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Welcome to the BRYC NEWS 2023
Heron Trophy Series Results 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the IOM Heron Trophy Series.
We sailed all 5 events in the series and there is just one discard.
There were 14 entrants.
Congratulations to John H who won the series with 4 points followed by Mark and Mel with 7 and 19 points.
Sunday 17/12/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 5
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We had a very good turnout of 12 members for the 5th and final event in the Heron Trophy Series for IOMs.
The breeze was fresh from the West, but very variable in direction and gusty. Conditions were challenging. Everyone was on the No 1 rig except for Neil and one other (Not sure who it was !)
Mark took 1st place with 9 points, John H was 2nd with 11 and Mel was in 3rd place with 14.
Stuart was on the tail of the leaders with 18 points and well clear of the mid fleet...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A good mornings racing in fairly mild and sunny December conditions.
Thanks to Andy for calling the line and completing the race sheet......................
Vic Buck Trophy Series Results 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from the Vick Buck Trophy Series - Wed IOM.
We had a magnificent series entry of 18 members.
If everyone turns up one day we will need to have a serious think about the race arrangements !
Perhaps we should practise HMS !!
John H was in first place Mel in second place followed by Mark in third.
There are some close results in the middle of the fleet.
As you can see the penalty for not completing at least 6 events is very high with just 2 discards.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Mince pies and prizes next Wed should attract a good entry.........
Wednesday 13/12/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM , round 8
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from last Wed.
Apologies for the delay. There were race sheet queries to sort out !
We had an excellent turnout of 11 members for this event, but the numbers reduced during the day for various reasons.
John H took first place with 7 points followed by Eric and myself in 2nd and 3rd with 15 and 21 points........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Series results to follow.
Lady Jane Trophy Series (RM) 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the Sunday - Lady Jane Trophy Series (RM)
6 events were completed..
We had 1 cancellation on 6/8/23 (event 2) due to high wind.
We had 8 entrants in the series.
Congratulations to John H who took the trophy with 8 points.
Vinnie and Derek were in 2nd and 3rd places with 11 and 14 points. .........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Sunday 10/12/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 7
Six enthusiastic RM sailors were joined by an RO team of John C, Paul and Mark on a bright sunny morning.
A standard triangle sausage course was laid in the lighter than forecast SW breeze and two close races were held before the break. Unfortunately whilst we relaxed the breeze did too, swinging south, getting even lighter and casting wind shadows across the course. 5 skippers attained a first place during the morning with positions regularly switching in the unpredictable and frustrating conditions.
Everyone was more than happy to pack up at seven races giving Vinnie the day on tie-break from me and Derek a close third.............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Overall Results for New Wednesday Series 3, 6M Autumn Series
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the Autumn Wed 6M Series
8 events were completed with no cancellations.
We had an impressive 13 entrants which shows the class is very healthy.
Congratulations to John H who dominated the series with 8 wins with 6 to count.
Vinnie and Trevor were in 2nd and 3rd places.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 06/12/23 New Wed Autumn Series 3 for 6M, round 8
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find a light westerly breeze and a clear blue sky.
We started with 5 members. Mike arrived for race 3 and I retired as my winch was making some pretty awful
Six races were completed.
Vinnie laid the course with a beat to the west followed by a run / reach to a wing mark to the north east followed by the final beat from the start line.
The conditions were challenging with many shifts and holes.
John took the win with 7 points with Vinnie and Trevor in 2nd and 3rd places with 8 and 14 points................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS

A very pleasant winter day's sailing.
Sunday 3/12/2023 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M, round 7
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find overcast and damp conditions with a light Southerly breeze. We should not complain. I was at Filby on Saturday and there was no wind and thick fog !
7 members started the racing and we managed to complete 8 races.
The coffee break after 2 races, was inside, as it was cold and damp !
With the Southerly breeze direction a running start course was set, going to a leeward gate followed by the beat to one of the start marks and then round a couple of wing marks to the west. Then a beat to the finish.
The beat was challenging and shifty and there were many place changes and close finishes.
Stuart only completed 2 races following a mishap with a broken lifting hook.
Mel took first place with 7 points followed by John and Vinnie with 11 and 16 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for the mark recovery and Mark for acting as RO
Wednesday 29/11/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM's , round 7
Five extremely keen sailors gathered on a freezing, wet and windless morning to gaze at the mirror calm broad. Just as we wondered if it was worth the trip there was the hint of breeze, which varied from West to North and back, a random selection of buoys with multiple start options was laid.
Vinnie lead us around the agreed course and as the still light breeze steadied to WSW this proved to be case in every race.........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
After coffee Sun appeared and despite the lack of breeze it really was pleasant.
I managed to wake up after three races but was well beaten by Vinnie as were everyone in the tight battle for top three places..........................
Sunday 26/11/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM's , round 4
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
9 members sailed today's event with Robbie and John C acting as ROs.
The westerly breeze initially looked very light, but John H set a course well out to the north and the breeze there held up well for the whole morning.
John H took the win with 15 points followed by Mark and Mel with 17 and 18 points respectively.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A chilly but very enjoyable morning's racing with 10 races completed.
22/11/2023 New Wed Series 3, round 7
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
A magnificent turnout of 10 members enjoyed a great morning's sailing for the 7th event in the Autumn 6M Wed series.
We arrived to find a light southerly breeze and John laid the marks to give a running start to a gate.
It was tricky in the light airs !
After 2 races we took the coffee break and fortunately the breeze filled in to give much better sailing conditions for the next 6 races.
With 10 boats the mark rounding could be a challenge !
John H was the winner with 5 wins and a 2nd counting giving 7 points.
Vinnie was second with 2 wins and 4 seconds - 10 points
I came 3rd with 5 3rds and a 7th counting - 22 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The consistency is interesting - not something I manage very often !
Thanks to John H for the mark laying and recovery.
19/11/2023 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M, round 2 ( recovery 9/7 )
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find dry conditions with a westerly breeze a bit lighter than forecast. The rain held off thruout the morning, so conditions were quite pleasant.
There was good turnout of 9 boats and 9 races were completed with 3 different race winners.
John H dominated with 6 wins and 8 points followed by Mel and \Stuart with 14 and 26 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for laying the marks and Robbie, John C and Mark for covering RO duties.
Cheers, Geoff
15/11/23 Vick Buck Trophy for IOM, round 6
Dear All,
Please find att. today's results.
We arrived at Filby to be find a fresh westerly breeze which was marginal no 1 rig. Some went for the no 1 rig and others the no 2 rig.
By coffee break the breeze had increased slightly and everyone chose the no 2 rig.
8 races were completed with some close racing and 3 different race winners.
Mark took 1st place by one point from John with Mel in 3rd place....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John C treated us all to tea or coffee to celebrate his birthday. Happy birthday John
Thanks to John H for laying and recovering the marks and John C for acting as RO.
12/11/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 3
Dear All,
Please find att. today's results.
Today 10 members arrived at Filby to find the mist clearing but little wind. After some debate, it was decided to try a race. It was a struggle !
The wind did not fill in and eventually 3 races were completed. So with no discards and 10 entries the penalty for a retirement or DNF was high.
John took first place followed by Mark and Vinnie.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for the mark laying, recovery and John C for acting as RO.
8/11/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 6
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find it very wet with a Southerly breeze which was lighter than the forecast 40 mph gusts.
John set a running start to a gate with a wing mark following the 1st lap beat
The beat was shifty and challenging with many places being changed near the finishing line.
The finishing order was John, Mel and Vinnie.
Although the drizzle persisted thro the morning the racing was enjoyable and 6 members managed to complete the 10 races....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John for the mark laying/recovery and course setting.
Also Mark or acting as RO
5/11/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 6
Six determined RM sailors gathered to brave the moderate SW breeze with the forecast of rain which thankfully didn't materialise.
I laid a standard triangle sausage course and Mark volunteered as RO assisted by John C and later Barry. Most chose C1 rigs with Michael braving a B and Derek making the correct choice of C2.
Unfortunately after two races Vinnie found his mast cracked and retired with Michael retiring after race 5 as the breeze increased. Much fast and close racing ensued with Stuart gaining a first place and Derek and Myself sharing the others. The 8th race was particularly eventful with Mark abandoning the first start as Derek got clean away whilst I managed to tangle up the remaining competitors. If Derek had carried on to win and the rest of us didn't finish and we had stopped there he could have tied with me on 9 points, Derek winning overall with most seconds. However on the restart I managed another win thus taking the day...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
1/11/23 Vick Buck Trophy for IOM round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
7 members enjoyed an interesting mornings sailing completing 8 races in a strong southerly breeze with everyone
on the no 2 rig.
John set the course with a running start to a l'ward gate followed by a beat up the broad and then a wing mark to the west, l'ward mark and a beat to the finish.
There were many late place changes on the beat and you could not be sure of your place until you actually got over the line.
Mark H was the winner, followed by John and then myself.
Paul C was showing good boat speed with a win and 3 second places..........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
In the coffee break John C presented John H with the Jubilee Plate which he also won in 2022
Thanks to John for setting the course and recovering the marks in the rain which had set in for the last race.
Jubilee Plate for IOM,2023 Final Positions
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from the Jubilee Plate series.
It's slightly unusual as you will see. There were 6 planned events, but first 3 were cancelled due to weed. Thus there are no discards.
With 14 entrants in the series there was a high penalty if you missed an event !
So John is the winner with 2 wins and a 2nd.
Mark is second with 6 points followed by myself with 16 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
Broadlands Trophy Winner..
John Hanton and John Carment in a familiar pose .
Just incase you missed it the first time.

29/10/2023 Little Audrey Trophy Round 6
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
9 members sailed 9 races as part of the 6M Little Audrey Trophy series.
The wind was from a generally Southerly direction, but variable in strength and direction.
John H was the clear winner with 7 wins counting. Mel was 2nd with 17 points closely followed by Stuart with 19 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Vinnie and Mark acted as ROs and tried a couple of course changes during the morning.
25/10/23 New Wednesday Series 3, round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
6 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in a light, but steady N to NW breeze.
Mark kept the grey matter active by various course changes.
John dominated the results with 6 wins from the 8 completed races.
Mel was second with 14 points.
Trevor and Derek tied for third with 16 points, but Trevor takes it with his win.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
22/10/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 2
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
10 members arrived at Filby today for round 2 of the Heron Trophy Series for IOMs
The weather was kind. with a gentle NW breeze which held up well for the whole morning.
John set a triangle / sausage course which provided some good sailing in pleasantly warm conditions.
2 races were completed before the break which included the AGM. After the break a further 7 races were sailed.
John took the honours with 5 wins and 11 points. Mark was in second place with 13 points followed by Vinnie with 17 points.
There was some very competitive racing mid fleet....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
Thanks to all for help with the gear recovery etc................
If you would like to be able to view our FaceBook pages please send a member request via FaceBook.
CLICK HERE FOR BRYC facebook page....... Broads Radio Yacht Club | Facebook
18/10/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM, round 4
Five hardy sailors braved the forecast high winds for round 4 of the Vic Buck Trophy. Vinnie laid a Triangle/Sausage course and John C volunteered to be RO.
The wind failed big time to live up to expectation with very few hairy No2 rig moments and many more swirling, fluky No 1 legs. Everyone had chosen No2 rigs however and kept them throughout. Vinnie unfortunately suffered major radio issues and after a few attempts at completing a race had to pack up. Racing was close with three different winners and runners-up, Neil achieved a third place. A win in the final race gave me the day over Mark by a single point with Mel third.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
15/10/2023 Broadland Trophy for RM
Six sailors arrive on a bright sunny but somewhat chilly morning to complete for the Broadland Trophy.
A triangle/sausage course was laid into the Westerly breeze. Robbie kindly offered to be RO and was assisted by Mark.
There was a variety of choice between A and B rigs. Derek with his B rig won the first race but the wind dropped for the second, leading some (me) making an unwise choice to A at the Tea/Coffee break. In race 3 the breeze increased such that most changed back to B or Lower and John C decided to retire as he only had A. Before the start of race 6 Derek unfortunately stumbled into the broad getting quite damp and drowning his transmitter. The breeze became very unstable switching from West to North and back so after 8 races we decided enough was enough. I took the day with Vinnie runner-up, Stuart was third and Derek fourth....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS......
11/10/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 4
Nine keen 6M sailors assisted by Mark as RO were at Filby today for the Wednesday Autumn Series event.
Weather was kind with breeze most of the time and only an odd spot of rain. I unsportingly took all the top spots but there were many close battles for 2nd and 3rd spots with five skippers making 2nd and six achieving 3rd.
I took the day with Derek runner up followed by Mel and Raymond. Despite some good scores towards the end by Trevor,Vinnie took the tie for 5th by having a 2nd place........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS................John
8/10/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 5
Seven hearty Marblehead sailors keen to battle the negligible Southerly breeze were joined by Mark, Robbie and Neil.
I managed to lay some sort of course and Robbie kindly volunteered to be RO.
It was really a day where results were more about minimising mistakes than anything else. I took 4 top spots, Vinnie 3 and Derek 2, the majority made it onto the top 3 at least once. At the end Vinnie took the day with Derek second................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
We'll done Mike who completed all races due to a new TX/RX and thanks to all who cleared up after I had to leave early for work.......................
4/10/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM, round 3
10 members arrived at Filby today and sailed 10 races in a light westerly breeze that varied from very light to fairly strong gusts.
The course was a standard port rounding triangle and sausage.
There were 5 different race winners, but Mark was clear winner with 5 wins and 11 points.
John took second place with 21 points. Trevor and Vinnie both had 34 points Both had 1 win and 1 second. Vinnie takes 3rd place by having 1 3rd race place....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very pleasant mornings sailing with a good turnout.
Thanks to John who set the course and all who helped with the usual tasks.
1/010/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM , round 1
An outstanding number of eleven sailors gathered to take advantage of the promised warm and sunny morning.
The breeze was as forecast from the SW and Vinnie kindly laid a course which by necessity was to the left hand side of our area.
John Carment took on the Role of RO assisted by Mike who also doubled as rescue boat driver and Mark recovered.
Two races were sailed before tea/Coffee which was funded by Raymond in celebration of his birthday. Many thanks Raymond!
A further seven races followed, Vinnie gave us all a chance with a string of radio and winch problems. Racing was very close and six sailors managing top three places....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
More practice required in big fleet racing especially at the windward mark.
Thanks to John C, Mike and all those who helped to put out and take in all the gear...................
27/09/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 3
Eight keen R6M sailors gathered on a warm sunny morning with little reliable breeze.
Buoys were laid around the sailing area in the hope a course could be found somewhere.
Mark didn't bring a boat and volunteered as RO and Michael's temperamental transmitter failed in race 3.
In the very challenging conditions only 6 races were completed and these were pretty frustrating.
I proved to be luckiest overall and the next three places were separated by just three points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
As usual an improved breeze was arriving as we packed up..............
24/09/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 4
Four enthusiastic sailors were joined by Mark Holt and John Carment for today's RM event.
Whilst the breeze blew steadily across the Car Park it was a different story on the water which made for both exciting and frustrating sailing, varying from heavy C to light A conditions around the course. Mark kindly performed RO duties (apart from the times he was proving that any boat could win).
Everyone was happy to finish after 9 races with B rig, short fin winning the day followed by A rig, long fin...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
20/09/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM , Round 2
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
6 members arrived at Filby wondering what to expect having seen the forecast. The wind was strong and gusty from a southerly direction which created some very challenging conditions.
I had a winch loop line problem and Vinnie brought the wrong transmitter, so there were 4 starters who managed to complete 8 races.
If you were good at spotting shifts and gusts, this was the day for you.
Mark was first with 9 points with John and Mel equal on 11 points, but John took 2nd with 3 wins...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John who braved the conditions to lay and recover the marks.
17/09/2023 6M Little Audrey Trophy Round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing which John kindly processed.
I left early - just before the sky opened up ! I understand the rain brought an end to the day's sailing. It was very heavy !........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
During the morning Mark lost a rudder and Mike had radio problems.
It was good to see Mel sailing again.
13/09/23 6M New Wednesday Series 3, Round 2
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
Six members enjoyed a pleasant mornings sailing in very gusty conditions which generated an awkward chop.
With 7 races completed there was only 1 discard.
John was the clear winner with 6 wins counting. 2nd and 3rd was a tie on 17 points between Vinnie and Barry with Vinine taking 2nd as he had a win.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Norfolk Trophy 10th September 2023
Dear All,
Please find the attached results for the 2023 Norfolk Trophy.
It was a challenging day; but hopefully successful.
We arrived at Filby to find very light wind which changed in direction continually. Combined with 16 entrants and a single fleet or HMS decision to make, the RO (Vinnie) was always going to be busy.
In the end it was HMS in the morning and single fleet in the afternoon.. The breeze was better after lunch and the single fleet enabled the completion of 8 races thus giving 2 discards.
It was good to welcome visitors from Northumberland and Milton Keynes who were on holiday in the area,
Roger Errrington from Killingworth MYC took 3rd place.
There were 4 different race winners, but in the end it was 3 wins and consistency that gave Colin Goodman the Trophy with 12 points, followed by Ben Harker with 14 and Roger Errington with 17
You will see that down to 6th place it was still very open on the last race....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John Carment presented the new Norfolk Trophy to Colin. John made the Trophy.
After the saga with the last Norfolk Trophy rumour has it that it's fitted with a tracker !
Many thanks to everyone who helped with the preparation and running of the day.
6/09/2023 Vic Buck Trophy Round 1
Dear All
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
Seven members enjoyed a very pleasant mornings sailing in a gentle, but remarkably steady breeze. It was around 2 from the NW and held up for the morning enabling
11 races to be completed.
Vinnie was the winner with 12 points followed by Raymond with 23 and myself with 25. There were five different race winners.........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Apologies to Mike who generously bought the teas and coffees to celebrate his birthday only to be rewarded by us starting the next race without him !
3/09/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 6...FINAL ROUND
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
11 members arrived at Filby to be faced with very light wind from the west. This made for challenging, but interesting sailing.
Unfortunately, Vinnie had a rudder problem so only 10 sailed.
John set traditional triangle - sausage course marks with s'board rounding. With the very light wind we just sailed one triangle lap and finished on the second beat.
5 races were sailed
John took honours with 4 wins followed by Mark with 4 seconds. I managed third spot with 10 points........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A good turnout and a pleasant morning.
Wednesday 30/08/2023 New Wednesday series 3 Round 1 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the att results from today's racing. 
We had an excellent turnout of 11 boats and managed to sail 8 races in a NW breeze which held up fairly well. John H took first place with 9 points followed by Vinnie and Derek with 13 and 17 points...........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John C presented Mark with the IOM Old Codgers Trophy during the coffee break.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing away.
Sunday 27/08/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round
for RM
Six keen RM sailors gathered on a somewhat overcast morning with a steady WSW breeze.
A triangle/sausage course was laid and after the difficult A or B rig decisions two races were sailed before tea break.
We were joined by Mark testing his new IOM and Neil with his Dolphin. Mark and John C shared RO duties.
After our break the sun came out and breeze increased so everyone but Andrew and Trevor (running long fins) were on B rigs. Racing was very close with everyone taking top three places. Vinnie unfortunately had to pack up early. I managed an overall win with Andrew close behind and Derek sneaking third from Stuart by one point.............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 23/08/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 9 for IOM
Dear All,
Today 8 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in light NW breeze.
This was the 9th and last event in the IOM series for the Old Codgers Trophy.
We completed 8 races.
Series results to follow.
Mel took first place with 9 points, closely followed by John with 10 points and then Mark with 12.
There was some close racing and finishes down the fleet............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Neil signed up as a member so we welcome him to the club races.
Thanks to John C for acting as RO and John H for putting out the marks, setting the course and then mark recovery.
Results attached
Sunday 20/08/2023 Little Audrey Trophy Round 4 for 6M
Eight club sailors and one potential new member arrived to brilliant sunshine and a steady South West breeze. The normal Triangle/Sausage course was set and eight closely fought races were completed.
Four skippers attained a second place, and a similar number a third.
During the morning the breeze became less stable leaving some dead spots across the course and around marks making the resulting group rounding's difficult.
Geoff unfortunately suffer damage to his kicker and missed the last two races.
I managed an overall win with Derek beating Mel to second by two points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 16/8/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 for IOM's
Dear All,
Please find att. results from today's sailing.
5 members enjoyed a pleasant morning's sailing in a very light NE breeze.
We only managed to complete 7 races in the fickle and challenging breeze.
John H was the winner even after leaving early !............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John C for acting as RO.and Liz for the pictures 

PORTER CUP for RM's...... Click Here for FINAL RESULTS
John H getting Porter Cup from John C
Sunday 13/8/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 5 for IOM's
Today a good turnout of 11 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in the Jubilee Plate Event for IOMs.
The wind was lighter than forecast and very variable in strength and direction. Quite challenging conditions with plenty of holes and shifts to catch you out.
Unfortunately. John Carment had RC problems and retired from the first race and then could not sort the problem out.
John Hanton took the honours with 4 wins and 9 points followed by Vinnie and Mark with 11 and 15 points...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 9/8/2023 Old Codgers Trophy for IOM's
Dear All,
10 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in a a very steady NW breeze which held up well. We managed 3 races before coffee and 7 more after the break.
Mark took the honours with 5 wins and 3 seconds giving 11 points. Vinnie took second place with 4 wins and 4 12 points.
Andrew took third place.
Sunday 6/8/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round 2 Cancelled..due to weather
Wednesday 2/8/2023 Series 2 for 6M Cancelled..?
Sunday 30/07/23 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M
Dear All,
7 members sailed today in a strong and blustery NW breeze. We managed to complete 9 races, but there were some gear failures.
Derek seemed to manage the conditions better than most and had 5 wins and 2 second places to count giving him 9 points.
He was followed by Mel in 2nd place and Mike in 3rd place...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 26/07/23 Sailing Results IOM Old Codgers Trophy 7
Dear All.
This morning 6 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in an ideal force 2-3 NW breeze which held up well for the whole morning. The course was a starboard rounding rectangle and sausage which produced some very close racing and finishes.
With 2 discards, Mark dominated with 11 first paces counting from the 13 completed races. Geoff and Andrew followed with 34 points
Results attached........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Sunday 23/07/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 4 for IOM
Dear All
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
9 members sailed today in somewhat difficult conditions. Initially No 1 rig was the choice, but as the morning progressed and the wind increased, it was 100% no 2 rig.
The racing was interrupted for a while to allow Barry to recover his boat, which was entangled with Trevor's. This then involved John and Trevor taking a second boat to assist. Not sure what actually happened behind the spit !
Mark ended up in 1st place with 13 points followed by John with 15 points. The 3rd , 4th and 5th places were very close.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 19/07/23 Wed Series 2 Round 7 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing.
6 members sailed today in a very light NW breeze.
We managed to complete 6 races round the triangle and sausage course and there was some close racing.
John won all 6 races with 5 points followed by Mark with 15 points and Derek was in third place with 16 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Andrew for acting as RO and recovering the marks..................
Sunday 16/07/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round 1
Five adventurous sailors were greeted with a sunny and dry morning and a breeze which varied from extreme to nothing. Most chose a C1 rig with Andrew making the correct choice of a C2.
Eight close races were sailed with Mark as RO and John C as assistant. Robbie joined us for coffee.
Success depended on avoiding the bouys, each other, the one weedy patch and not breaking anything.
In the end Andrew took the day on tie break from Vinne and I managed third. Trevor kindly boosted the fleet despite having to leave early for another event....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
In the main weed was little problem apart from in the top right corner which we can avoid so all looking good for continuing with the program.................
Wednesday 12/07/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 6
Dear All,
10 skippers arrived at Filby to resume sailing after the weedy season break.
The breeze was westerly at the top end for no 1 rigs, but the strength varied during the morning.
Barry had a jib sheet failure and did not start, but sailed some races with Vinnies boat on the No 2 rig.
Mark dominated the racing with 7 wins followed by Eric and Mel in 2nd and 3rd places. |
The racing was very enjoyable in the good breeze and although there was some weed, it did not spoil the racing...............................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing up and to John C for acting as RO.
We will now sail as per the published sailing programme.............. Thanks,
Dear All,
As per earlier note we will resume club series sailing on Wednesday 12th july.
This will be the 6th event in the Old Codgers series for IOMs as per the club programme.
Please reply to my e-mail if you plan to sail.
I plan to be there.........
Sunday 9th July (Little Audrey Round 2 cancelled) WEED TEST
Seven sailors keen to test out the sailing conditions were rewarded with very little weed, 5 races with a decent breeze and 1 final very soggy race with next time no breeze. 3 different winners and 5 different runners up showed how close the racing was.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very enjoyable morning ( until the soggy bit ).
Thanks to Andrew for being RO and testing the course with his RM indicating we should be fine to sail IOM on Wednesday.
Wednesday 14th July
Dear All,
A small group of us (JC, JH, VZ & myself went to Filby today to do some work on the club boat. The weather was pretty well perfect and working under the large Oak tree was a pleasure. Unfortunately, the weed is still present so it was a good opportunity to do the work.
Thanks to Vinnie for supplying a piece of marine ply for transom seat/thwart.
Thanks also to John who has made a replacement for the long lost Norfolk Trophy.
Pictures attached.
Weather permitting, we plan to do some painting next Wed. So if you feel like wielding a paint brush or need a coffee/chat that's the plan.
WEEEEEEEEED !!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like Bill......or Ben
Dear All,
As the weed seems to have arrived, it seems that the best plan to achieve sensible racing will be with 6Ms.
John's last notes cover the recent weed experience.
Next Sunday's event (28/05/23) will be for 6Ms replacing the programmed IOM event which is cancelled.
Please reply to all if you intend to sail...
I intend to be there.
..Thanks, Geoff
28/05/2023 6M (Replacing cancelled Jubillee Plate for IOM's)
Dear All.
7 skippers sailed today's races in a pleasant northerly breeze which held up reasonably well through the morning.
Unfortunately, the weed is now quite bad and pretty well all boats picked up some weed in every race.
In spite of the weed we managed to complete 8 races.
John took the honours with 7 points followed by Mel in second place with 11 points. Barry was third with 20 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Andrew treated us all to tea/coffee in celebration of his birthday. Many thanks.
Thanks to Raymond and Andrew for covering the RO duty and scoring.
We have decided that the weed now prevents series events in all the classes, so until further notice sailing is on a casual basis.
24/05/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 3 for 6M
5 skippers today all keen to enjoy the gorgeous sunny morning, more than forecast breeze, and to find out if the weed had reached 6M height.
Vinnie kindly laid a Triangle/Sausage course into the NW breeze and with some practice rounds showing little weed effect two races were sailed before tea.
Derek's weed beating special was great for the first race but suffered in the remained as the breeze increased. Mark joined us at the break and took on RO duties. A further seven races were sailed. I managed to take the day with Mel second and Barry third on tiebreak from Vinnie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone for packing up after I left.
Whilst most pick up some weed in all the races it was limited to small strands and didn't restrict performance, it remains to be seen what happens in less breeze. I don't think IOM or RM would be viable until the weed dies back and suggest we carry on as long as we can with 6M.......
21/05/2023 Porter Cup Round 7 for RM
Five fearless skippers arrived to battle the threatened weed and were greeted by a cold dull broad and a moderate breeze, two made an immediate trip home for C rigs.
Mark Holt kindly took on RO duties and battle commenced.
The C rigs proved worth the trip as together with short fins it was actually possible to complete the course. Second rounds were tricky as the weed collected made it difficult to tack. Vinnies very short IOM fin looked easiest to handle but balanced with the C3 was slower on the reaches. The promised sun came out eventually and 8 races were sailed.
I came out on top with Derek second on countback from Vinnie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
We can give 6M a try on Wednesday but I don't think IOM and RM will be worthwhile until the weed dies.
17/05/2023 Old Codgers Trophy for IOM
Dear All
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
Today 8 skippers enjoyed a very pleasant mornings sailing. The generally Northerly breeze held up well, but unfortunately we are starting to see a fair bit of weed.
It was good to see Matthew back and he took the win with 12 points followed by Mel with 14 points. John and myself tied with 19 points, but I took third place with 2 wins....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Raymond won the last race giving 5 different races winners.
14/05/2023 Shearwater Open for 6M
Dear All,
The Shearwater Open for 6Ms was sailed on Sun 14th May at Filby. We had 12 entrants with 4 visitors. Unfortunately there were 2 visitor withdrawals due to personal circumstances. The fleet was of a high standard with 4 entrants scheduled to sail the Nationals, at Fleetwood, in early June.
The wind direction and strength provided a real challenge to Vinnie, who was RO. It varied during the day from very light to zero ! Most of the time it was generally Westerly.
In spite of the conditions, eight races were completed with some very close racing thro' the fleet.
Graham Bntock dominated the day with 5 wins and 7 points with Vernon Appleton in second place with 19 points. Mel Catchpole was 3rd, also with 19 points, but Vernon had 2 wins...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Many thanks to Vinnie, Stuart and Andy who made up the race team.
John Hanton has won the ED Series from the Harwich and Broads results.

The Shearwater Trophy and ED Series Trophy are both with Stephen Wheeler who could not attend. They will be collected by John when he visits Hernry Farley this week.

Geoff Josey
10/05/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 2 for 6M
Dear all
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
Today we had 7 skippers sailing the second event in the new Summer Wed 6M series.
The breeze was mainly westerly, but light and variable in strength, so we only managed 6 races.
John dominated the day with 5 wins counting and Mark was second with 1 win and 11 points.......................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and everyone who helped with the equipment set up and collection.
7/5/2023 Porter Cup Round 5 for RM
An amazing 8 RM skippers braved the dismal forecast for round 6 of the Porter Cup. They were rewarded with a warm sunny morning and a light A rig breeze that slowly increased.
Vinnie guessed a course before the breeze had steadied and this proved to be absolutely correct. There was very close racing with three skippers taking first places with most achieving at least one place in the top three. Bernie sailed one of Fred's sale bargains and it went very well as the breeze increased. After 9 enjoyable races, I made top spot with the tie for second taken by Vinnie from Andrew with lower discards on the HMS countback..............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Mark for RO and everyone putting out and returning the kit.
6M on Wednesday which somehow missed the calendar and 6M Shearwater Trophy next Sunday............ John
3/5/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 1 for IOM
Eight keen sailors eventually gathered on a bright and slightly chilly morning for the first round of the IOM Old Codgers Trophy.
Vinnie kindly laid a windward/Leeward course in the mostly Easterly breeze with a very even Leeward gate which lead to some tricky decisions.
Trevor made a Stirling effort to be there after early morning puncture and faulty spare wheel escapades.
Racing was very close with a tricky beat to the first mark and erratic breeze on the downwind legs. Everyone managed good and bad results with slimy weed and go slow reeds playing their part. Three of us managed two firsts but Mel took the day with better consistency over myself and Mark...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks all for an enjoyable morning.
Sunday is RM, next Wednesday 6M and Sunday 14th the 6M Shearwater Trophy. There is still time to enter............
30/04/2023 Whitbread Trophy Day 5 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing.
We had another great turnout of ten boats on a beautiful Spring day. The SW breeze did not let us down and we completed 10 races.
Unfortunately, John forgot his ballast and thus did not race. However, many thanks to John for laying the marks, setting the course and acting as RO
Bernie took the honours (I think) from Mark. It's interesting as they both have 5 wins, 2 seconds and 1 third ! The win in the last race secured it for Bernie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The racing down the fleet was very close and hopefully everyone enjoyed a very pleasant day's sailing.
26/04/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 1 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing.
We had a magnificent entry of 10 boats for today's event.
The wind was light from the South / South West direction, but it moved a lot during the morning.
John took the honours with 8 points followed by Mel with 14. In spite of the light wind, we managed to complete 7 very competitive and enjoyable races...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Barry entertained us by launching his boat in his shoes i.l.o. waders !
At the break, Vinnie presented a trophy to John as winner of the New 6M Series (Spring)

Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and John for Mark recovery plus everyone else for tidying up.
Photos .....thanks to Geoff
Vinnie being presented with Frozen Fingers Gloves by John

Trevor needs some Nicker elastic OR has come up with new sail plan
John first round leeward mark in 6M race
Egyption geese at tropical Filby
23/4/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 5 for IOM's
Today we had a good turnout of 9 IOMs for the final event in the Barry Gailler Trophy Series.
Unfortunately, my boat, which is usually dry, seemed to taking on a lot of water. Still not sure why. but I did not want to risk it so,
we had 8 entrants for 8 of the 9 races.
The wind was from the South and of variable strength and direction round the course. The rain held off until we were packing up.
Vinnie took the honours by just one point from John. There was some very close, competitive and enjoyable racing in the whole fleet...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
At the break John Carment presented Vinnie with a pair of gloves as winner of the Wed IOM Frozen Fingers Series
Results att.
Series result to follow.
19/04/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Final Round for IOM's
This week seven intrepid sailors gathered on a gloriously sunny morning, BUT, this week the NE wind was chilly,moderate and gusting hurricane ( I exagerate somewhat for dramatic effect !). Mark was trying to get everyone to put the B rig on but unusually no-one took a blind bit of notice and put their A rigs up instead.
Vinnie set a good course as he often says but the windward mark proved to be close to a light swirling patch of non-wind (no fault of Vinnie's) which caused several comments through out the races based on the phrase " I was bleep, bleep first and now I'm bleep, bleep, bleep last !" But all seemed to enjoy the day and friendly racing was conducted throughout.
Vinnie, Mark and Mel started the first 3 races best of all. Mel had problems later on but Marc and Vinnie continued to slug it out for first place. It was great to see Raymond who obviously hasn't lost his touch.
Vinnie managed to edge Mark for first place and sailing was fair, friendly and fickle ( it's worth it for the alliteration, classy what ?) .........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and everyone else for helping get stuff out and away.
I really enjoyed the day.......Eric
16/04/2023 Porter Cup Final Round for RM's
Six keen sailors gathered on a gloriously sunny morning which unfortunately lacked a decent breeze. Vinnie put out a course based on what the wind seemed to be doing most of the time and this was used all morning. Mark joined us early on to run the day, assisted after the break by Barry.
Racing was very close with difficult starts as the breeze often died as the countdown ended.
Luck paid its part as well as managing to clearly round the marks and avoid floating weed...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks all for a very pleasant morning..........
John .
12/4/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Final Round 6 for R6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing.
We had another good turnout of 6 member to sail the final event in the New Wed 6M series.
Fortunately, the forecast high winds and rain came later in the day and we enjoyed a very pleasant morning with a SW breeze. Generally SW, but at times it came from most other directions as well, which provided some tricky, but interesting sailing conditions.
John took the honours with 6 wins followed by Vinnie and Mel...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Series results to follow.
Please bear in mind that for the series the same discard system applies as for the day racing.
ie. Unless we have 8 events there is only one discard.
9/4/2023 Whitbread Trophy Round 4
for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
There were 6 boats sailing, but it would have been 7 if I had not managed to break my rudder when removing the boat from the car.
The breeze was from SSW and fairly light.
There was some good competitive racing with Mark winning having 9 points closely followed by Mel with 10 points.
Vinnie was 3rd with 13 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
5/4/2023 Frozen fingers Round 5 for IOM
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
6 members arrived at Filby to find a very pleasant spring morning. The breeze was SSW, so Vinnie had a challenge to set a long first beat. he managed a short one and avoided a running start.
Mark just managed the win with 12 points followed by Vinnie with 13 points and John on 14. The racing was very close and enjoyable....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
It was good to see Barry recovering well and thanks to him for acting as RO.
Thanks also to Vinnie for the course setting and John for the mark recovery.
2/4/2023 Barry Gailer Round 4 for IOM
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to be greeted by a fresh and very chilly breeze from the NE
The disturbed wind,over the trees, created some challenging conditions which were top end No 1 rig in the gusts.
Mark took the honours with 9 points closely followed by John on 10 points. Derek was in 3rd place with 18 points.
29/3/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 5 for 6M
Dear All,
We had another good turnout with 8 boats racing.
The wind was a light SSW which made setting the course quite tricky.
John was the clear winner with 7 points, followed by Mel and Vinnie with 18 and 21 points.
There was very close racing thro' the fleet with some tight finishes.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for the course setting and John for the mark recovery.
The rain held off until the final race so the timing was good !
26/3/2023 Porter Cup Round 3 for RM's
Six sailors braved the dismal forecast for the RM Porter Cup round 4. In reality it was dry and mostly sunny but with a very chilly breeze which at times was over B rig and yet could manage windless holes.
As usual two races were sailed before tea with Myself and Derek taking the honours. After the break a further 8 races were sailed with Vinnie finding top gear for 5 wins, conclusively taking the day. Derek and myself battled for the other top spots but despite me having more wins Derek beat me to 2nd place by 1 point with better consistency. 4th place was also close with John C beating Trevor by 1 point...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Andrew unfortunately had to pack up after race 4 as his boat was taking on more water than could be drained between races.
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and Mark for taking over the line and scoring............
22/3/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Round 4 for IOM's
Today we sailed the 5th event in the Frozen Fingers Wed series for IOMs.
6 intrepid members arrived at Filby to find a drisly,wet, day with less SSW wind than the forecast. No 1 rig was the clear choice.
The wind held up through the morning, but was very shifty. The Sun came out after coffee and it became a very pleasant end to the day.
John was easily the clear winner with 3 wins and 3 second places.
Mel & Vinnie tied for 2nd and 3rd places but Mel takes it with 2 wins.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
19/3/2023 Whitbread Cup Round 3 for 6M
We had a splendid turnout of 9 members racing. Unfortunately Mike suffered some damage on a Wed and was unable to race. We would have made a magic 10 with him.
The wind was a light Westerly, which provided some good, close, racing. 9 races were completed. John took the honours with 5 wins and 9 points counting. He was followed by Mark and Bernie in 2nd and 3rd positions................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone who helped with the equipment - especially Andy who was not racing, but did the starts and collected the marks.
Just for info. I have put a standard Futaba charger in the shed for club use. It will charge both Tx and Rx if you have suitable connectors and batteries..............................
15/3/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 2 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find attached results from today's 6M racing.
Seven members enjoyed some very close racing in a SW breeze which held up thro' the morning, but there were plenty of holes to cause problems.
Bernie and John tied for first place with 11 points, but Bernie takes the 1st place with more wins. Vinnie was in 3rd with 15 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
... Cheers,
12/3/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 3
We had six members today for this event which was sailed in a moderate South Westerly breeze which held up well and 8 races were completed.
It was No 1 rig with some broaching gusts. After the cold spell it felt quite mild.
John dominated with 7 wins, but there was some close racing down the fleet. ...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Unfortunately, John C had some electrical problems
8/3/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Round 3
4 hardy souls managed to sail 8 races in a very chilly north easterly breeze which was challenging with plenty of shifts.
Mel was the winner with 5 wins. Vinnie was "sorting" his new boat which is a Kantun 2 ? - not a Pikanto.
Photos by Liz

Thanks Liz . Sorry they're late......Eric
5/3/2023 Sunday Porter Cup Day 2 for RM's
I was well behind schedule this morning and, having driven though a hefty rain/sleet downpour at Blofield, wondered if it was worth the trip.
At Filby however it was dry with some sunshine and a slightly shifty A rig Westerly breeze. Those who arrived earlier had everything set up and Derek was kindly setting out a course which was no easy feat as the wind swung more Southerly every time he returned to the bank.
Two races were sailed before tea when Derek moved the buoys again. Trevor decided to give his TX a bath and spent the next two races drying it sufficiently to regain control...good those flysky. Another 8 races were sailed after the break, three shared the wins and three achieved third places which made for some close competition, think Trevor's TX was faster after the wash. .............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Great to be joined by our new member Stuart who, although not racing, completed the course every time and by Mark Holt who helped with scoring.
Thanks all for a great morning....................
1/3/2023 Wednesday New Series 1 Day 3 for 6M
Another very good turnout of seven boats who sailed in a fresh , but very cold, Northerly breeze.
Nine races were completed with John again the clear winner with 7 wins counting. There was some good close racing down the fleet with Bernie in second place. Mel and Barry were in third position, on equal points, but Mel takes it with his 2nd place.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
26/2/2023 Whitbread Trophy Day 2 for 6M
A very good turnout of eight boats who sailed in a fresh Northerly breeze (with holes).
John was the clear winner with 5 wins and a second counting....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
There was some good close racing down the fleet.
22/2/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy day 2 for IOM's
There were 6 members present for a pleasant morning's sailing.
The rain kept off and the light breeze held up well enabling 8 closely contested races to be sailed.
Vinnie was the clear winner followed by Mel with Trevor in 3rd position.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
19/2/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Day 2 for IOM's
9 sailors gathered on what started as a rather dull morning for the IOM Barry Gailer Trophy round 2. Vinnie laid a course for the Northerly breeze which then decided it might head west a bit.
8 boats made the water and 7 the first race. After two races we stopped for refreshments the sun came out and Vinnie kindly brought the far buoys closer which also helped as the wind direction shifted. There were many close tussles throughout the fleet, more than half of which gaining top three places. After a total of 11 races just two points separated the first three.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The sun stayed with us and despite being a bit chilly it really was a very enjoyable morning.
If anyone has found a large pot cover it is Geoff's.
IOM again on Wednesday.
15/2/2023 New Wednesday Series 1 Day 2 for 6M's
Dear All,
It was a good turn out with 7 boats racing. The southerly breeze was light and variable in strength.
John was a clear winner, but Mark and Mel managed to take a win each.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and to John mark collection plus a a long trip to recover the drifting red mark........................
12/2/2023 Porter Cup trophy Day 2 for RM's
cancelled due to lack of wind
8/2/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Day 2 for IOM's
We arrived at Filby to find thick fog and a very light, but a possibly just sailable breeze.
An early coffee break was taken. The fog cleared, but the breeze died completely so sailing was abandoned.
5/2/2023 Whitbread trophy Day 1 for 6M's
We arrived at Filby today to be greeted by a fresh and very chilly westerly breeze.
There were 3 new 6 metres :- Vinnie's Cerebus John's Ravenna and my Romanza.

Also we had four other 6M's. Unfortunately, the strong breeze found teething problems with the new boats which resulted in 9 races being sailed with only the sorted boats. Mel took the honours.
...........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Those not sailing enjoyed very enjoyable discussions on 6M design and set up.
Thanks to John for the mark laying and collection and Andy for completing the race sheet.
Later in the season we have the potential to turn out a fleet of 10 6Ms which must be good........
For Sale
I am having a determined effort to sort out things I do not use. I recently bought back my Widget, which I sold to a friend about seven years ago.
I then sold the boat to Kevin in the Norwich club. As you probably know, he flies helicopters and already had his own radio equipment.
The Tx is "as new" complete with manual and original box.
The Rx is brand new as the old one was kaput.
I have just bought it from The Sussex Model Centre for just over £20
The TX has EPA.
You can Google the Tx and it retails for around £110
So it's a - Tactic TTX 650 (6 channel) & Tactic TR 625 receiver.
It's £50 to a Broads or Norwich member before I put it on the MYA site and e bay.
Can it go on the club site please ?
15/1/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 1 for IOM's
To say today's sailing was "eventful is probably an understatement.
We arrived to find a strong SW breeze which required a decision - 2 or 3 rig ? Derek led the move to No 3 rigs which turned out to be a good choice for the morning.
After 2 races and the coffee break the wind increased, so it was really only No 3 rigs which were suitable. Later in the morning the wind eased a little.
During the morning there were many retirements, gear failures, late arrivals etc., but John, Mark and Derek led the fleet.
The final result was very close with John taking the win with 12 points. Derek also had 12 points, but fewer wins. Mark was third with 13 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
There are 11 names on the score sheet so an excellent turnout.
Apologies if there are any errors on the result sheet ! It was soggy sheet and Mikes no 3 rig had been in the box for so long that he forgot that it was 5 and not 31 on the sail !!
I think Liz has some good shots of IOMs travelling fast.
PPS Dear Liz, could you send me any PIcs ...please, Eric
11/1/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 1 for 6M
The first of the Wed R6M series.
The weather started with a lighter than forecast breeze, but this freshened as the morning progressed and conditions were excellent.
There were 5 members competing and John was dominant winning 7 of the 8 races. Mel managed to snatch 1 win.
There was some very close racing in the rest of the fleet............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for the course setting and RO duty..............
Geoff. Don't forget
IOM's next Sunday 15/1
8/1/2023 Porter Cup Round 1 for RM's
Four sailors enjoyed a bright and sunny morning with a Southerly breeze which built up as we raced. Due to the wind direction a running start followed by a triangle and beat to finish was laid and 14 short races were completed.
Racing was very close with everyone getting some good results.
A severe gust flattened the fleet in race 9 breaking my main sheet, the rescue and repair of which unfortunately took 3 races. Thanks to Mark for the string. Vinnie was most consistent only drifting out of first or second place once. Andrew won the battle for third from Trevor.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Barry and Mark joined us during the morning and assisted with starting and scoring, just need to get them RM.
4/1/2023 Frozen Fingers Round 1 for IOM's
Hi All
Eight sailors arrived today keen to enjoy the bright sunny weather and blustery wind. Unfortunately, I was the first casualty of the day having left my transmitter at home so only Seven started the Windward/Leeward course kindly laid by Vinnie.
The gusty wind proved very testing of both boat and skipper.
The combination of Mark and the Italico was most successful with Vinnie and Mel in close contention. Sadly Raymond had to retire early on with broken shrouds. Eight exciting races were completed, with gusts in the last few proving too much for the B rigs everyone had chosen.....................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A great morning of racing.
Happy New Year to all our members and friends
Heron Trophy Series Results 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the IOM Heron Trophy Series.
We sailed all 5 events in the series and there is just one discard. There were 14 entrants.
Congratulations to John H who won the series with 4 points followed by Mark and Mel with 7 and 19 points. ..........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Sunday 17/12/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 5
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing. We had a very good turnout of 12 members for the 5th and final event in the Heron Trophy Series for IOMs.
The breeze was fresh from the West, but very variable in direction and gusty. Conditions were challenging. Everyone was on the No 1 rig except for Neil and one other (Not sure who it was !)
Mark took 1st place with 9 points, John H was 2nd with 11 and Mel was in 3rd place with 14. Stuart was on the tail of the leaders with 18 points and well clear of the mid fleet...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A good mornings racing in fairly mild and sunny December conditions.
Thanks to Andy for calling the line and completing the race sheet...................... Thanks, Geoff
Vic Buck Trophy Series Results 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from the Vick Buck Trophy Series - Wed IOM.
We had a magnificent series entry of 18 members.
If everyone turns up one day we will need to have a serious think about the race arrangements ! Perhaps we should practise HMS !!
John H was in first place Mel in second place followed by Mark in third. There are some close results in the middle of the fleet. As you can see the penalty for not completing at least 6 events is very high with just 2 discards.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Mince pies and prizes next Wed should attract a good entry......... Thanks, Geoff
Wednesday 13/12/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM , round 8
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from last Wed. Apologies for the delay. There were race sheet queries to sort out !
We had an excellent turnout of 11 members for this event, but the numbers reduced during the day for various reasons. John H took first place with 7 points followed by Eric and myself in 2nd and 3rd with 15 and 21 points........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Series results to follow.
Cheers, Geoff
Lady Jane Trophy Series (RM) 2023
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the Sunday - Lady Jane Trophy Series (RM) 6 events were completed..
We had 1 cancellation on 6/8/23 (event 2) due to high wind.
We had 8 entrants in the series. Congratulations to John H who took the trophy with 8 points. Vinnie and Derek were in 2nd and 3rd places with 11 and 14 points. .........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks, Geoff
Sunday 10/12/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 7
Six enthusiastic RM sailors were joined by an RO team of John C, Paul and Mark on a bright sunny morning.
A standard triangle sausage course was laid in the lighter than forecast SW breeze and two close races were held before the break. Unfortunately whilst we relaxed the breeze did too, swinging south, getting even lighter and casting wind shadows across the course. 5 skippers attained a first place during the morning with positions regularly switching in the unpredictable and frustrating conditions.
Everyone was more than happy to pack up at seven races giving Vinnie the day on tie-break from me and Derek a close third.............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Overall Results for New Wednesday Series 3, 6M Autumn Series
Dear All,
Please find the att. results for the Autumn Wed 6M Series
8 events were completed with no cancellations.
We had an impressive 13 entrants which shows the class is very healthy.
Congratulations to John H who dominated the series with 8 wins with 6 to count.
Vinnie and Trevor were in 2nd and 3rd places.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks, Geoff
Wednesday 06/12/23 New Wed Autumn Series 3 for 6M, round 8
Dear All, Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find a light westerly breeze and a clear blue sky.
We started with 5 members. Mike arrived for race 3 and I retired as my winch was making some pretty awful noises.
Six races were completed.
Vinnie laid the course with a beat to the west followed by a run / reach to a wing mark to the north east followed by the final beat from the start line.
The conditions were challenging with many shifts and holes.
John took the win with 7 points with Vinnie and Trevor in 2nd and 3rd places with 8 and 14 points................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very pleasant winter day's sailing.
Cheers. Geoff
Sunday 3/12/2023 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M, round 7
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find overcast and damp conditions with a light Southerly breeze. We should not complain. I was at Filby on Saturday and there was no wind and thick fog !
7 members started the racing and we managed to complete 8 races. The coffee break after 2 races, was inside, as it was cold and damp ! With the Southerly breeze direction a running start course was set, going to a leeward gate followed by the beat to one of the start marks and then round a couple of wing marks to the west. Then a beat to the finish. The beat was challenging and shifty and there were many place changes and close finishes. Stuart only completed 2 races following a mishap with a broken lifting hook. Mel took first place with 7 points followed by John and Vinnie with 11 and 16 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for the mark recovery and Mark for acting as RO
Cheers................................. Geoff
Wednesday 29/11/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM's , round 7
Five extremely keen sailors gathered on a freezing, wet and windless morning to gaze at the mirror calm broad. Just as we wondered if it was worth the trip there was the hint of breeze, which varied from West to North and back, a random selection of buoys with multiple start options was laid.
Vinnie lead us around the agreed course and as the still light breeze steadied to WSW this proved to be case in every race.........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
After coffee Sun appeared and despite the lack of breeze it really was pleasant.
I managed to wake up after three races but was well beaten by Vinnie as were everyone in the tight battle for top three places.......................... John
Sunday 26/11/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM's , round 4
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
9 members sailed today's event with Robbie and John C acting as ROs.
The westerly breeze initially looked very light, but John H set a course well out to the north and the breeze there held up well for the whole morning. John H took the win with 15 points followed by Mark and Mel with 17 and 18 points respectively.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A chilly but very enjoyable morning's racing with 10 races completed.
Cheers...... Geoff
22/11/2023 New Wed Series 3, round 7
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
A magnificent turnout of 10 members enjoyed a great morning's sailing for the 7th event in the Autumn 6M Wed series. We arrived to find a light southerly breeze and John laid the marks to give a running start to a gate.
It was tricky in the light airs ! After 2 races we took the coffee break and fortunately the breeze filled in to give much better sailing conditions for the next 6 races. With 10 boats the mark rounding could be a challenge ! John H was the winner with 5 wins and a 2nd counting giving 7 points. Vinnie was second with 2 wins and 4 seconds - 10 points I came 3rd with 5 3rds and a 7th counting - 22 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The consistency is interesting - not something I manage very often !
Thanks to John H for the mark laying and recovery. ......Geoff
19/11/2023 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M, round 2 ( recovery 9/7 )
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find dry conditions with a westerly breeze a bit lighter than forecast. The rain held off thruout the morning, so conditions were quite pleasant.
There was good turnout of 9 boats and 9 races were completed with 3 different race winners. John H dominated with 6 wins and 8 points followed by Mel and \Stuart with 14 and 26 points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for laying the marks and Robbie, John C and Mark for covering RO duties.
Cheers, Geoff
15/11/23 Vick Buck Trophy for IOM, round 6
Dear All,
Please find att. today's results.
We arrived at Filby to be find a fresh westerly breeze which was marginal no 1 rig. Some went for the no 1 rig and others the no 2 rig. By coffee break the breeze had increased slightly and everyone chose the no 2 rig. 8 races were completed with some close racing and 3 different race winners. Mark took 1st place by one point from John with Mel in 3rd place....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John C treated us all to tea or coffee to celebrate his birthday. Happy birthday John
Thanks to John H for laying and recovering the marks and John C for acting as RO.
Cheers, Geoff
12/11/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 3
Dear All,
Please find att. today's results.
Today 10 members arrived at Filby to find the mist clearing but little wind. After some debate, it was decided to try a race. It was a struggle ! The wind did not fill in and eventually 3 races were completed. So with no discards and 10 entries the penalty for a retirement or DNF was high. John took first place followed by Mark and Vinnie.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John H for the mark laying, recovery and John C for acting as RO.
Cheers, Geoff
8/11/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 6
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to find it very wet with a Southerly breeze which was lighter than the forecast 40 mph gusts. John set a running start to a gate with a wing mark following the 1st lap beat The beat was shifty and challenging with many places being changed near the finishing line.
The finishing order was John, Mel and Vinnie. Although the drizzle persisted thro the morning the racing was enjoyable and 6 members managed to complete the 10 races....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John for the mark laying/recovery and course setting. Also Mark or acting as RO Cheers, Geoff
5/11/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 6
Six determined RM sailors gathered to brave the moderate SW breeze with the forecast of rain which thankfully didn't materialise.
I laid a standard triangle sausage course and Mark volunteered as RO assisted by John C and later Barry. Most chose C1 rigs with Michael braving a B and Derek making the correct choice of C2.
Unfortunately after two races Vinnie found his mast cracked and retired with Michael retiring after race 5 as the breeze increased. Much fast and close racing ensued with Stuart gaining a first place and Derek and Myself sharing the others. The 8th race was particularly eventful with Mark abandoning the first start as Derek got clean away whilst I managed to tangle up the remaining competitors. If Derek had carried on to win and the rest of us didn't finish and we had stopped there he could have tied with me on 9 points, Derek winning overall with most seconds. However on the restart I managed another win thus taking the day...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
1/11/23 Vick Buck Trophy for IOM round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
7 members enjoyed an interesting mornings sailing completing 8 races in a strong southerly breeze with everyone on the no 2 rig.
John set the course with a running start to a l'ward gate followed by a beat up the broad and then a wing mark to the west, l'ward mark and a beat to the finish.
There were many late place changes on the beat and you could not be sure of your place until you actually got over the line. Mark H was the winner, followed by John and then myself. Paul C was showing good boat speed with a win and 3 second places..........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
In the coffee break John C presented John H with the Jubilee Plate which he also won in 2022
Thanks to John for setting the course and recovering the marks in the rain which had set in for the last race. Cheers, Geoff
Jubilee Plate for IOM,2023 Final Positions
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from the Jubilee Plate series.
It's slightly unusual as you will see. There were 6 planned events, but first 3 were cancelled due to weed. Thus there are no discards.
With 14 entrants in the series there was a high penalty if you missed an event ! So John is the winner with 2 wins and a 2nd. Mark is second with 6 points followed by myself with 16 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
Cheers, Geoff
Broadlands Trophy Winner..
John Hanton and John Carment in a familiar pose .
Just incase you missed it the first time.
29/10/2023 Little Audrey Trophy Round 6
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
9 members sailed 9 races as part of the 6M Little Audrey Trophy series. The wind was from a generally Southerly direction, but variable in strength and direction.
John H was the clear winner with 7 wins counting. Mel was 2nd with 17 points closely followed by Stuart with 19 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Vinnie and Mark acted as ROs and tried a couple of course changes during the morning.
Cheers, Geoff
25/10/23 New Wednesday Series 3, round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
6 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in a light, but steady N to NW breeze.
Mark kept the grey matter active by various course changes. John dominated the results with 6 wins from the 8 completed races. Mel was second with 14 points. Trevor and Derek tied for third with 16 points, but Trevor takes it with his win.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
22/10/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM, round 2
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing. 10 members arrived at Filby today for round 2 of the Heron Trophy Series for IOMs The weather was kind. with a gentle NW breeze which held up well for the whole morning.
John set a triangle / sausage course which provided some good sailing in pleasantly warm conditions.
2 races were completed before the break which included the AGM. After the break a further 7 races were sailed. John took the honours with 5 wins and 11 points. Mark was in second place with 13 points followed by Vinnie with 17 points. There was some very competitive racing mid fleet....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS.
Thanks to all for help with the gear recovery etc................ Cheers, Geoff
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CLICK HERE FOR BRYC facebook page....... Broads Radio Yacht Club | Facebook
18/10/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM, round 4
Five hardy sailors braved the forecast high winds for round 4 of the Vic Buck Trophy. Vinnie laid a Triangle/Sausage course and John C volunteered to be RO.
The wind failed big time to live up to expectation with very few hairy No2 rig moments and many more swirling, fluky No 1 legs. Everyone had chosen No2 rigs however and kept them throughout. Vinnie unfortunately suffered major radio issues and after a few attempts at completing a race had to pack up. Racing was close with three different winners and runners-up, Neil achieved a third place. A win in the final race gave me the day over Mark by a single point with Mel third.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
15/10/2023 Broadland Trophy for RM
Six sailors arrive on a bright sunny but somewhat chilly morning to complete for the Broadland Trophy.
A triangle/sausage course was laid into the Westerly breeze. Robbie kindly offered to be RO and was assisted by Mark.
There was a variety of choice between A and B rigs. Derek with his B rig won the first race but the wind dropped for the second, leading some (me) making an unwise choice to A at the Tea/Coffee break. In race 3 the breeze increased such that most changed back to B or Lower and John C decided to retire as he only had A. Before the start of race 6 Derek unfortunately stumbled into the broad getting quite damp and drowning his transmitter. The breeze became very unstable switching from West to North and back so after 8 races we decided enough was enough. I took the day with Vinnie runner-up, Stuart was third and Derek fourth....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS...... .......John
11/10/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 4
Nine keen 6M sailors assisted by Mark as RO were at Filby today for the Wednesday Autumn Series event.
Weather was kind with breeze most of the time and only an odd spot of rain. I unsportingly took all the top spots but there were many close battles for 2nd and 3rd spots with five skippers making 2nd and six achieving 3rd. I took the day with Derek runner up followed by Mel and Raymond. Despite some good scores towards the end by Trevor,Vinnie took the tie for 5th by having a 2nd place........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS................John
8/10/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 5
Seven hearty Marblehead sailors keen to battle the negligible Southerly breeze were joined by Mark, Robbie and Neil.
I managed to lay some sort of course and Robbie kindly volunteered to be RO.
It was really a day where results were more about minimising mistakes than anything else. I took 4 top spots, Vinnie 3 and Derek 2, the majority made it onto the top 3 at least once. At the end Vinnie took the day with Derek second................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
We'll done Mike who completed all races due to a new TX/RX and thanks to all who cleared up after I had to leave early for work....................... John
4/10/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM, round 3
10 members arrived at Filby today and sailed 10 races in a light westerly breeze that varied from very light to fairly strong gusts.
The course was a standard port rounding triangle and sausage.
There were 5 different race winners, but Mark was clear winner with 5 wins and 11 points. John took second place with 21 points. Trevor and Vinnie both had 34 points Both had 1 win and 1 second. Vinnie takes 3rd place by having 1 3rd race place....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very pleasant mornings sailing with a good turnout. Thanks to John who set the course and all who helped with the usual tasks. Cheers, Geoff
1/010/2023 Heron Trophy for IOM , round 1
An outstanding number of eleven sailors gathered to take advantage of the promised warm and sunny morning.
The breeze was as forecast from the SW and Vinnie kindly laid a course which by necessity was to the left hand side of our area.
John Carment took on the Role of RO assisted by Mike who also doubled as rescue boat driver and Mark recovered.
Two races were sailed before tea/Coffee which was funded by Raymond in celebration of his birthday. Many thanks Raymond!
A further seven races followed, Vinnie gave us all a chance with a string of radio and winch problems. Racing was very close and six sailors managing top three places....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
More practice required in big fleet racing especially at the windward mark.
Thanks to John C, Mike and all those who helped to put out and take in all the gear................... John
27/09/2023 New Wednesday Series 3 for 6M, round 3
Eight keen R6M sailors gathered on a warm sunny morning with little reliable breeze.
Buoys were laid around the sailing area in the hope a course could be found somewhere.
Mark didn't bring a boat and volunteered as RO and Michael's temperamental transmitter failed in race 3.
In the very challenging conditions only 6 races were completed and these were pretty frustrating. I proved to be luckiest overall and the next three places were separated by just three points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
As usual an improved breeze was arriving as we packed up.............. John
24/09/2023 Lady Jane Trophy for RM, round 4
Four enthusiastic sailors were joined by Mark Holt and John Carment for today's RM event.
Whilst the breeze blew steadily across the Car Park it was a different story on the water which made for both exciting and frustrating sailing, varying from heavy C to light A conditions around the course. Mark kindly performed RO duties (apart from the times he was proving that any boat could win).
Everyone was happy to finish after 9 races with B rig, short fin winning the day followed by A rig, long fin...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
20/09/2023 Vic Buck Trophy for IOM , Round 2
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing. 6 members arrived at Filby wondering what to expect having seen the forecast. The wind was strong and gusty from a southerly direction which created some very challenging conditions. I had a winch loop line problem and Vinnie brought the wrong transmitter, so there were 4 starters who managed to complete 8 races.
If you were good at spotting shifts and gusts, this was the day for you. Mark was first with 9 points with John and Mel equal on 11 points, but John took 2nd with 3 wins...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John who braved the conditions to lay and recover the marks.
Cheers, Geoff
17/09/2023 6M Little Audrey Trophy Round 5
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing which John kindly processed.
I left early - just before the sky opened up ! I understand the rain brought an end to the day's sailing. It was very heavy !........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
During the morning Mark lost a rudder and Mike had radio problems. It was good to see Mel sailing again.
Cheers, Geoff
13/09/23 6M New Wednesday Series 3, Round 2
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing. Six members enjoyed a pleasant mornings sailing in very gusty conditions which generated an awkward chop. With 7 races completed there was only 1 discard.
John was the clear winner with 6 wins counting. 2nd and 3rd was a tie on 17 points between Vinnie and Barry with Vinine taking 2nd as he had a win.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
Norfolk Trophy 10th September 2023
Dear All,
Please find the attached results for the 2023 Norfolk Trophy.
It was a challenging day; but hopefully successful. We arrived at Filby to find very light wind which changed in direction continually. Combined with 16 entrants and a single fleet or HMS decision to make, the RO (Vinnie) was always going to be busy.
In the end it was HMS in the morning and single fleet in the afternoon.. The breeze was better after lunch and the single fleet enabled the completion of 8 races thus giving 2 discards. It was good to welcome visitors from Northumberland and Milton Keynes who were on holiday in the area, Roger Errrington from Killingworth MYC took 3rd place. There were 4 different race winners, but in the end it was 3 wins and consistency that gave Colin Goodman the Trophy with 12 points, followed by Ben Harker with 14 and Roger Errington with 17 You will see that down to 6th place it was still very open on the last race....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John Carment presented the new Norfolk Trophy to Colin. John made the Trophy.
After the saga with the last Norfolk Trophy rumour has it that it's fitted with a tracker !
Many thanks to everyone who helped with the preparation and running of the day.
Cheers, Geoff
6/09/2023 Vic Buck Trophy Round 1
Dear All
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
Seven members enjoyed a very pleasant mornings sailing in a gentle, but remarkably steady breeze. It was around 2 from the NW and held up for the morning enabling 11 races to be completed. Vinnie was the winner with 12 points followed by Raymond with 23 and myself with 25. There were five different race winners.........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Apologies to Mike who generously bought the teas and coffees to celebrate his birthday only to be rewarded by us starting the next race without him !
Cheers, Geoff
3/09/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 6...FINAL ROUND
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing.
11 members arrived at Filby to be faced with very light wind from the west. This made for challenging, but interesting sailing. Unfortunately, Vinnie had a rudder problem so only 10 sailed.
John set traditional triangle - sausage course marks with s'board rounding. With the very light wind we just sailed one triangle lap and finished on the second beat.
5 races were sailed John took honours with 4 wins followed by Mark with 4 seconds. I managed third spot with 10 points........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A good turnout and a pleasant morning.
Cheers, Geoff
Wednesday 30/08/2023 New Wednesday series 3 Round 1 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the att results from today's racing.
We had an excellent turnout of 11 boats and managed to sail 8 races in a NW breeze which held up fairly well. John H took first place with 9 points followed by Vinnie and Derek with 13 and 17 points...........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
John C presented Mark with the IOM Old Codgers Trophy during the coffee break.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing away.
Cheers, Geoff
Sunday 27/08/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round for RM
Six keen RM sailors gathered on a somewhat overcast morning with a steady WSW breeze. A triangle/sausage course was laid and after the difficult A or B rig decisions two races were sailed before tea break.
We were joined by Mark testing his new IOM and Neil with his Dolphin. Mark and John C shared RO duties.
After our break the sun came out and breeze increased so everyone but Andrew and Trevor (running long fins) were on B rigs. Racing was very close with everyone taking top three places. Vinnie unfortunately had to pack up early. I managed an overall win with Andrew close behind and Derek sneaking third from Stuart by one point.............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 23/08/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 9 for IOM
Dear All,
Today 8 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in light NW breeze.
This was the 9th and last event in the IOM series for the Old Codgers Trophy.
We completed 8 races. Series results to follow.
Mel took first place with 9 points, closely followed by John with 10 points and then Mark with 12. There was some close racing and finishes down the fleet............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Neil signed up as a member so we welcome him to the club races.
Thanks to John C for acting as RO and John H for putting out the marks, setting the course and then mark recovery. Results attached Cheers,........... Geoff
Sunday 20/08/2023 Little Audrey Trophy Round 4 for 6M
Eight club sailors and one potential new member arrived to brilliant sunshine and a steady South West breeze. The normal Triangle/Sausage course was set and eight closely fought races were completed.
Four skippers attained a second place, and a similar number a third.
During the morning the breeze became less stable leaving some dead spots across the course and around marks making the resulting group rounding's difficult.
Geoff unfortunately suffer damage to his kicker and missed the last two races.
I managed an overall win with Derek beating Mel to second by two points...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 16/8/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 for IOM's
Dear All,
Please find att. results from today's sailing. 5 members enjoyed a pleasant morning's sailing in a very light NE breeze.
We only managed to complete 7 races in the fickle and challenging breeze. John H was the winner even after leaving early !............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to John C for acting as RO.and Liz for the pictures
Cheers, Geoff
PORTER CUP for RM's...... Click Here for FINAL RESULTS
John H getting Porter Cup from John C

Sunday 13/8/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 5 for IOM's
Today a good turnout of 11 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in the Jubilee Plate Event for IOMs. The wind was lighter than forecast and very variable in strength and direction. Quite challenging conditions with plenty of holes and shifts to catch you out. Unfortunately. John Carment had RC problems and retired from the first race and then could not sort the problem out.
John Hanton took the honours with 4 wins and 9 points followed by Vinnie and Mark with 11 and 15 points...........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Wednesday 9/8/2023 Old Codgers Trophy for IOM's
Dear All,
10 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in a a very steady NW breeze which held up well. We managed 3 races before coffee and 7 more after the break.
Mark took the honours with 5 wins and 3 seconds giving 11 points. Vinnie took second place with 4 wins and 4 12 points. Andrew took third place. ....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Sunday 6/8/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round 2 Cancelled..due to weather
Wednesday 2/8/2023 Series 2 for 6M Cancelled..?
Sunday 30/07/23 Little Audrey Trophy for 6M
Dear All,
7 members sailed today in a strong and blustery NW breeze. We managed to complete 9 races, but there were some gear failures.
Derek seemed to manage the conditions better than most and had 5 wins and 2 second places to count giving him 9 points. He was followed by Mel in 2nd place and Mike in 3rd place...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
Wednesday 26/07/23 Sailing Results IOM Old Codgers Trophy 7
Dear All.
This morning 6 members enjoyed a very pleasant morning's sailing in an ideal force 2-3 NW breeze which held up well for the whole morning. The course was a starboard rounding rectangle and sausage which produced some very close racing and finishes.
With 2 discards, Mark dominated with 11 first paces counting from the 13 completed races. Geoff and Andrew followed with 34 points Results attached........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
........... Geoff
Sunday 23/07/2023 Jubillee Plate Round 4 for IOM
Dear All Please find the att. results from today's racing.
9 members sailed today in somewhat difficult conditions. Initially No 1 rig was the choice, but as the morning progressed and the wind increased, it was 100% no 2 rig.
The racing was interrupted for a while to allow Barry to recover his boat, which was entangled with Trevor's. This then involved John and Trevor taking a second boat to assist. Not sure what actually happened behind the spit ! Mark ended up in 1st place with 13 points followed by John with 15 points. The 3rd , 4th and 5th places were very close.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
Wednesday 19/07/23 Wed Series 2 Round 7 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing. 6 members sailed today in a very light NW breeze.
We managed to complete 6 races round the triangle and sausage course and there was some close racing. John won all 6 races with 5 points followed by Mark with 15 points and Derek was in third place with 16 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Andrew for acting as RO and recovering the marks.................. Geoff
Sunday 16/07/2023 Lady Jane Trophy Round 1
Five adventurous sailors were greeted with a sunny and dry morning and a breeze which varied from extreme to nothing. Most chose a C1 rig with Andrew making the correct choice of a C2.
Eight close races were sailed with Mark as RO and John C as assistant. Robbie joined us for coffee.
Success depended on avoiding the bouys, each other, the one weedy patch and not breaking anything.
In the end Andrew took the day on tie break from Vinne and I managed third. Trevor kindly boosted the fleet despite having to leave early for another event....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
In the main weed was little problem apart from in the top right corner which we can avoid so all looking good for continuing with the program................. John
Wednesday 12/07/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 6
Dear All,
10 skippers arrived at Filby to resume sailing after the weedy season break. The breeze was westerly at the top end for no 1 rigs, but the strength varied during the morning.
Barry had a jib sheet failure and did not start, but sailed some races with Vinnies boat on the No 2 rig.
Mark dominated the racing with 7 wins followed by Eric and Mel in 2nd and 3rd places. | The racing was very enjoyable in the good breeze and although there was some weed, it did not spoil the racing...............................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and packing up and to John C for acting as RO.
We will now sail as per the published sailing programme.............. Thanks, Geoff
Dear All,
As per earlier note we will resume club series sailing on Wednesday 12th july.
This will be the 6th event in the Old Codgers series for IOMs as per the club programme.
Please reply to my e-mail if you plan to sail.
I plan to be there......... Geoff
Sunday 9th July (Little Audrey Round 2 cancelled) WEED TEST
Seven sailors keen to test out the sailing conditions were rewarded with very little weed, 5 races with a decent breeze and 1 final very soggy race with next time no breeze. 3 different winners and 5 different runners up showed how close the racing was.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very enjoyable morning ( until the soggy bit ).
Thanks to Andrew for being RO and testing the course with his RM indicating we should be fine to sail IOM on Wednesday. John
Wednesday 14th July
Dear All,
A small group of us (JC, JH, VZ & myself went to Filby today to do some work on the club boat. The weather was pretty well perfect and working under the large Oak tree was a pleasure. Unfortunately, the weed is still present so it was a good opportunity to do the work.
Thanks to Vinnie for supplying a piece of marine ply for transom seat/thwart.
Thanks also to John who has made a replacement for the long lost Norfolk Trophy.
Pictures attached.
Weather permitting, we plan to do some painting next Wed. So if you feel like wielding a paint brush or need a coffee/chat that's the plan.
Cheers, Geoff
WEEEEEEEEED !!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like Bill......or Ben
Dear All,
As the weed seems to have arrived, it seems that the best plan to achieve sensible racing will be with 6Ms.
John's last notes cover the recent weed experience.
Next Sunday's event (28/05/23) will be for 6Ms replacing the programmed IOM event which is cancelled. Please reply to all if you intend to sail... I intend to be there. ..Thanks, Geoff
28/05/2023 6M (Replacing cancelled Jubillee Plate for IOM's)
Dear All.
7 skippers sailed today's races in a pleasant northerly breeze which held up reasonably well through the morning. Unfortunately, the weed is now quite bad and pretty well all boats picked up some weed in every race.
In spite of the weed we managed to complete 8 races. John took the honours with 7 points followed by Mel in second place with 11 points. Barry was third with 20 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Andrew treated us all to tea/coffee in celebration of his birthday. Many thanks. Thanks to Raymond and Andrew for covering the RO duty and scoring. We have decided that the weed now prevents series events in all the classes, so until further notice sailing is on a casual basis. Thanks, Geoff
24/05/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 3 for 6M
5 skippers today all keen to enjoy the gorgeous sunny morning, more than forecast breeze, and to find out if the weed had reached 6M height.
Vinnie kindly laid a Triangle/Sausage course into the NW breeze and with some practice rounds showing little weed effect two races were sailed before tea.
Derek's weed beating special was great for the first race but suffered in the remained as the breeze increased. Mark joined us at the break and took on RO duties. A further seven races were sailed. I managed to take the day with Mel second and Barry third on tiebreak from Vinnie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone for packing up after I left.
Whilst most pick up some weed in all the races it was limited to small strands and didn't restrict performance, it remains to be seen what happens in less breeze. I don't think IOM or RM would be viable until the weed dies back and suggest we carry on as long as we can with 6M....... John
21/05/2023 Porter Cup Round 7 for RM
Five fearless skippers arrived to battle the threatened weed and were greeted by a cold dull broad and a moderate breeze, two made an immediate trip home for C rigs.
Mark Holt kindly took on RO duties and battle commenced.
The C rigs proved worth the trip as together with short fins it was actually possible to complete the course. Second rounds were tricky as the weed collected made it difficult to tack. Vinnies very short IOM fin looked easiest to handle but balanced with the C3 was slower on the reaches. The promised sun came out eventually and 8 races were sailed. I came out on top with Derek second on countback from Vinnie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
We can give 6M a try on Wednesday but I don't think IOM and RM will be worthwhile until the weed dies. John
17/05/2023 Old Codgers Trophy for IOM
Dear All
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
Today 8 skippers enjoyed a very pleasant mornings sailing. The generally Northerly breeze held up well, but unfortunately we are starting to see a fair bit of weed.
It was good to see Matthew back and he took the win with 12 points followed by Mel with 14 points. John and myself tied with 19 points, but I took third place with 2 wins....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Raymond won the last race giving 5 different races winners.
14/05/2023 Shearwater Open for 6M
Dear All,
The Shearwater Open for 6Ms was sailed on Sun 14th May at Filby. We had 12 entrants with 4 visitors. Unfortunately there were 2 visitor withdrawals due to personal circumstances. The fleet was of a high standard with 4 entrants scheduled to sail the Nationals, at Fleetwood, in early June.
The wind direction and strength provided a real challenge to Vinnie, who was RO. It varied during the day from very light to zero ! Most of the time it was generally Westerly. In spite of the conditions, eight races were completed with some very close racing thro' the fleet.
Graham Bntock dominated the day with 5 wins and 7 points with Vernon Appleton in second place with 19 points. Mel Catchpole was 3rd, also with 19 points, but Vernon had 2 wins...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Many thanks to Vinnie, Stuart and Andy who made up the race team.
John Hanton has won the ED Series from the Harwich and Broads results.
The Shearwater Trophy and ED Series Trophy are both with Stephen Wheeler who could not attend. They will be collected by John when he visits Hernry Farley this week.
Cheers.............. Geoff Josey
10/05/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 2 for 6M
Dear all Please find the att. results from today's racing. Today we had 7 skippers sailing the second event in the new Summer Wed 6M series.
The breeze was mainly westerly, but light and variable in strength, so we only managed 6 races.
John dominated the day with 5 wins counting and Mark was second with 1 win and 11 points.......................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and everyone who helped with the equipment set up and collection. .................Cheers, Geoff
7/5/2023 Porter Cup Round 5 for RM
An amazing 8 RM skippers braved the dismal forecast for round 6 of the Porter Cup. They were rewarded with a warm sunny morning and a light A rig breeze that slowly increased.
Vinnie guessed a course before the breeze had steadied and this proved to be absolutely correct. There was very close racing with three skippers taking first places with most achieving at least one place in the top three. Bernie sailed one of Fred's sale bargains and it went very well as the breeze increased. After 9 enjoyable races, I made top spot with the tie for second taken by Vinnie from Andrew with lower discards on the HMS countback..............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Mark for RO and everyone putting out and returning the kit. 6M on Wednesday which somehow missed the calendar and 6M Shearwater Trophy next Sunday............ John
3/5/2023 Old Codgers Trophy Round 1 for IOM
Eight keen sailors eventually gathered on a bright and slightly chilly morning for the first round of the IOM Old Codgers Trophy.
Vinnie kindly laid a windward/Leeward course in the mostly Easterly breeze with a very even Leeward gate which lead to some tricky decisions.
Trevor made a Stirling effort to be there after early morning puncture and faulty spare wheel escapades.
Racing was very close with a tricky beat to the first mark and erratic breeze on the downwind legs. Everyone managed good and bad results with slimy weed and go slow reeds playing their part. Three of us managed two firsts but Mel took the day with better consistency over myself and Mark...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks all for an enjoyable morning. Sunday is RM, next Wednesday 6M and Sunday 14th the 6M Shearwater Trophy. There is still time to enter............ John
30/04/2023 Whitbread Trophy Day 5 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing. We had another great turnout of ten boats on a beautiful Spring day. The SW breeze did not let us down and we completed 10 races.
Unfortunately, John forgot his ballast and thus did not race. However, many thanks to John for laying the marks, setting the course and acting as RO Bernie took the honours (I think) from Mark. It's interesting as they both have 5 wins, 2 seconds and 1 third ! The win in the last race secured it for Bernie...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The racing down the fleet was very close and hopefully everyone enjoyed a very pleasant day's sailing.
Cheers, Geoff
26/04/2023 New Wednesday Series 2 Round 1 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing. We had a magnificent entry of 10 boats for today's event. The wind was light from the South / South West direction, but it moved a lot during the morning.
John took the honours with 8 points followed by Mel with 14. In spite of the light wind, we managed to complete 7 very competitive and enjoyable races...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Barry entertained us by launching his boat in his shoes i.l.o. waders !
At the break, Vinnie presented a trophy to John as winner of the New 6M Series (Spring)
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and John for Mark recovery plus everyone else for tidying up.
Cheers, Geoff
Photos .....thanks to Geoff
Vinnie being presented with Frozen Fingers Gloves by John
Trevor needs some Nicker elastic OR has come up with new sail plan
John first round leeward mark in 6M race
Egyption geese at tropical Filby
23/4/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 5 for IOM's
Today we had a good turnout of 9 IOMs for the final event in the Barry Gailler Trophy Series. Unfortunately, my boat, which is usually dry, seemed to taking on a lot of water. Still not sure why. but I did not want to risk it so, we had 8 entrants for 8 of the 9 races.
The wind was from the South and of variable strength and direction round the course. The rain held off until we were packing up. Vinnie took the honours by just one point from John. There was some very close, competitive and enjoyable racing in the whole fleet...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
At the break John Carment presented Vinnie with a pair of gloves as winner of the Wed IOM Frozen Fingers Series Results att. Series result to follow. Cheers, Geoff
19/04/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Final Round for IOM's
This week seven intrepid sailors gathered on a gloriously sunny morning, BUT, this week the NE wind was chilly,moderate and gusting hurricane ( I exagerate somewhat for dramatic effect !). Mark was trying to get everyone to put the B rig on but unusually no-one took a blind bit of notice and put their A rigs up instead.
Vinnie set a good course as he often says but the windward mark proved to be close to a light swirling patch of non-wind (no fault of Vinnie's) which caused several comments through out the races based on the phrase " I was bleep, bleep first and now I'm bleep, bleep, bleep last !" But all seemed to enjoy the day and friendly racing was conducted throughout.
Vinnie, Mark and Mel started the first 3 races best of all. Mel had problems later on but Marc and Vinnie continued to slug it out for first place. It was great to see Raymond who obviously hasn't lost his touch.
Vinnie managed to edge Mark for first place and sailing was fair, friendly and fickle ( it's worth it for the alliteration, classy what ?) .........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and everyone else for helping get stuff out and away.
I really enjoyed the day.......Eric
16/04/2023 Porter Cup Final Round for RM's
Six keen sailors gathered on a gloriously sunny morning which unfortunately lacked a decent breeze. Vinnie put out a course based on what the wind seemed to be doing most of the time and this was used all morning. Mark joined us early on to run the day, assisted after the break by Barry.
Racing was very close with difficult starts as the breeze often died as the countdown ended. Luck paid its part as well as managing to clearly round the marks and avoid floating weed...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks all for a very pleasant morning.......... John .
12/4/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Final Round 6 for R6M
Dear All,
Please find the results from today's racing.
We had another good turnout of 6 member to sail the final event in the New Wed 6M series.
Fortunately, the forecast high winds and rain came later in the day and we enjoyed a very pleasant morning with a SW breeze. Generally SW, but at times it came from most other directions as well, which provided some tricky, but interesting sailing conditions.
John took the honours with 6 wins followed by Vinnie and Mel...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Series results to follow.
Please bear in mind that for the series the same discard system applies as for the day racing.
ie. Unless we have 8 events there is only one discard.
9/4/2023 Whitbread Trophy Round 4 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find the attached results from today's racing. There were 6 boats sailing, but it would have been 7 if I had not managed to break my rudder when removing the boat from the car. The breeze was from SSW and fairly light. There was some good competitive racing with Mark winning having 9 points closely followed by Mel with 10 points. Vinnie was 3rd with 13 points.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks, Geoff
5/4/2023 Frozen fingers Round 5 for IOM
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing. 6 members arrived at Filby to find a very pleasant spring morning. The breeze was SSW, so Vinnie had a challenge to set a long first beat. he managed a short one and avoided a running start. Mark just managed the win with 12 points followed by Vinnie with 13 points and John on 14. The racing was very close and enjoyable....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
It was good to see Barry recovering well and thanks to him for acting as RO. Thanks also to Vinnie for the course setting and John for the mark recovery.
Cheers, Geoff
2/4/2023 Barry Gailer Round 4 for IOM
Dear All,
Please find the att. results from today's racing.
We arrived at Filby to be greeted by a fresh and very chilly breeze from the NE The disturbed wind,over the trees, created some challenging conditions which were top end No 1 rig in the gusts.
Mark took the honours with 9 points closely followed by John on 10 points. Derek was in 3rd place with 18 points.
Cheers, Geoff
29/3/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 5 for 6M
Dear All,
We had another good turnout with 8 boats racing. The wind was a light SSW which made setting the course quite tricky.
John was the clear winner with 7 points, followed by Mel and Vinnie with 18 and 21 points. There was very close racing thro' the fleet with some tight finishes.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for the course setting and John for the mark recovery.
The rain held off until the final race so the timing was good ! Cheers............. Geoff
26/3/2023 Porter Cup Round 3 for RM's
Six sailors braved the dismal forecast for the RM Porter Cup round 4. In reality it was dry and mostly sunny but with a very chilly breeze which at times was over B rig and yet could manage windless holes.
As usual two races were sailed before tea with Myself and Derek taking the honours. After the break a further 8 races were sailed with Vinnie finding top gear for 5 wins, conclusively taking the day. Derek and myself battled for the other top spots but despite me having more wins Derek beat me to 2nd place by 1 point with better consistency. 4th place was also close with John C beating Trevor by 1 point...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Andrew unfortunately had to pack up after race 4 as his boat was taking on more water than could be drained between races.
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and Mark for taking over the line and scoring............ John
22/3/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Round 4 for IOM's
Today we sailed the 5th event in the Frozen Fingers Wed series for IOMs.
6 intrepid members arrived at Filby to find a drisly,wet, day with less SSW wind than the forecast. No 1 rig was the clear choice. The wind held up through the morning, but was very shifty. The Sun came out after coffee and it became a very pleasant end to the day.
John was easily the clear winner with 3 wins and 3 second places. Mel & Vinnie tied for 2nd and 3rd places but Mel takes it with 2 wins.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
..... Cheers, Geoff
19/3/2023 Whitbread Cup Round 3 for 6M
We had a splendid turnout of 9 members racing. Unfortunately Mike suffered some damage on a Wed and was unable to race. We would have made a magic 10 with him.
The wind was a light Westerly, which provided some good, close, racing. 9 races were completed. John took the honours with 5 wins and 9 points counting. He was followed by Mark and Bernie in 2nd and 3rd positions................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to everyone who helped with the equipment - especially Andy who was not racing, but did the starts and collected the marks.
Just for info. I have put a standard Futaba charger in the shed for club use. It will charge both Tx and Rx if you have suitable connectors and batteries.............................. Cheers, Geoff
15/3/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 2 for 6M
Dear All,
Please find attached results from today's 6M racing.
Seven members enjoyed some very close racing in a SW breeze which held up thro' the morning, but there were plenty of holes to cause problems.
Bernie and John tied for first place with 11 points, but Bernie takes the 1st place with more wins. Vinnie was in 3rd with 15 points............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
... Cheers, Geoff
12/3/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 3
We had six members today for this event which was sailed in a moderate South Westerly breeze which held up well and 8 races were completed.
It was No 1 rig with some broaching gusts. After the cold spell it felt quite mild.
John dominated with 7 wins, but there was some close racing down the fleet. ...CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Unfortunately, John C had some electrical problems
8/3/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Round 3
4 hardy souls managed to sail 8 races in a very chilly north easterly breeze which was challenging with plenty of shifts. Mel was the winner with 5 wins. Vinnie was "sorting" his new boat which is a Kantun 2 ? - not a Pikanto.
Cheers, Geoff
Photos by Liz
Thanks Liz . Sorry they're late......Eric
5/3/2023 Sunday Porter Cup Day 2 for RM's
I was well behind schedule this morning and, having driven though a hefty rain/sleet downpour at Blofield, wondered if it was worth the trip.
At Filby however it was dry with some sunshine and a slightly shifty A rig Westerly breeze. Those who arrived earlier had everything set up and Derek was kindly setting out a course which was no easy feat as the wind swung more Southerly every time he returned to the bank.
Two races were sailed before tea when Derek moved the buoys again. Trevor decided to give his TX a bath and spent the next two races drying it sufficiently to regain control...good those flysky. Another 8 races were sailed after the break, three shared the wins and three achieved third places which made for some close competition, think Trevor's TX was faster after the wash. .............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Great to be joined by our new member Stuart who, although not racing, completed the course every time and by Mark Holt who helped with scoring.
Thanks all for a great morning.................... John
1/3/2023 Wednesday New Series 1 Day 3 for 6M
Another very good turnout of seven boats who sailed in a fresh , but very cold, Northerly breeze.
Nine races were completed with John again the clear winner with 7 wins counting. There was some good close racing down the fleet with Bernie in second place. Mel and Barry were in third position, on equal points, but Mel takes it with his 2nd place.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
26/2/2023 Whitbread Trophy Day 2 for 6M
A very good turnout of eight boats who sailed in a fresh Northerly breeze (with holes).
John was the clear winner with 5 wins and a second counting....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
There was some good close racing down the fleet. Cheers, Geoff
22/2/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy day 2 for IOM's
There were 6 members present for a pleasant morning's sailing.
The rain kept off and the light breeze held up well enabling 8 closely contested races to be sailed. Vinnie was the clear winner followed by Mel with Trevor in 3rd position.......CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Cheers, Geoff
19/2/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Day 2 for IOM's
9 sailors gathered on what started as a rather dull morning for the IOM Barry Gailer Trophy round 2. Vinnie laid a course for the Northerly breeze which then decided it might head west a bit.
8 boats made the water and 7 the first race. After two races we stopped for refreshments the sun came out and Vinnie kindly brought the far buoys closer which also helped as the wind direction shifted. There were many close tussles throughout the fleet, more than half of which gaining top three places. After a total of 11 races just two points separated the first three.................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
The sun stayed with us and despite being a bit chilly it really was a very enjoyable morning.
If anyone has found a large pot cover it is Geoff's.
IOM again on Wednesday.
15/2/2023 New Wednesday Series 1 Day 2 for 6M's
Dear All,
It was a good turn out with 7 boats racing. The southerly breeze was light and variable in strength. John was a clear winner, but Mark and Mel managed to take a win each.........CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for setting the course and to John mark collection plus a a long trip to recover the drifting red mark........................ Cheers, Geoff
12/2/2023 Porter Cup trophy Day 2 for RM's
cancelled due to lack of wind
8/2/2023 Frozen Fingers Trophy Day 2 for IOM's
We arrived at Filby to find thick fog and a very light, but a possibly just sailable breeze.
An early coffee break was taken. The fog cleared, but the breeze died completely so sailing was abandoned. Cheers, Geoff
5/2/2023 Whitbread trophy Day 1 for 6M's
We arrived at Filby today to be greeted by a fresh and very chilly westerly breeze.
There were 3 new 6 metres :- Vinnie's Cerebus John's Ravenna and my Romanza.
Also we had four other 6M's. Unfortunately, the strong breeze found teething problems with the new boats which resulted in 9 races being sailed with only the sorted boats. Mel took the honours.
...........................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Those not sailing enjoyed very enjoyable discussions on 6M design and set up.
Thanks to John for the mark laying and collection and Andy for completing the race sheet.
Later in the season we have the potential to turn out a fleet of 10 6Ms which must be good........
Cheers, Geoff
For Sale
I am having a determined effort to sort out things I do not use. I recently bought back my Widget, which I sold to a friend about seven years ago.
I then sold the boat to Kevin in the Norwich club. As you probably know, he flies helicopters and already had his own radio equipment.
The Tx is "as new" complete with manual and original box.
The Rx is brand new as the old one was kaput. I have just bought it from The Sussex Model Centre for just over £20
The TX has EPA.
You can Google the Tx and it retails for around £110
So it's a - Tactic TTX 650 (6 channel) & Tactic TR 625 receiver.
It's £50 to a Broads or Norwich member before I put it on the MYA site and e bay.
Can it go on the club site please ?
Thanks, Geoff
15/1/2023 Barry Gailer Trophy Round 1 for IOM's
To say today's sailing was "eventful is probably an understatement.
We arrived to find a strong SW breeze which required a decision - 2 or 3 rig ? Derek led the move to No 3 rigs which turned out to be a good choice for the morning.
After 2 races and the coffee break the wind increased, so it was really only No 3 rigs which were suitable. Later in the morning the wind eased a little. During the morning there were many retirements, gear failures, late arrivals etc., but John, Mark and Derek led the fleet. The final result was very close with John taking the win with 12 points. Derek also had 12 points, but fewer wins. Mark was third with 13 points....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
There are 11 names on the score sheet so an excellent turnout. Apologies if there are any errors on the result sheet ! It was soggy sheet and Mikes no 3 rig had been in the box for so long that he forgot that it was 5 and not 31 on the sail !!
I think Liz has some good shots of IOMs travelling fast. Cheers, Geoff
PPS Dear Liz, could you send me any PIcs ...please, Eric
11/1/2023 Wednesday Series 1 Round 1 for 6M
The first of the Wed R6M series. The weather started with a lighter than forecast breeze, but this freshened as the morning progressed and conditions were excellent. There were 5 members competing and John was dominant winning 7 of the 8 races. Mel managed to snatch 1 win. There was some very close racing in the rest of the fleet............CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Thanks to Vinnie for the course setting and RO duty.............. Cheers, Geoff. Don't forget IOM's next Sunday 15/1
8/1/2023 Porter Cup Round 1 for RM's
Four sailors enjoyed a bright and sunny morning with a Southerly breeze which built up as we raced. Due to the wind direction a running start followed by a triangle and beat to finish was laid and 14 short races were completed.
Racing was very close with everyone getting some good results.
A severe gust flattened the fleet in race 9 breaking my main sheet, the rescue and repair of which unfortunately took 3 races. Thanks to Mark for the string. Vinnie was most consistent only drifting out of first or second place once. Andrew won the battle for third from Trevor.....CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Barry and Mark joined us during the morning and assisted with starting and scoring, just need to get them RM. John
4/1/2023 Frozen Fingers Round 1 for IOM's
Hi All
Eight sailors arrived today keen to enjoy the bright sunny weather and blustery wind. Unfortunately, I was the first casualty of the day having left my transmitter at home so only Seven started the Windward/Leeward course kindly laid by Vinnie.
The gusty wind proved very testing of both boat and skipper.
The combination of Mark and the Italico was most successful with Vinnie and Mel in close contention. Sadly Raymond had to retire early on with broken shrouds. Eight exciting races were completed, with gusts in the last few proving too much for the B rigs everyone had chosen.....................CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A great morning of racing.
Happy New Year to all our members and friends