Welcome to the BRYC NEWS 2018
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Just a note to say ‘thank you’ for the effort you all put in to make last night a success. It was a change for us to turn up & not have to deal with things - like the trophies !! We enjoyed the meal & especially the company; it really is a ‘nice’ club.
I enjoyed the evening too but had to rush off, apologies for that but again thanks to the organisers, a real good evening. Eric |
09/12/2018 IOM XMAS TROPHY The new results app is proving useful as we are able to do the results on a phone and award the prizes at the end of a day. A Christmas pud went to Pete as the winner and a bottle of wine to John who finished 2nd It was an interesting day's racing - very close and fast. Geoff was the only one on the 2nd rig at first, but others changed as the wind got up. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
02/12/2018 RM Series 2 Day (4) Report to follow CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
25/11/2018 IOM Series 3 Day (6) Well done Vinnie in the last race of the season. Muscled in at windward mark.....AGAIN?
18/11/2018 IOM Series 3 Day (5) Well done Peter for winning this day and our IOM SERIES 3 ...............
11/11/2018 R6M Series 2 Day (4) We had a testing morning at Filby. A gusty southerly that kept swirling. Boats were flipping from one tack to the other by themselves. Mel Catchpole won the day with a very consistent performance in testing conditions. WELL DONE MEL! CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
BRYC Newsletter from our Secretary Nov 2018
The Xmas Dinner and Presentation Evening is to take place at Filby Bridge Restaurant on Friday 7th Dec 1900 for 1930. The meal will be £18 per person which needs to be paid to me in advance.
Spouses / Partners / Friends are very welcome to join us for this Social Evening. The bar will be open during the evening.
As usual the menu will be a two course meal with a choice of Roast Turkey , Steak and Kidney Pudding or Fish & Chips With either Xmas Pudding , Cheescake or Ice Cream Coffee and Mints
As the main restaurant will be in full swing during this evening we have been asked to make our menu choices in advance.
Could you please let me know asap if you are attending, your menu choices, and if you have any dietary requirements as we will need to inform the chef.
If you were fortunate to receive a Trophy at last years event could you please return them to Geoff so they can be presented on the evening.
Club Membership fees are due on the 1st December. At the AGM it was agreed that they should remain at the same amount as last year.
BRYC membership / £35
MYA affiliation fees / £14 ( for those who do not pay this at another club)
Membership Fees / Xmas meal money can be paid to BRYC by
a cheque, or cash to me on sailing days. Pay by BACS if you wish using sort code and account number in recent e-mail.
Please let me know if you pay any money by BACS as I have yet to get access to Internet banking on the club account.
4/11/2018 IOM Series 3 Day (4) A beautiful day at Filby and a good turnout with 10 boats taking part. Looks like close racing with 3 boats winning all races and only three points separating 2nd place, Bernie Guest, from our winner on the day...PETE SUTTON. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Interesting to see that race 2 of IOM Series 3 was cancelled due to "inufficient snos". Don't get many of those around these days ???
28/10/2018 RM Series 2 Day (3) A beautiful day at Filby. Looks like good racing with Vinnie dominating most races he started. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
A very successful work party took place at Filby Monday morning with most of the tasks being completed. Thanks to all those who attended, from Neil and the committee.
21/10/2018 IOM Series 3 Day(3) A SSW flukey breeze greeted the intrepid sailors and a good course was set by our RO for the day Michael Howard in demanding conditions. Usually in such conditions the cream of our sailing expertise rises to the top but in this case it was lucky Eric "the fin" Curtis. Partly due to 5 of the competitors choosing not finishing all the events. CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS
Broadlands Trophy RM Open meeting . Broadlands Trophy was won by Alf Reynolds from Chelmsford Click here for results
Please note-- Our secretary has changed. Neil Cousins has taken over from Peter Sutton. Thanks Peter for all your work and effort!
Neil can be contacted at neil_BRYC@btinternet.com
03/09/2018 Another beautiful day at Filby enjoyed by 10 or so boats. We should be thankfull for such surroundings . LET'S ENJOY ! (not argue).
All welcome There will be a work party at Filby on the morning of Mon 15th October starting 0900 to carry out repairs to the shed roof, refurbish the steps to the broad and install a hand rail next to the steps. The cafe is closed on Mondays so there will be no coffee or facilities onsite. All materials should be onsite but basic tools may be needed.
30/09/2018 R6M Series 2 Day(3)A westerly (ish) wind greeted the intrepid sailors for the third day of the R6M Second Series.Ro for the day,Eric, set an excellent first course but proceeded to ruin it by making the skippers sail in strange directions around the bouys.Virtually sailing a different course for each of the 8 races. John C was not impressed, BUT with a brisk breeze and a slightly less fluky wind everyone seemed to enjoy the day with Terry Burton coming out on top. Click here for results.
Broadland Trophy
Marblehead Open Meeting
14th October 2018
Hosted by The Broads Radio Yacht Club
Venue :- Filby Bridge Restaurant
Ormesby Little Broad
NR29 3AA
Briefing – 0945
First race – 10-00
No race to start after 1600 and any race in progress at 1630 will be abandoned.
Entry fee £5.00
Entry closes 11th October.
MYA SS’s will be used
Competitors should note that they will be required to undertake to race in compliance with the RYA RACING CHARTER.
To enter please either use the MYA on line entry form or
e mail Geoff Josey at -------g.josey@sky.com
Next Sunday 30th September R6M's. AND........ Eric is RO. Inspite of that would all R6M skippers not affected by caffeine poisoning last Sunday PLEASE turn up ! Second thoughts, even if you did suffer from caffeine poisoning last week................TURN UP WITH YOUR BOAT !
Unfortunately Sunday 23rd was cancelled due to the weather ( do not click here for results ), but many were seen in the area, by police (not Terry), high on probably the most dangerous drug of all..........................caffeine. A drug that the infamous...Coca Cola Corp. put in their drinks. Cannabis is next on their list. What will the "Coffee Club" do then? I hate to think what depravities they will sink to next. Watch this space on BRYC NEWS !!
We move on ...next Sunday 23rd September IOM's again.
More News from Alan Bright in a Measurers Tale.....click here to go straight there
16/09/2018 IOM's Norfolk Trophy
The day started with a forcast of a brisk SW breeze but it actually veered back and forth from SE to WSW with a little NW thrown in for good measure. This made the RO's job very difficult and Neil spent a lot of time on the water trying to get the best course for the unruly sailors. He did a good job in almost impossible conditions. | ![]() |
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You would wan't to walk past this lot in a dark alley ! BUT..... looks can be deceptive and we all had an enjoyable, if difficult day. |
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.................Second Vinnie Zammit |
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Thanks to all our visitors for coming to our Club. We really hope you had a great day! |
Well done race officers , competitors and organisers. |
Next Sunday.....fresh South Westerly. Get those IOM's dusted, polished and ready for a cracking days racing next week.
Notice of Race
Norfolk Trophy & EDCS 5 IOM Open meeting
16th September 2018
Hosted by The Broads Radio Yacht Club
Filby Bridge Restaurant
Ormesby Little Broad
NR29 3AA
Briefing: - 09.45am
First Race: - 10.00am
No race will start after 4.00pm and any race still in progress at 4.30pm will be abandoned.
Entry fee: - £5.00
Entry closes on: - 13th September 2018
MYA SSI’s will be used.
Competitors should note that they will be required to undertake to race in compliance with the RYA RACING CHARTER.
Please include:-
Full Name, Sail number, Boat model, Boat number, Mya number, radio frequency, contact phone and e-mail address in an entry.
To enter please use the MYA on-line entry form or e-mail Peter Sutton: peterandcheryl@virginmedia.com
09/09/2018 RM Second Series Day(2) Bernie Guest and Terry Burton shared the 12 Races fairly evenly throughout the day with Bernie just pipping Terry by 1 point in a most enjoyable days sailing. Brilliantly RO'd by Alan Bright and Beryl who set an interesting course in a difficult SSW ish breeze AND managed to get 12 races completed with very few fights. Well done! Click here for results
02/09/2018 IOM Second Series Day(7) Another beautiful and exiting day at Filby. Fickle SSE wind with Nigel, Terry and Eric in close contention for the IOM Second Series! Click here for results
26/08/2018 R6M Second Series Day(2)
No report/comments as yet, except WELL DONE BERNIE GUEST!. Click here for results19/08/2018 IOM Second Series Day(6) An overcast day with a brisk SW - W with a bit of WNW thrown in now and again to keep it interesting. RO for the day, John Hanton, did a great job setting a course in fluctuating conditions and kept the rabble under control in a very professional manner..The rabble sailed the first 2 races with No.1 sails ( Eric won both). Then we all changed to No.2's ( Eric came last) with Marc dominating the remainder of the races " with a rubbish boat ". Marc finished an impressive day 1st overall with Eric and Nigel 2nd and 3rd. Click here for Result.
IOM's start this Sunday 19th August with the 6th race of the 2nd Series. See you there!
A summer of weedy confusion is hopefully now over.
Cancel that !!!! Special series cancelled due to weed !!??????????
8/07/2018 Day (1) Special Series ........CLICK FOR RESULTS
************************Very little weed at Filby !!! **********************
New, Special Series over Summer for IOM Starting this coming Sunday ..( 8/7/2018) for 5 weeks only.
See Programme for details of this SPECIAL offer !!
1/07/2018 Another beautiful day at Filby ( a Sunday with IOM's) I pipped Nigel for a change.Details to follow Click for results
24/06/2018 Another beautiful day at Filby ( a Sunday with R6M's )Details to follow Click for results
20/06/2018 Another beautiful day at Filby ( a wednesday )
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I think its pregnant Neil ! |
Photos from Geoff ( David Bailey) Josey | ![]() |
17/06/2018 IOM Second Series Day (4) After a sluggish first race Vinnie went on to win 6 of the next 11 races. ( He was lucky in all 11). Noo! An impressive set of results on a most enjoyable day. Close , competitive racing was the order of the day in a steady( No. 1's) westerly ..ish breeze. The day was brilliantly RO'd by the ebullient Neil who set a great windward ,splitter, gate course ( if such a thing exists) and reduced most of the fights to only a couple of rounds. Well done Vinnie Zammit .Click here for results
13/06/2018 Informal practice Informal practice racing took place at Filby today (Wed 13/06) and there was no evidence of weed to spoil things so we will bring the event scheduled for the 22nd July forward to this coming Sunday, 17th June. It is the IOM Second Series (4). I imagine that the weed we expected to be present in the broad has failed to materialise because of the cold spring and lack of sunshine.We will continue to bring scheduled events forward - so the R6M Second Series (1) scheduled for the 29th July will be sailed on 24th June, the IOM Second Series (5) will be sailed on the 1st July and so on until weed stops us. I hope this is clear but if anyone is unsure about it please ask. Cheers, Pete Sutton.
03/06/2018 IOM Second Series Day (3) Hi Eric, Missed you lake side today. Very little wind but I managed to escape most of the weed everyone else was collecting and the boat was flying.
Nigel Featherstone went one better than on the 20th May and won the day...Congratulations. Click here for results
Can I ask you to put on the web site the following please.Gareth is looking for a used no 2 & 3 rig that might be right for his Isis. Just in case the wind ever gets up.Also I am looking at the possibility of getting a 6M so if any club member is thinking of selling please bear me in mind.Also does any one have a spare 6m that maybe I could have a trial sail with next Sunday. Regards, Nigel Featherstone
27/05/2018 Last Race in RM Series 1 ....... A fickle Filby Easterly. Led to some interesting results but the cream rose to the top in the end with John Hanton claiming 1st and Bernie Guest 2nd. The day was brilliantly RO'd by Cheryl Sutton who's race result sheet is probably the neatest I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Click here for results
20/05/2018 IOM Second Series Day (2) Eleven boats turned out and Terry Burton won the day BUT, I think the performance of the Day was our own NIGEL FEATHERSTONE who came 2nd. Sign of things to come? Well done Terry and Nigel. Click here for days results.
13/05/2018 IOM Second Series Day (1) Another good turnout (12 boats) on an initially grey day at Filby. The wind was WNW....ish (left to right) and Terry set a classic course. A bit of an up and down day. No one dominating totally. Peter Sutton was most consistent and won the day by 2 points from Alan Bright who was 2 points in front of Eric Curtis. A really pleasant day excellently RO'd by Terry. Click here for days results
6/05/2018 Shearwater Trophy for R6M
Click here for REPORT .........and here for RESULTS
22/04/2018 IOM Day(7) Final Day Series 1 Mike Howard achieved 3 wins during the day but Eric Curtis won the day with probably more consistent places. Click for days results. AND it looks like PETER SUTTON won the First Series.
15/04/2018 IOM Day(6) GREAT TURN OUT Twelve boats enjoyed, probably, the warmest sailing day of the year. The Breeze was ENE.. ish and the day was brilliantly RO'd by Michael who set a good course in difficult conditions.John Hanton won 4 of the first five races and pretty much secured the day there and then, but , wins in four races by Pete, Eric and Vinnie(2) kept him honest till the end. Neil, after a slow start, showed better form towards the latter stages and I thought Marc was going to do well after a late start but, perhaps, the lack of regular sailing had its effect. Overall a really enjoyable day and a superb coffee break! Click for days results. Can people remind me to take photos on the day please . I keep forgetting, sorry. The IOM First Series is not cut and dried! Unlike Manchester City...Terry can be caught....exciting. Lets have a good turnout for the last race in the series next week! PS. old photo......we don't give a bottle of wine out every week..............although .........I could suggest it to the committee...
Knowing that some of our members are interested in fishing I have included this letter to me and included the link in our links page.
Hi Eric,
My name is Ted Begnoche, founder of FisherMansToolbox.com. While browsing for fishing related websites I came across your resource page at: http://www.broadsradioyachtclub.co.uk/links.html and have to say I was extremely impressed with the many great resources your site displays! Specially the http://www.amya.org/ and http://www.sailsetc.com/ ones!!
FisherMansToolbox.com is a place where we review helpful equipment such as depth finders and other tools that help fishermen make the most of the time they spend on the water. We’re crazy about fishing!
I would really appreciate it if you would consider including my site on your resource page as I believe your readers would certainly benefit from our informative articles.
Please take a look and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
I look forward to hearing back from you and many thanks for your time.
Kind Regards,
Ted Begnoche
8/04/2018 RM Day(2) NNE .....barely a breeze was frustrating for many,but absolutely brilliantly RO'd for the first time by Eric the fin, who kept a tight rein on a group of quite stroppy sailors! (lol). Tight fight between John and Bernie with Bernie Guest shading it on countback. Well done Michael for perseverance! Click here for days results
FOR SALE.... For Sale ...For Sale...R6M ....6metre modified Tias design,ready very good top suit ,carbon mast spare sails Carry cradle £400. No tx or rec. email ....terryb523@icloud .com....or call 01493 854687 .........Cheers Terry
25/03/2018 IOM Race (5) .....(4) was cancelled A good days competition brilliantly RO'd by John who set a triangle and sausage course away from the shore into a NNW ish fluctuating breeze. The first 3 places were covered by 2 points... Terry on 22, Vinnie 23, Bernie 24 ......over 12 races......very close! AND...well done Nigel Featherstone for an excellent first race. Nice too see self regulation and turns being done ...even without request. Special mention must be made of the top 3 who led the way in this respect too...well done!
Letter from Nigel Featherstone
My brother and myself have just moved to the area from Pembrokeshire and will be joining you on the water once we have sorted our new home out in a couple of weeks. I already have a boat and have sailed at Swansea MYC the past ten years and before that at Dartmoor but we are looking for a beginners boat for my brother so that he can join me on the water. I have sailed a couple of times at your club as a visitor in the past and know Bernie quite well.The reason for the email was we where wondering if you could put a piece on the club web site asking if any members had a boat for sale suitable for a beginner. Look forward to meeting you lakeside in due course. ............contact ...... 01603 782854.............. OR.......... nigelandgareth@gmail.comRegards, Nigel Featherstone
25/02/2018 IOM Race (3) There were just six skippers who braved the cold easterlies this morning. A welcome stranger back to one metre sailing was Bernie Guest, so unusual was it to see him Terry asked if he was lost! Alan Bright as RO set a straight windward leeward course with a gate at the leeward end, all racing was fairly close inshore due to the sheltering effect of the trees not having too much effect although some skippers thought otherwise at times, especially when they sailed into the inevitable Filby hole! With 1 race sailed, won by Bernie, proving a well sailed older design (Topico) can mix things up against more modern boats. Terry won race 2 just beating Neil sailing his Robot design. After coffee, Tony decided it was warmer in the cafe and stayed there! Racing continued with Vinny providing everyone with a laugh during the morning, his catalogue of errors reads like a pantomime! First he sailed with loose shrouds, then his rudder was out of alignment, then his mainsail luff was not set up and finally he hooked the start mark and towed the buoy around at the start of another race, He finally got his act together winning races 4, 6 and 7. Peter had mixed results but managed to win race 5. With everyone getting very cold the racing stopped after 8 races were completed with everyone's welcome agreement.Thanks ALAN Click for days results
Week after, 4/3/2018 is just practice sailing at Filby BUT............. THE YARE CUP ( EDCS2) for IOM's at Norwich on Sunday 4/3/2018. Get MYA No., Sail no., boat model, Frequency,emergency contact no., to Vinnie ASAP! ..vinnie.zammit@gmail.com
Next week is IOM's 25/02/2018.
18/02/2018 RM Race 1 A nice sunny day? Filby hole played its usual game ,wind 1 - 2 mph from sea, flat calm , no movement .Course set by Mel the R O was a triangle rounded to starboard twice. Only four boats all things considered racing was close . Bernie had a one metre keel and lead so he got fantastic acceleration which gave him the day. Bernie fairly comfortably won day? Winning 5 out of 8 races.( Thanks Terry). See results
11/02/2018 R6M Race 1 A nice sunny, dry crisp morning. The wind a favourable westerly but unfortunately was a bit stronger than we would have liked. It varied from 18mph to frequent 35 mph gusts.
Many Thanks to Vinnie who arrived early to help me set a course.
The strong wind made setting the course challenging as steering the boat where you wanted it to go, and dropping buoys in the required places was not the easiest of tasks.
Four competitors turned up so racing commenced at 10.00.
All boats seemed to be rigged with their smallest set of sails but even these were too big when the gusts came. Boats were often laid flat, submerged or virtually uncontrollable.
Two races were
completed before coffee with John winning both. Not bad with a set of sails hastily cut down the previous evening.( Did Bella have anything to do with this?) The racing continued in the same manner. There were often mishaps and infringements but all the skippers completed penalties without hesitation.
John performed well and again took the next two races.
After a slight break to empty out water and adjustments to their boats rigging Terry started to show great pace and after two very competitive races managed two wins.
The wind was increasing and unfortunately both Bernie and Michael were having boat problems which forced them to retire. An early finish was then decided upon.Click for days results. The conditions on the day were extremely challenging but all skippers provided spectacular and entertaining racing for the spectators on the day. Report by Neil
Sunday began with a very strong westerly wind, about 20 mph gusting to 30 at times. Neil, the RO, set a windward leeward course with a gate. Sad to say there were only 4 boats. Cant tell you who won but it was close racing . All of the boats took on water. Bernie was the first to retire followed by mike. JOHN and I had a chat and decided not to continue as boats were getting damaged. Neil did a fine job as RO but it was quite an ordeal for him getting the bouys in. Thanks to all for a very interesting day sailing the big boys( where was Liz !!!). Terry
Click here for this years sailing programme (if you can't be bothered to move your mouse/finger a little to the left !!!!)
Disclaimer When I said that sailing resumes on 11/2/2018 with the BIG boys I was in no way implying that Elizabeth was not included or " a BIG boy" or in any way trying to put down a member of the female gender( can't be too careful in the current climate). If these comments are inappropriate then.............sorry.
07/02/2018 The restaurant (have learned to spell in last 3 weeks!) opened today and the COFFEE club resumed its activities. Pleasant chat but windless ...............Terry had not had his usual beans on toast for breakfast!
Best wishes to Val from us all at Broads Radio Yacht Club
Winter break is upon us ...Restaraunt/resteraunt........cafe closed. Resume on 11-2-2018 with the BIG boys ....Six metres start Sunday 11-2-2018
14/1/2018 Last IOM race before winter break. Wind was South East ish,cold, gentle, holey( you know what I mean) and flukey. Terry was RO, setting a good a course in difficult conditions, and conducted the day in a friendly, professional manner.
Pete did it again claiming 5 of the 7 races, only seven due to time constraints. Vinnie and Eric sharing the other 2. Click here for days results.
Geoff Josey suggeats alternative racing when weathers bad but then adds controversial ageist comment!
"Gig racing has become very active on the Blackwater with teams from a number of sailing clubs. Alas, I think most of our members are a bit mature to take part."
I think Geoff should be removed from all executive posts in the club and banned from talking to anyone over 60. Who does that leave??........... .......NEIL ! (so Neil says)
Next Sunday...2nd IOM race of the season.......Will Pete Sutton prevail again? OR will some of the other big hitters sort their act out and give him some competition................Who knows.
Hot of the press from Alan Bright!
7/1/2018 . A cold,sunny, dry day with a brisk,blustery North-Easterly wind greeted the nine intrepid sailors who started the first race of the First IOM Series. Admirably RO'd by Elizabeth and her beautiful assistant Bernie.
Pete Sutton quickly showed his class by winning the first 3 races from which point he coasted to a Day(1) win. Well done Pete! Click for results.
Start of a new year! Happy new year to one and all! Lets have a great years sailing.