both Gareth and myself are away next week so no more updates now until Friday 28th at the earliest.
Regards Nigel
Sunday 16/5/2021........IOM, Barry Gailer Trophy
Eight skippers arrived at the lakeside but due to a technical problem Tony was unable to make the start line so in the end only 7 boats took to the water.
With a forecast of rain to come in before lunch time everybody was keen to get racing underway sharp to time. With a light wind coming from the west we managed 3 races before the coffee break which resulted in 3 different winners. It looked like that we might be in for a close series. After coffee things took a downward turn, firstly during race five we had a very heavy showers which then killed what wind we had and also played havoc with it's direction.Lucky the shower was only a sharpe one and the rest of the days preceding were sailed in warm sunshine be it in a dieing wind which could not make its mind up in what direction it wanted to come from.
These conditions did not seem to worry Vinnie as much as the rest of the fleet who then went on to win 4 of the 5 races held after the break. At close of play, Vinnie finished in first place (5 race wins), with Eric 2nd (2 race wins) and Nigel 3rd...............................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks once again go to Vinnie for setting an excellent racetrack, John Carment for doing a fine job as race officer and also collecting the marks at the end.
This Wednesday the 19th sees the IOM's on the water for round 7 of The Old Codgers Trophy and also the reopening of the on site restaurant subject to the normal social distancing rules.
There will be no sailing next Sunday the 23rd at Filbybut the 6M will be taking part in The Shearwater Trophy at Norwich. Regards, Nigel
Wednesday 12/5/2021.......IOM, Old Codgers Trophy
The eight skippers sailing arrived once again to a warmish morning with a light southeastly breeze.
Is this the start of summer I ask myself.
Once again Vinnie was able to set a course the gave us a windward start followed by a triangle and a sausage . Unfortunately as the morning progressed the wind started to play silly buggers by shifting around all over the place. The course was reset during the coffee break but the wind had not read today's script and continued to swing this way and that. Finally after 8 races a halt was called to today's racing which left Matthew in first place , 2nd just one point behind was Mel and in 3rd was Vinnie just a further point back.
Good to see such tight racing at the top of the leader board................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go once again to Vinnie for not only setting the course twice but for also chasing marks around the broad that for one reason or another did not want to say where laid.
Also thanks go to Barrie for collecting the bouys at close of play.
This Sunday sees the IOM fleet take to the water again in round 5 of the Barry Gailer Trophy............. Nigel
Sunday 9/5/2021........RM, Lady Jane Trophy
What a difference 24 hours can make.
This morning the 6 skippers taking to the water were welcomed lakeside to a dry WARM morning with the wind from a southwesterly direction towards the top end of A rig.
With this in mind 5 skippers went for the A rig but Mike decided to sail using his B rig. Vinnie set the course that gave a windward start followed by 2 good reaches. Unfortunately as we all know with the wind coming from behind the control area we need to get some flat patches on the track and today was no exception. Unfortunately after 3 races our numbers where reduced to 5 when John H suffered rudder problems and had to sit out the rest of the days racing. After 12 races Vinnie came out on top with 10 first places, Nigel taken 2nd overall with the 2 other wins and Michael sailing on the B rig picking up the final podium position.
My thanks go to Vinnie for setting the course, Mike for collecting the marks at the end of racing, All in all a good morning sailing.IT WAS WARM!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Finally, many thanks to John H for fixing the outboard and also for donating the parts to complete the job.
The week ahead sees the 6M take to the water for 3 pm at Norwich, followed by the IOM's on Wednesday for round 5 of the Old Codgers Trophy. Next Sunday again sees the IOM'S back on the water for round 5 of the Barry Gailer Trophy with John Carment duty race officer. .....Nigel
Wednesday 5/5/2021.....IOM, Old Codger Trophy
Four skippers took to the water and were welcomed by a cold, brisk wind from the West on a sunny morning.
The wind conditions were the top end of the ‘A’ Rig. Our thanks go Vinnie who laid a superb course enabling sailing to participate at the South End of the Broad eliminating perpetual rounding of the marks.
I was a most enjoyable morning’s sailing and thanks go Richard for collecting the buoys at the closure of the event.
Kind Regards.... Raymond
Sunday 2/5/2021.........IOM , Barry Gailer Trophy
Well skippers we had waited a while for the weather to improve and this morning it started to move in the right direction .
As the 8 competing skippers rigged their boats in preparation for a good mornings sailing, Raymond, as race officer ably assisted by Vinnie, set about setting the course. Raymond from the shore and Vinnie in the boat.
With the initial wind coming from a westerly direction. Racing got under way just after 10 but by the end of the 2nd race the wind had shifted to a more northerly direction so early coffee break was called so the course could be changed. Most of today's racing was sailed in about a 8 mph breeze with a few tricky wind shifts. Points to note from today's sailing, Nigel actual managed all races without a problem, Vinnie has also been spending to much time sorting out Nigels servos that his boat has now caught the bug.
In the end nine races sailed with Eric picking up 5 firsts thus winning on the day. Vinnie despite his problems still managed 2nd overall with John third and Nigel 4th. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Raymond as RO, Vinnie for setting the course and John for retrieving the marks at the end of the days sailing.
Dates for your diaries: Weds 5th IOM round 5 Old Codgers Trophy , Sunday 9th RM round 1 Lady Jane Trophy. Also neither Gareth or myself will be with you on Wednesday so we hope you have a great day and I have asked Raymond to feed the days results back to me.
Regards Nigel
PS morale of the story today, if you want to go fast call in for breakfast at a well known fast food establishment before reaching the club.( OK,OK,OK,.....OK! So I did have a breakfast burger from Maki D's. It slowed me down. The extra weight affected my normally razor sharp responses.)
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
2/5 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 4 |
Raymond Crisp |
5/5 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 4 |
9/5 |
Sunday |
RM |
Lady Jane Trophy Round 1 |
12/5 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 5 |
16/5 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 5 |
John Carment |
19/5 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 6 |
No racing at Filby |
26/5 |
Wednesday |
RM |
Porter Cup Round 2 |
30/5 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 6 |
Michael Howard |
CLICK HERE FOR SHEARWATER TROPHY NOR......If in doubt contact Vinnie ...for Shearwater Trophy details or Click here to go straight to MYA entry page
Wednesday 28/4/2021........IOM, Old Codgers Trophy
Today's sailing was again based on the No 2 rig with the wind again coming from a northerly direction with a tad bit of East in it as well. (In fact NNE..? )
This slight change of direction allowed our course master Vinnie to lay a track that would give us a beat to the finish line this week. Nine boats rigged and with Nigel acting as race officer racing started just after 10am.

Three races where sailed before coffee was taken with Vinnie winning 2 and Matthew the other.
Unfortunately we lost Tony after the first race in which he finished 2nd who was then joined by Vinnie with servo problems in race 4.
This left just 7 skippers to complete in a further 7 races after the break. Matthew carried on from where he left off in race 3 by winning a further 4 races. The other 3 races where won by, Mel, Derek and the final race of the day won by Raymond.
In the end 10 races sailed in total, 5 different race winners but once the scores where added up, Matthew took the honours on the day with Derek 2nd and Mel third.
Thanks go to Vinnie for laying the course and Matthew for collecting the marks at close of play.
This Sunday sees round 4 of the Barry Gailer Trophy for IOM's with Raymond as the race officer of the day.
Nigel.. PS once again another good turn out, will the month of May see us get 10 plus on the water at any one time.
Sunday 25/4/2021......6M Little Audrey Trophy
Once again the competitors where greeted by a chilly strongish breeze from a northerly direction.
As nine skippers prepare for the battle ahead, Vinnie was able to set a course that would actually gives us a beat up to the finish line instead of the running finishes we have been getting used to of late.
The nine skippers where joined lakeside by Tony and Geoff with his better half for a short while. It was good to see (no pun intended) Geoff lakeside and I am sure you will join in with me wishing him all the best for his forthcoming cataract operations and look forward to him joining us lakeside soon.
Now to the matter in hand, the sailing, once again Nigel had boat problems which stopped him from sailing which unfortunately for the other skippers lead to him doing race officer duties for the day. So it was 8 skippers who eventually took to the water for the start of proceedings. The first 3 races before the coffee break saw 3 different winners in Mel, Eric and Michael.
A further 5 races followed the coffee break, with John Hatton picking up 4 wins with Mel winning the final race of the day.
So at the end of the days racing, John H took first placed with 9 points, and with Mel and Eric both tied on 15 points, 2nd place went to Mel on count back with Eric third. All in all an intresting mornings sailing with a strange chop on the water which at times when the wind dropped saw a fair amount of boats bobing around going nowhere. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
This coming week ahead sees the 6M class return to Norwich on Tuesday for a 3 pm start .
A return to Filby on Wednesday for round 3 of The Old Codgers Trophy for IOM'S.
Nigel PS reminder for all the 6M skippers that our open for The Shearwater Trophy will for this year be sailed at Norwich on Sunday 23rd May. There will be no club sailing that day at Filby.
Wednesday 21/4/2021....Old Codgers Trophy
Once again the skippers attending where greeted by a breezy northerly wind.
Whilst Vinnie set today's course the skippers rigged their boats mostly with the number 2 rigs except for Matthew who not seeing the forecast had only brought his top set. After what seemed like weeks Nigel with a lot of help from Vinnie and others was also able to get his new boat "Lochdown" on the water.
Eight skippers started the days racing being joined by a ninth after coffee break be it for a short while before suffering gear failure. Coffee was taken after 4 races with Mel picking up 3 first places and Nigel the other. After coffee we lost 2 boats from the days proceedings, one with a broken shroud and Matthew decided that if he continued to race he would damage the boat so also called it a day. After coffee a further 6 races where sailed with Mel picking up another 3 firsts to Nigels 2.
The one other race was won by Tony in the only race he completed before gear failure.
At the end of the mornings sailing, Mel took overall honours with Nigel second, Derek third and Raymond 4th.
My thanks go to Vinnie for doing race officer, Derek for collecting the marks at the end of the days racing.
Sunday the 25th sees the 6M class take to the water for round 1 of The Little Audrey Trophy. Coffee and tee will be available on site..........................All the best, Nigel
AND DON'T FORGET TUESDAY AT NORWICH !! IT'S 6m again at 3pm til 5pm...see you there.
***********************************************************Sunday 18/4/2021.......IOM Barry Gailer Trophy
This morning the skippers where greeted with a chilly start to the day and by a northerly breeze at about 10 mph. Whilst the nine skippers rigged the course was set by today's Race Officer Mel who set a triangle course with a sausage and a downwind finish.
Unfortunately by the time of the first start we lost Tony due to rigging failure thus reducing the fleet for the rest of the day to eight. Today also saw the first outing of the year for the 2 John's, Carment and Hanton.
Four races where sailed before we stopped for our coffee break with John H and Vinnie each winning 2 races. A further 8 races where sailed after the break with John H winning a further 5 races with Eric picking up the other three.
Following on from yesterday's racing at Norwich Vinnie confirmed that a visit to Spec Savers was needed sooner rather than later.
Once the scores where added up, John H took first place overall, Eric 2nd, Vinnie 3rd and Nigel sailing Gareths boat ( his still not ready ) in 4th place. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks go to Mel for not only for his race officer duties but also for both setting the course and collecting the marks at the end.
This Wednesday sees once again the IOM class back on the water and Sunday the 25th. the first outing this year for the 6M.
Regards, Nigel
Wednesday 14/4/21....... RM Porter Cup
This morning was the first time this year for the Marblehead's for round 1 in the Porter Cup.
The 4 skippers taking part where joined during the course of the morning by a further club members keen to see these boats on the water.
With the wind coming from a northerly direction again Vinnie set the course of a triangle and a sausage. As the skippers rigged so the wind increased and it was decided that one and all should change down which delayed the start somewhat.
Coffee was taken after 2 races followed by a further 7 giving 9 races in total. At the end of the day Vinnie took a clean sweep with 9 first places. The racing between the other 3 skippers was a lot more competive with Derek 2nd, Mike 3rd and Nigel 4th. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Vinnie for course setting, Barry for doing the scoring and last but not least Derek for recovering the marks at the end.
This Sunday sees the IOM's back on the water for round 3 of The Barry Gailer Trophy with Mel as race officer. Also teas and coffee's will be available on site. Please bring the right monies...... Nigel
Sunday 11/4/2021...Barry Gailer Trophy
One R/O 8 skippers and 2 non sailing bods where greeted lakeside by a strong northerly bitter wind, at 9.45 am about 7-12 mph gusting 15++ mph with Eric's anemometer ( should use one more often? ).
Whilst Neil as R/O set the course the eight skippers the the number 2 rigs was the choice of the day. (Its really good to see Neil again after so long.)
In total 12 races where completed with only 5 Boats going the distance. At the end of proceedings Eric took first place overall with Mel second and Derek third. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
My thanks go to Neil for his duty today and to the others that helped both ends of racing with marks etc.
Can I remind you that sailing for the week ahead is as follows:
Tuesday 13th 6 meters at Norwich with a 4pm start,
Wednesday 14th RM at Filby with the normal start of 10 am,
Sunday 17th is IOM with Mel as R/O again at Filby 10 am.
For those 6 meters skippers that can please support the Tuesday evening sailing at Norwich.
Also we had more presentations for last year, 2020......
Barry Gailer Trophy ( Tankard) IOM first series 2020......Won by Neil
Little Audrey Trophy - 6 meters 2nd series 2020.....
Also won by NEIL !
Well done to Neil !
Wednesday 7/4/2021..Old Codgers Trophy
What a difference a week makes. This week your correspondent woke to snow on the ground. On reaching the lake we were greeted by a cold wind from the west at about 12 to 14 mph.
Today was to see Nigels new boat hit the water for the first time only to suffer rudder servo failure just after the start of the first race thus leaving 8 boats to complete in the rest of the days racing.
Due to the winds we had a number of retirements in the early races with various problems. A coffee break was called after 3 races when most of the fleet bar Vinnie and Matthew decided to change down to the number 2 rigs.
After a poor start to the mornings proceedings Vinnie went on to win the last 6 races to take the honours on the day. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Sunday the 11th sees the IOM taking to the water for heat 2 of the Barry Gailer Trophy.
Please note that the following Wednesday the 14th will be the turn of the Marblehead's to take to the water for their first outing of the year. AND !!!!....there is an evening Six Metre sail at Norwich next week . All invited ! I believe it is next Tuesday 4pm, but confirm with Vinnie please.
Sunday 4/4/2021 .. Barry Gailer Trophy
A beautiful day for the first of our competitive races.
A steady..ish westerley enabled us to race without too many lulls. Vinnie started disastrously with a 2nd place in the first race but held it all together and inspite Mel chasing him hard in the first five races and Eric keeping him honest in the last three, his luck held out and he scraped through winning four of the eight races to count.Well done Vinnie! CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Also,on this day, our revered Secretay in chief presented some of last years trophys that had remained unpresented due to "that virus that shall not be named" . The presentation physically being delegated to Michael. Probably due to fear of the afor mentioned virus ( or Vinnie ). Anyway.....Michael obviously enjoyed himself.
2020 JUBILLEE PLATE goes to ..... VINNIE
2020 OLD CODGERS TROPHY goes to.......MEL
And finally, the 2020 VICK BUCK TROPHY goes to ........ VINNIE
Well done all !!
Thursday 1st April 2021... First outing report written by Nigel Featherstone, our secretary et al, who has worked so hard this year to support our club.THE BROADS RADIO YACHT CLUB.................Thanks Nigel
Hi All,
At long last the club returned to active sailing for the first time this year on Wednesday.
It was decided that the first day would be a series of shake down races to check what was working and wot was not before going into the more serious racing series as from Sunday 4th April.
Wednesday morning saw 9 club members ( one boat less at the time) plus Raymond's guest for the day Richard Dell. Welcome Richard and I hope you had an enjoyable morning's sailing. On arrival lakeside the sailors were greeted by a light variable wind from the north and a pleasant warm day for the time of the year.
As the nine skippers rigged their boat NIgel went about setting the course before returning to shore to be replaced by Vinnie who then went out and set a proper course.
Nigel and Gareth decided that as they had only one boat between them they would take it in turns as race offices so proceedings got under way be it a little latter that planned due to course adjustments with Nigel as R/O. All skippers seemed keen to get out of the blocks in the first race unfortunately Vinnie was a little too keen to get racing again and was called over at the start. Matthew went on to win race one. Normal service was resumed in the next 3 races with Vinnie taking line honours in each. By this time Richard was starting to get the hang of this RC sailing lark and started to show his metal when it came to starts often getting the better of the more experienced skippers before falling back through the fleet as he tried to get to grips of not actually being onboard the boat and the lake's strange wind holes.
Race 5 threw up a surprise (?) race winner in Raymond who in the previous 4 races had been struggling towards the back of the fleet ( Raymondo's youthfull exuberance coming to the for!.. more like ). Races 6 & 7 saw Matthew taking 2 bullets with Vinnie struggling at the back of the fleet thus making racing for the top position overall very tight. Race 8 brought another first for Vinnie and with Matthew recording a DNF, all rested on the last race for the honour of winning the "Rusty Fingers" Trophy.
So race 9 proved that lightning can strike twice in the same spot with Raymounfd taking line honours for the second time on the day, with Vinnie finishing 2nd and with Matthew mid fleet. So when the scores were calculated Vinnie emerged as the winner on the day with Matthew 2nd and Derek Jones 3rd.
All in all, a good day and start to the 2021 sailing season. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
This Sunday sees round 1 of the "Barry Gailer Trophy", first start scheduled for 10am.
Regards, Nigel
Date |
Day |
Class |
Event |
Race Officer |
31/3 |
Wednesday |
“Rusty Fingers” |
4/4 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 1 |
Nigel Featherstone |
7/4 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 1 |
11/4 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 2 |
Neil Cousins |
14/4 |
Wednesday |
RM |
Porter Cup Round 1 |
18/4 |
Sunday |
Barry Gailer Trophy Round 3 |
Mel Catchpole |
21/4 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 2 |
25/4 |
Sunday |
6M |
Little Audrey Trophy Rnd 1 |
28/4 |
Wednesday |
Old Codgers Trophy Round 3 |
Think that’s about all for now and let’s look forward to fair winds and good sailing for the forthcoming sailing year.
Picture of my part finished Scottish new boat ... "IOM Lochdown"
All the best, Nigel
Top tips from Brad G with comliments from Duncan at NMYC . Click on the link below.
MARCH 2021

Hi Skippers,
Welcome to the latest edition of Mainsheet. Hope you have all been keeping busy and well. I have just had my first vaccination well ahead of time so I hope that many of you will also have had yours by now.
Following on from my communication as regards to the post of temporary commodore to which I only received one reply it would seem to make sense to leave this post vacant until we can call a proper EGM to select a new commodore. The first likely date for this will be hopefully early July.
As regards to the latest Covid-19 announcement re the road map out of restrictions, I am delighted to see a route that should allow us to return to the water by the end of March. At present I await conformation from the MYA as regards to actual dates but suffice to say, once I have conformation, I will advise you all accordingly.
Before we can get back on the water, there are a few things that need attention lakeside before we return and I wish to thank Vinnie for volunteering to take on these jobs for us. I am sure if he requires any help he will only need to ask nearer the time and people will come forward.
I have now drafted a sailing Schedule with a start date from the 31st March. The schedule will be a little different as from previous years but hopefully restrictions permitting all club trophies will be raced for, be it some on a reduced number of rounds plus, I have added a third series to the IOM Wednesday calendar. As for the 6Meters I intend to run the "Whitbread Trophy Series" as a block of 6 race days both on Wednesdays and Sundays during the period set aside for the weedy season, conditions allowing. These dates could be subject to change due to as and when the weed arrives. Also, I have moved the venue for the 6M "Shearwater Trophy" on the 9th May across to Norwich, as we will still not have any facilities available to us at Filby. Please support this club event, even though it is being sailed at Norwich. No club racing will be held that day at Filby.
Last but not least we held a short club Zoom meeting on Wednesday 24th which was attended by 6 members and the general feeling of those who took part was that we should arrange one more before we return to the water. So, with this in mind I will arrange the second BRYC Zoom meeting for Wednesday 17th March again at 10am. Please let me know if you wish to attend.
That's about it for now but hope to be able to circulate the clubs sailing schedule to you all sometime early in March. In the meantime, with the return to water looking likely soon, maybe now is the time to dig your boats out and check all is working and not leave it to the last moment.
Firstly, I would like to start this latest offering by saying that I hope you and yours are all keeping well in these difficult times. By now I am sure that some of you have had your vaccinations and hopefully a few more of us should receive ours by the end of February.
Unfortunately, not much to say this time round as we entered 2021 under a tier 4 lockdown which was then quickly replaced by a total lockdown on the 5th January which put a kibosh on any hope of sailing during the early part of the year.
After a very wet Christmas period we did manage to get a small work party of Mike, Vinnie, Derek, Gareth and myself down to the club on the Wednesday between Christmas and the New Year to lift the club boat ashore. Thanks team, because if we had left it any longer the boat would have filled up with rain water. A cover has now been purchased which hopefully should reduce the amount of rain water that gets into the boat when left standing for any length of time and will be fitted once the boat can be refloated. It may need some adjustment but I am sure that will not be a problem.
Following a discussion between ourselves and our friends at Norwich we have decided to switch venues for this year 6M Shearwater Trophy away from Filby to Norwich for 2021. The date chosen is Sunday the 9th May. The reasoning for the switch was twofold, firstly with COVID-19 the chances of the restaurant at Filby being fully operational by then is low and secondly with Norwich holding the 6M nationals later on in the year it would give potential competitors from outside the area coming to the Nationals a chance to sail on the waters prior to the Nationals and also giving the Norwich race team a practice event as regards to 6M.
As regards to commencement of sailing for this year, there is not much that can be done until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted and we see what is left of the year before compiling a race calendar of sorts.
So as arms are duly vaccinated, our lives are newly injected with a fresh sense of optimism for a sunlit spring with plenty of sailing opportunities ahead....................................( beautifully expressed )
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